Indexing problems and ranking subtleties of HF

Let's talk about one trap that many fall into, instead of carefully studying this problem.

SEO wizz is in the top of Google issue for the following requests: "search engine optimization", "google seo", "search engine marketing", "seo consultant" and even "seo" (issue of the UK).

Despite such advances in promotion, 90% of search traffic comes from the so-called "long tail" of keywords - search queries consisting of 2 to 5 words.

For example, the site is in the top 5 of the issue on request "SEO consultant", which, judging by Google statistics keyword tool, has 8100 requests per month across the UK. Do you think that this brings a decent number of targeted visitors to the site?

No, about 35 per month !!!!

What is the reason? Definitely the Google tool does not show the correct statistics, but I think that only those who are trying to advance on this request use this query !!!

And this is no exception. Once brought to the top 2 by the request "mobile phones" ( 5 million requests per month), how many do you think it received ???

Miserable 4500 per month !!! This is 0.09% of 5 million !!

Yes, the Google tool is not accurate and the traffic would be 10 times more if the client was in position 1, but I want to advise all my colleagues to think twice before embarking on HF promotion, because this is not the way popular sites get traffic.

I have a huge list of MF and LF requests, to which I pay great attention and if you want to get a large amount of traffic, this is exactly what you should concentrate on. Of course, strive to get to the top and on HF, but do not forget that your site should have high-quality and accessible content.

Site Indexing

Most site owners who seek to get a large amount of search traffic do not achieve their goals for several reasons:

  1. Content is not unique enough.
  2. The site has few pages.
  3. Bad internal relink.
  4. Bad page optimization.
  5. Located under the filters of search engines.

One of the main problems of many clients is that they are sure that their sites will be constantly well indexed, but it turns out that the opposite is due to poor internal linking or poor quality link mass of the main page.

If you suspect that you have problems with indexing, try to find out the reason as soon as possible.

Log in to your Google Analytics account and look at the statistics of the keywords that you went to your website and compare this number with the number of pages that were used for conversions. For better visualization, I’ll give you my timeline:

  Indexing problems and ranking subtleties of HF

If you see that the number of entry points is not much different from the number of search queries, then you should think about whether all pages are indexed?

The first thing you need to make sure that your site is not filtered by ...

  • Does the site appear in the issuance of a query that matches your domain name?
  • Have you lost traffic for some queries?

If you find something of the above, then most likely your site is under the filter, and you can read about a bit later on how to get out of the filter, but if you didn’t find anything, then move on.

The next thing to check is internal linking:

  • Are there any internal links in the tags <noindex> or with the attribute <nofollow>?
  • How often do you publish new content? (at least 3-4 times a week, and if not - then there is a dropout from the index).
  • Pages are deeper than 3 clicks from the main?

If you want to find out more about indexing a site, you can create a sitemap for each category separately, although you can do it in different ways.

All these actions usually give their results, and by identifying the cause of ignorance by the search engines, you can correct it yourself, but there is one more thing to be remembered ...

If you have a young site with a very small link mass , it is very likely that search engines consider your site to be irrelevant and therefore why should it index internal pages ??

The easiest way to fix this is to create a lot of "easy" links (social bookmarks, directories) to the internal pages of the site.

And finally, the main rule of SEO: if you want to get targeted traffic, focus on indexing pages, and not on the promotion of HF .