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Future SEO - Structured Information


  Future SEO - Structured Information

Since I started to work in SEO, I remember the emergence of such posts as: " The Future of SEO ", which described the thoughts about what SEO will be like with the development of search engines.

Topics on search queries became popular, which were increasingly customized by users and various algorithms were introduced that were supposed to improve the quality of the issue; optimizers studied search queries and mobile search mechanisms.

There is no SEO blog where you would not think about the future of SEO, and I want to leave my thoughts on this issue - feel free, comment and discuss. I believe that in the future, SEO will be well structured and delimited , and users' experience in searching and optimizing pages will also be affected.

I'm talking about the presentation of such standards as Microformats, RDFa, HTML 5, Common Tag and how they will affect the search results.

What is structured information?

Let's present the site, which presents products, reviews and prices. Our imaginary site has excellent HTML code, prizes are constantly given to users and it has a high trust with Google.

For search engines, there is a huge amount of information on this site, which is beautifully displayed in the search results. So, as mentioned above, the site begins to appear in the issue:

  Future SEO - Structured Information

Today, methods of collecting information from search engines from one site may be completely different from another. This is all because the data presented on the site are structured differently. For users, it does not matter, but search engines, developing search delivery algorithms, treat this differently.

Logic and standards are key

Imagine a world where such important information as prices, reviews, dates are better ordered on the Internet as a result of a more structured approach of search engines to information.

All you need is Microformats, RDFa and HTML5 - standards that provide search engines with information more easily and orderly than others.

Search engine is what displays structured information.

We have already seen how search engines are developing in order to display information for users as convenient and useful as possible. And this will happen if the search engines will better find and understand the information provided on the sites.

In May 2009, Google announced support for RDFa, and Yahoo has been working on it for a year. The first to use this technology were sites such as and

So, we have seen examples of a more structured issue of Google, and what examples can we look for in a company search?

  Future SEO - Structured Information

Google showed Google Squares at a May 2009 conference.

According to them, the output information will be of the highest quality and clean.

So, let's see what this new algorithm gives us at the request of "restaurant in London".

In the first four, we see that only one address was found and very little information in general. No menu information and no reviews. And therefore, the use of Microformats in the future everywhere, will help very quickly and easily solve this problem and give the search engines all the necessary information.

Prices on the pages

A few weeks ago, we saw a change on the Google search page — the show options tab.

  Future SEO - Structured Information

This is an example of how Google displays prices, although does not use the standards we discussed above.

So, the option "prices" is a visual result of the development of Google search results without making any changes to the code of their sites by webmasters.

My goals for the future are the ability to present information to so many structured and understandable search engines so that they can easily bring it to the target visitors in the search results. And a poet, keeping up with the latest trends will help you to be head and shoulders above your competitors, which means more traffic to your site.


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seo, smo, monetization, basics of internet marketing

Terms: seo, smo, monetization, basics of internet marketing