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Using Adwords and Search Engine Traffic to Increase Link Weight


In the analysis of traffic over the past 12 months, I noticed the appearance of several important links to the internal pages of the site.

The best content is not necessarily published on these pages, but they rank very well in search engines and search traffic affects links.

Some pages had more weight, because they had more PR than the main page of my site.

So, the idea of ​​this post is that by writing high quality content, we can get traffic to it from Adwords , and then, those who like the material will leave backlinks . This will increase our domain trust and overall ranking. Under the top links we get brand promotion and increase in the number of readers.

So, how do we do this all?

The best way is to show you all this with an example.

Please note that I have not used this method before, but I intend to do so soon.

One of the most popular pages on SEO wizz is the post "Bing SEO", it was a small comparison of a young search engine with a powerful Google, in order to see if we can find the key differences.

Using Adwords and Search Engine Traffic to Increase Link Weight

on request "Bing SEO" and brings quite a bit of search traffic.

Using Adwords and Search Engine Traffic to Increase Link Weight

Visitors who came from Google started to link to the article and as you can see, PR 4 turned out from about 80 links. Some of the links are on the PR6 pages and possibly one with the PR7.

Search is not social

The important thing to remember is that the visitors who left the backlinks came from a search engine, these people were looking for information about Bing and its ranking sites. So, what stops us from promoting low frequency queries to Google and getting relevant traffic to the best posts?

Select post

Choose a post that you think will be able to bring backlinks that will be interesting to people.

Then, enter a few keywords in the Google keyword tool. It will display a list of keywords.

Using Adwords and Search Engine Traffic to Increase Link Weight

You will soon see how easy it is to pick up cheap keywords, but how do you think, will you get at least 10 quality backlinks for? 10 per month?

Be smarter

Not all of your content is worthy of links; we all highlight the post of the week.

Choose content that can cause at least some social interest, content that will be of interest to other webmasters, not customers.

Yes, bloggers and webmasters are also Google in search of interesting information, which can be yours.

Also, do not select high-frequency requests or not relevant requests , because you will not receive links from content that is not interesting or useful to users.

I’m sure it works and I’m going to do it on 5 pages next week, I’m also thinking about doing it on customer campaigns.

Let me know what you think about it or maybe you have already done it.

this was done earlier in direct. Reference weight not increased, only target traffic. Although, perhaps, the audience was not correctly defined, namely, the end visitors were not bloggers, etc. Who has other results?

I’m really thinking about good methods for building link mass, because I have more and more important clients, and in every niche there are strong competitors who buy links. I try not to adhere to such methods, but it is becoming increasingly difficult to compete.


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Terms: seo, smo, monetization, basics of internet marketing