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When to expect promotion results?


"When will I see the result of your work?" - a common question in the work of any SEO-specialist (as well as a question on the formation of services), and at the same time it is not always easy to give a concrete answer. In most cases, to answer it, two main factors should be taken into account: the first is the age of the site , the second is the level of competition for requests for which the site is promoted.

There are many other factors affecting the "speed" of advancement, but I consider them to be secondary. There is also a difference between new and converted or reformatted (URL) sites. How long does my site get into the index?

When working with "fresh" domains, at best, the first three months , and usually from six to nine months , your site will not have a sufficient level of "trust" (trust) from the search engines, this greatly complicates the promotion of highly competitive queries.

In order to speed up the process of acquiring the necessary “ trust ” with the site, regularly fill your site with original and high-quality content, increase the link mass, but at the same time, follow the “cleanliness” of the links so that they are from similar in area, authoritative resources with high seo-indicators .

regarding the subject and indicators, it’s still more focused on burzhunet, for Yandex (at the moment) is not always correct. THOSE. other donors are also working. Although the future is certainly the correct recommendation, it is believed that the RuNet is lagging behind in development.

Naturally, if the structure of your site does not contribute to good indexing (the internal pages are located at a large link "depth" of the main page) and incomprehensible content, then all your efforts will be in vain; therefore, independent promotion of the site requires great efforts.

When you have to work with sites after optimization, do not rush to encourage the customer with high results. Promising transcendental results in the finals will lead to frustration and discontent.

It is necessary not only to predict the expected "minima" and "maxima" of the effectiveness of your work even before the start of optimization, but also to amend them after the site is fully included in the index, then the overall picture of progress will be clearer and we can objectively talk about the expected results. .

How long does my site get into the index?

Recently, we helped restart the site with thousands of pages. The main level of directories was gone, and the redirect before start was impossible to make.

Within four hours after the launch of the project, we began to notice the appearance in the sickle of the pages of our site, and several from different levels of nesting. Within the first 12 hours, Googlebot walked around the site and over 1000 new pages were added to the index. Yahoo was not so fast, which was to be expected. And we monitored the indexing of our site by the MSN Bing search engine for the first time, the result was quite satisfactory.

As a result, we saw that search engines ignore non-existing URLs of your site, if they stumble upon a 404 error, or you put these directories in the robots.txt file as closed from being indexed. Fortunately, other pages were indexed properly.

unfortunately, the situation with the 404 error is not straightforward and often you have to make efforts to remove these pages from the index, but this does not mean that you need to ignore robots.txt

If the main page has high rates, then when promoted by high-frequency queries, its redesign should not cause any damage to its position in the sickle. It is always much more preferable that outgoing links from it are on the internal pages of your site than on other external sites.

How difficult is it to maintain the position of the site?

Even for new domains, if they are promoted by unique brand names, it should not be difficult to get into the top positions in search results, although it is not always the case when promoting the Rosetta brand we had to sacrifice the position of Apple which had a product with the same name. The easiest way to promote new sites for low-frequency queries , new sites have every chance to get them to the highest positions.

: if the promotion question is rather urgent (is there a concept of urgency in our business?), Then you can use the drop domains or buy out the old domain (the old one not only in WHOIS).

To have a clear idea of ​​how search engines rank your site after its redesign, make a list of selectively keywords among which should be both highly competitive queries and queries for which there is little or no competition and track their positions on this basis. You will have a clear picture of what is happening and you will be able to draw up an action plan to improve your strategy for promoting each specific request.

Another great benefit of such monitoring is that you can find out how much search engines trust your domain, in other words, the level of its trust .

How does site redesign affect traffic?

Unfortunately, there is no exact answer to this question. You should always expect a small drop in traffic, even with good optimization.

Simply put, the lower in the sickle your low-frequency requests drop after site redesign, the greater the impact on search engine traffic. Therefore, the main thing to strive for is to ensure that the positions of your site on key (most traffic-generating requests) after redesign, at best, do not fall or drop slightly.

The best way to follow a project after its launch is of course an analyst. Use " Google Webmaster Tools " and " Yahoo Site Explorer " to analyze your sites, and based on the data, develop new strategies to improve the position of your sites in search engines. We should not forget that analytical tools for webmasters work well only if they are properly configured, so that valuable information is filtered from 404 reports, or unnecessary pages.

as applied to the Internet, it is also Yandex.Webmaster + software package for tracking positions.

And finally, poor optimization is probably the biggest enemy in the process of seo-work on the site. What may seem to you insignificant and secondary as a result can be very significant in the battle for positions. Therefore, do not ignore even the most insignificant at first glance things. Each of these "little things" in the amount forms a common seo-face of the site.

When collaborating with a seo company, or if you have your own seo team, do not forget about the analogy with the “fear of flying”. When you are afraid of air travel, simply ask the pilot, " Will we fly safely? " CEO specialists who work on your projects are no less interested in achieving the desired positions as soon as possible, but unlike you, they have a clearer idea of ​​what is happening.

For new sites , task number one is to take positions on low-frequency queries and long phrases; concentrate mainly on promotion in a local search, where the main target audience is concentrated. After six months, the site will acquire the necessary trust and other promotion strategies can be applied.

For sites that have undergone a redesign, the first task is not to lose their positions on high-frequency queries, since they are the most traffic-generating. The following is raising the level of trust for new pages of the site.

Also, do not forget about the constant monitoring of the whole site in order to understand how the search engine works with your site and on the basis of this to build a future promotion strategy, and to have a clear idea of ​​how soon you will be able to reach the top.

Frank Watson ends his thoughts with these words:
My clients always ask how long the promotion will last, and it is always difficult to answer this question. The level of competition, the age of the domain, and "brand" (the name of well-known companies and products) are three things that I look at first, after which hard work begins.

Existing analytical tools can help a lot. One of my clients ordered the promotion of his site, we worked together for half a year. The most interesting is that some of the requests for which I did the promotion appeared on the first issuance positions several months after the termination of our cooperation. Words have no sense of time.


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Terms: seo, smo, monetization, basics of internet marketing