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About motivation, goals and their achievement (from personal experience)


  About motivation, goals and their achievement (from personal experience)

Today I would like to touch on the usual everyday topic, which is always discussed by everyone, and it’s not even about the blogosphere, what I’m writing today is related to both the everyday “general” and the “private” in each of the spheres of life ( carefully - in the presence of a mat).

Maybe the post will turn out to be “scattered”, but I hope you will understand this stream of thoughts, which went at 4 hours 27 minutes past night. Fasting will turn out to be quite “personal” and based on my mistakes , which really helped me in life.

Each of us, sooner or later, decides to go a certain way in life, someone goes to study and considers it a ticket to life, someone for some reason or other begins to work right away, gaining experience and experience, and only after that comes to education, but already by himself, already understanding why he needs it.

In our life there are several key questions , answering which we can understand exactly what we want, and on this basis we will set goals to be achieved, choose our motivation , choose methods of achievement , and also reap the benefits of our steps as correct. not so much.

I was born in a small town called Spring, or rather, at the time of birth, it was not even a city, but a village. At one time, a very promising city, which was and remains a “mono-city”, a report about which I saw just a couple of months ago at the “first”, just addressed the problem of such cities, in which the city-forming enterprise “died”.

As they say about us (85 year of birth), some - we are a lost generation , because our school education and our growing up fell on the period of the collapse of the USSR and we grew up seeing all this, and sometimes even participating, the 90s, the formation of a personality, growing up.

Do you want to live - know how to spin

I can not agree with the "lost" generation, but it was both bad and good. Already at that time I learned one very important lesson - “ if you want to live — know how to spin, ” this phrase is very deep, everyone understands it in her own way, but it applies to almost every sphere in our life.

When the system crashed and everyone was left to himself, many remained to work at the same enterprises where they had worked before, but there was no salary, they had to “turn around”, then the “baryazhnichestva” period just started and many did your first capital. I have seen enough examples of successful entrepreneurship, and not so much.

Yes, I understood in those years I was not everything, by virtue of my age, but by the end of the 90s much had fallen into place, I am really grateful to my parents for the “ foundations ” they put into me, as well as for their circle communication, which was really wonderful, friendly.

Among this circle of people were both those who worked in the public sector and those who were engaged in trade, in the broadest sense of the word (from goods to currency).

Around this time I saw examples of motivation , examples of goal setting and means of achieving them , and also fully understood the phrase “ if you want to live, know how to spin .”

Who wanted to live well - worked , who continued to live the old way - went to work . And by the word “ worked ” I do not understand the fact of some kind of action on the part of certain people, but I remember those who sometimes did not sleep in days and nights and “ vybyval ” so that the family lived with dignity.

It was very interesting to observe the division of society into those who were jealous, those who managed to get on their feet, and those who sought to repeat these successes.


Envy, in itself, is not a bad feeling, even a useful one, the only question is what will motivate a person to. Someone will envy and splash bile seeing success, and someone on the contrary will seek to do everything to achieve similar success.

Therefore, do not be afraid to envy, just try to control this feeling , so that you control it, and not you.
So we noted the first thing that prompts action.


About 11 years ago my parents bought me a computer, and Mom was against it, and Dad was in favor, because he himself liked all sorts of new technology. This predetermined my “ path of development ”. It was a computer far from today's capacity, maybe someone else remembers such a thing as an IBM 286.

Interest grew into a hobby, as technology developed - and I developed. Then the Internet came into our life, it was a year of 2000, it was a whole ocean of information, despite the fact that it was not structured as it currently exists on the network.

As we studied the Internet, there were attempts to do something with our own hands, the usual “ home page ” of which is a lot on the Internet, only nowadays they look decent. By my graduation from school, I already knew more or less html , as such, and even tried to draw design for websites myself.

But now it's time to choose a profession, because humanitarian mentality - the choice fell on the area of ​​interest, the Faculty of Law .

  About motivation, goals and their achievement (from personal experience)

Moving to Tyumen , separation from the parents, the first amount for the month, which had to be rationally distributed.


The first amount “ for a month ” was spent in the first week, so very interesting times came. It was a shame to call the Parents and ask for money, so I had to think what to do.

“I always want to eat ” - so hunger was the motive besides studying to do something that brings money. What did I do? - I was able to make websites, or rather “commonality of html pages”, and I learned to do websites in their full understanding later.

He took the first magazine with advertisements and started calling companies, he offered to develop the site. So after 10-15 calls, I received the first feedback and sent some sort of “commercial offer” to the post office.

After that, a control meeting was made in the center of Tyumen, quite easily I received my first salary in the form of $ 100, in ruble equivalent, and the customer received the finished product after a few days.

At that time I didn’t know how to program, and now I’m not a programmer, but there were exits to people who can do it ( many thanks to all my acquaintances from GTT, Denied_Group, DGT ), I still work with some of them.

Therefore, it was decided to organize a studio site and offer site development services. The implementation of the project “MyOnlineStudio” gradually began, only then was it not yet called, it received its name only in September 2004 .

My first desire or motivation was the need for money , but over time this motivation faded into the background, there was a desire not only to earn a certain amount per month, but to occupy a certain place in the market of developing sites of the Tyumen region or at least Tyumen.

  About motivation, goals and their achievement (from personal experience)

The goal is set, the motivation is to receive orders for development not only from small firms, but also from big business. The means of achieving this goal at that time, I did not see, but because Some of the people from the university knew what I was doing, it was proposed to join their initiatives, in the form of an advertising agency and manage the Internet direction .

Perhaps this is one of the brightest moments, because At that time, I began to learn how to sell the product to the end customer , there were only 4 of us in a stable composition, and a few more people periodically participated in a “project-based” manner.

  About motivation, goals and their achievement (from personal experience)

At this time, I got not only invaluable experience in product sales , but also invaluable experience in “getting cones” , because one person was engaged in attracting customers, and other people were involved in implementation, and I was responsible for solving inconsistencies and problems personally to me.

There were times when I wanted to quit everything , because not always everything went smoothly. You wake up at home, in one part of the city (Moskovsky Trakt St., 108), you need to go to the university, but there is still work and several meetings that you had to attend, because you can't help but come to a meeting with a potential customer.

  About motivation, goals and their achievement (from personal experience)

But the horror of how they didn’t want to go anywhere, when this landscape was visible through the window and the presence of severe frost was very strong, and they also terribly beat the thought that the university was visited according to the “residual principle”.

This is the first turning point, which is not always overstepped - these are the first real difficulties and attempts to plan time so as not to be dismissed for being away from university and at the same time earn enough money for a rented apartment and other blessings of life. I am glad that in my life there were several such stages that I overcame, even with “bumps”, but overcame it.

As a result of several inconsistencies and different understandings in the conduct of business, I decided to leave the company and focus exclusively on the Internet direction, since at that time there was enough work in the portfolio to finally start trying to achieve the main goal - to occupy a certain place in the region, like a studio .

Money goes to money. The rich get richer, the poor get poorer.

By the time of separation into a separate business - it was no longer necessary to engage in dialing, calls were available without it, plus clients came under recommendations . Budgets were already not in 100 dollars, but in 1000 and more.

Here I got another lesson, a lesson “big money” and the absence of “legal status” .

An order was received for developing a website for a telecommunications company, quite large, the amount of development was such “ which I will name ”, understanding the level of the company that turned, I considered the amount needed for the project and multiplied by 10 , as a result I received the answer “YES”, but there was a problem with the official posting of this money, I had to turn to old acquaintances who agreed to transfer money through their account for% .

  About motivation, goals and their achievement (from personal experience)

50% received as a prepayment , were distributed fairly quickly - so to speak for the benefits of civilization. I have never received such money before , so I didn’t have experience with “budgets”.

Money is very hard on the head , you need to be able to communicate with them, I even spent what I needed to implement the project. As a result, I had to do a huge part of the work myself, scoring everything for days and nights .

There was a lot of aspiration and perseverance, so the work was ready for the designated deadline (the total implementation period was several months). But then a different situation arose, for the second 50% the company through which I did the wiring, asked for a slightly larger% in the form of a “rollback”. As a result of the disputes, the deadline for signing acts was broken and I did not receive much less than I expected.

It was here that the final decision was made - to legalize , in August 2005, after receiving the next major order and asking for everything to go through, I became an individual entrepreneur and finally broke up with some " partners ."

The path to your goal has been cleared, it remains only to achieve it.

By this time I learned a few important principles of work:

  • Do not work through intermediaries.
  • Do not work with the state. organs.
  • Always take a prepayment of at least 50%.
  • Do not spend a penny of the budget "on yourself" before signing the act of acceptance of work.
  • Do not participate in tenders.

A year later, after legalization ( no, of course I continued, and now I continue to work for black cash, but I have the opportunity to accept payments from firms completely legally ) of a business on the forum, there was a post that confirmed my suspicions that I was approaching the goal and starting to occupy a certain a place in the regional market, because Sergey is quite competent and knows the market quite well.

By 2007, I worked for my own pleasure and had the opportunity to choose customers with whom I wanted to work, although this does not mean having “impressiveness”, I continued to work with small customers that were interesting to me.

At the beginning of the year, a letter came with a proposal to participate in the tender , the letter was sent to the leading studios of the city. I did not want to participate in the tender, so I immediately wrote that I was ready to work, but under certain conditions.

As a result of the meeting, I found out all the information about the company and their requirements, I also knew exactly the participating companies and the amounts that they asked for for their work. Therefore, my preliminary price tag was at this level, the difference in prices between the firms was within 10% .

One of my clients, after the meeting, told me that the director of the company organizing the tender “with his cockroaches in his head” and the project can be quite difficult to implement, and not from a technical point of view, but from a “ bureaucratic ” one.

It was very valuable advice , the amount for the project was decent, but it was calculated from the “normal” approach, not the hemorrhoid client. As a result, I multiplied the amount by 3 times and sent a commercial offer to the client, hoping that he would refuse to see the figure and I would not have to substantiate this refusal with something else, for example, with what I learned about it   About motivation, goals and their achievement (from personal experience)

As a result, I received this order with the amount indicated . To my surprise, the implementation of the project went smoothly, without problems, the walrus was good, because none of the risks that were laid did not happen.

But at the time of adoption of the project and the price, I realized that, most likely, I reached the level I wanted to achieve - I took a certain place in the region, I can ask for the amount for my work that I want and work with pleasure on the project, and not just do everything strictly then the TK within the sum and without a soul.

It was another milestone, the goal I achieved, I understood it not only by the fact that I could not agree with the requirements and desires, I could dictate them myself, but also by the fact that during this period there were 13 projects in implementation, 5 of which were quite large, and 2 of them consisted of 4-5 months for development and there was an acute shortage of staff , at that time 7 people participated in the work on a permanent basis (specialists).

From the moment of setting the goal to its realization, 3 years have passed . Of course, not everything was so smooth, if I say that I dictated the conditions of work to customers - this does not mean that everyone agreed with them and does not mean that there were no failures.

Probably every company that goes to a certain level starts with “ growth problems ” and as a result a certain part of clients remain dissatisfied.

This can happen for both objective and subjective reasons. Part of the problem was due to the inadequacy of customers , part of the problem was due to my incompetence . Both gave invaluable experience.

As a result, I developed a few more rules:

  • Always work and negotiate with people who make decisions.
  • Write in the contract and TZ all as detailed as possible.
  • Money comes by yourself. Money goes to money.

On the first point , I think everything is clear - if you want so that there is no “deaf phone”, work with those who make decisions, as a result if a person says “yes” - this will mean “yes” .

On the second point , there was one very unpleasant case, when the work was done at 95% and it remained only to put it on the network, and also to fill it with information. The project would give a new impetus to the development, because "Name" would give a lot of advantages to the existing portfolio. But at the final stage, we requested access to FTP for displaying and setting up the project, but we were not given it , saying that installation, setup ... took place in their office, safety was paramount, which meant that we would have to "pull out" several specialists in working time and abandon for a couple of days of work on other projects, which would entail the failure of the development deadlines for a number of other projects. This moment was not recorded in the contract, so I got this problem.

As a result of long disputes, I decided to abandon this project and return the prepayment in full, which I did. Now this site continues to be in the “out-of-room” state, it looks terrible, does not provide the necessary information, etc. - and could have a normal, working site.

But the lesson I got was a good one, since then the contract for the development of the site has been supplemented by regular points, because “the devil is in the details .”

Now the standard contract for the development of the site can be from 30 to 180 pages , all this is based on experience and "bumps" that I received over the years of independent knowledge of the industry.

In 2008, I realized that I was getting bored on the Tyumen Internet market, and “interest” was one of the main engines in my work, besides, by this time I already had a certain “pool” of clients from Moscow, who often complained that it was not convenient for them to pay in WebMoney, and non-cash payments are not always possible, as a result they would like to personally give the cash.

In March 2008 , it was decided to move to Moscow and in May 2008 I did it.

  About motivation, goals and their achievement (from personal experience)

What happened next and what I do now can be partially heard in this video.

Why was this post written, or rather, this scattering of thoughts?

Сегодня мне звонил один из друзей и говорил, что у него не получается реализовать то что он хочет , что ему уже ни раз говорили что не получится , а также он не видит желаемой отдачи от проекта.

Усвойте несколько принципов, которые возможно Вам помогут в жизни, а может и нет:

  • Не слушайте всяких «уебанов», которые говорят что не получится.
  • Полученные «Шишки» - это бесценный опыт, который Вы обязательно должны получить.
  • Мотивация и Ваши интересы должны совпадать – тогда результат будет в разы лучше.
  • Вкладывайте в свои идеи не только деньги, но и душу, это всегда приносит свои плоды.

Если бы все в нашей жизни получалось легко и без испытаний – то какой был бы в этом смысл?

Просто кому-то хватает сил и желания преодолеть очередную планку , которую ставит перед ним жизнь и у него все получается, а кто-то «ломается» в конце пути, хотя осталось совсем не много, чтобы преодолеть этот рубеж.

PS получилось разрозненно, но надеюсь я правильно рассказал то, что хотел до Вас донести.

PSS часть материала я вырезал, что-то оказалось довольно личным, что-то не хотелось бы разглашать, что-то я приберегу на последующие публикации, а то и так 7 страниц A4 получилось.

PSS постарался максимально «обезличить» проекты над которыми работал, часть из них специально отсутствует в портфолио студии и никогда там не появится в силу договоренностей. Кстати, с самым первым своим клиентом я до сих пор работаю.

PSSS Wrote a post exactly 2 hours 30 minutes, 18 thousand characters of unique content, which means that a good copywriter can produce at least 40 A4 sheets per working day (I understand Serega?   About motivation, goals and their achievement (from personal experience) Fired a copywriter who writes you 15 sheets in 8 hours).


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