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Competition in SEO: Nai ** No - You Can't Live


Today, the competition in search promotion is strong enough, there are companies, there are freelancers, there are scammers, there are users of automatic services that throw their% and put it to the customer.

The competition is really impressive, especially when they send "authoritative, independent" data on website promotion.

The customer is not obliged to know all the subtleties of promotion, although I believe that I must understand the basics. Today was an interesting case. They sent a document on 7 pages, with usability analysis and analysis of website promotion.

I saw the table - the table was killed Competition in SEO: Nai ** No - You Cant Live

Competition in SEO: Nai ** No - You Cant Live

The table presents the analysis of competitors for 5 requests. The last site is my ward. Subject - real estate.

The main purpose of the report is to shock the client with a smart look, after which he is obliged to move on to their promotion.

As it turned out, according to the analysis, there are only 7 links to the client’s site, by the way, all 7 are in UC and it all costs 4 USD.

The semantic core of the site is 241 requests , including low frequencies, and if we take the basic queries, competitive, there are about 10, plus 15-20 more to their average competing ones. The entire LF component in the TOP-1-5 has already been located for a long time, in the MF - 60% in the top-10 , in the HF queries the site is already on the second page -11-15 places, well, the super HF main - this site is still far away from it, who is only 5 months old.

And all these requests are rated at 4 USD . It became even interesting, can really Yahu sees only 7 backlinks, because Only Yahoo, in fact, now provides the ability to view backlinks.

I start Jazl, analyze, get:

  • TCI resource - 50.
  • Google PR resource - 2.
  • Found links from the head pages of sites - 0,
  • described in Yandex.Catalog - 0.
  • Total found links from sites - 131,
  • described in Yandex.Catalog - 77.
  • Average / total TCI - 237/31050.
  • The average / total PR is 0/2 (129xPR0, 2xPR1).
  • Estimated promotion cost - 130 y. e. per month.

THOSE. received 131 sites, not 7 , despite the fact that Yaha is picky and far from always "eats" basement links, unlike Yandex.

I am compiling a report, of course I attach a screen from the Yandex.Webmaster panel.

Competition in SEO: Nai ** No - You Cant Live

Sending to the customer.

The remaining 7 pages are also saturated with promotional words, although it was really useful and something, in terms of usability and site design, the site design is really full ***. But once the customer likes - it means like.

And there is a programmer with his CMS (never order "self-written CMS", take the box version better, if you do not know all the details), the programmer actually just annealed during the work, it was impossible to register even titles in the CMS, but through such hemorrhoids it is done, which is just awful.

Well, to hell with them, with technical problems, advice to those who make such "promotional reports" :

  • Analyze the site at least on Yahoo, to give at least some truthful information that can be checked in public.
  • Put links on several bad resources to show which optimizer is bad and where it buys links.
  • Post negative reviews on behalf of the optimizer - about customers (in professional forums, for example).
  • Justify that links from the "mord" sites work many times better, give an example of a competitor who at least 5 years old and has many natural links to him, let's say for real estate topics - you can show Incom.

4 of these steps are periodically found in the competition between SEO offices , moreover, they are excellent, quite effectively. After all, the main thing is to powder the brain to the client, he is not obliged and does not always understand the subtleties of advancement.

About once a week I receive a report from a customer. And on the sites from the top - they come more often, especially using the second and third methods. The fact that noodles are hung on the ears using professional terms is still okay. Competition in SEO: Nai ** No - You Cant Live it's already familiar.

What is surprising is that some of the market leaders who are in the TOP-30 offices do not disdain with such methods. The fact that many Top-end offices have "satellite offices", which do not disdain to spam for whois, this also exists.

And the most important and interesting moment, after providing all the data, an objective analysis, the customer will not leave you with such offers ! Such "wrecking" reports play into your hands (only if you actually worked on the site Competition in SEO: Nai ** No - You Cant Live )!


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