Every day we hear many different SEO myths and far from believable rumors that appear from nowhere.

Most of these myths are served in the "sauce" of professional secrets or tips that can very quickly and effectively solve a particular problem. In this article we decided to tell and debunk the most popular ones.

SEO myth: You can guarantee getting into the TOP

Truth: Some companies that provide SEO services "guarantee" that your site is in the TOP of search results. Remember that no one "from the outside" can influence the work of search engines, so such guarantees are not confirmed by anything, and there is no reason to believe them.

The only reason they are given is the opportunity to attract a customer. In this way, they want to create in the client an imaginary opinion that success is guaranteed, in fact, no one can guarantee this.

there are all sorts of guarantees offered by the company, I would advise you to read the contract, and not the texts on the site and the speech of salespeople. There are also financial guarantees, here, too, it is worthwhile to read the contract meticulously, there are many “reservations” that firms use, often the client cannot recognize all the pitfalls before they get into trouble.
Moreover, financial guarantees can be given only by a serious firm that has certain financial assets to fulfill its obligations (it is worthwhile to focus on what to put in the contract and fulfill the obligations - two different things). Let's say - a real example of the proposal, which corresponds to both reality and the level of the company "achieving the result in 20 days, financial guarantees to achieve the result" from RBS Corporation.

SEO myth: SEO on your own is cheaper

Truth: This is another very common misconception, in fact, only SEO professionals like no one else know what needs to be done so that your website is ranked well by search engines.

SEO is much more complicated than it may seem at first glance, it requires an integrated approach not only from the technical side, but also marketing research and attracting diversified specialists: copywriters, webmasters, optimizers, etc.

It is unlikely that you can afford to keep all this staff in your company. In addition, by performing self-optimization you lose your own time, in an unnatural way for your basic earnings.

Now consider what is more profitable for you, do the optimization of the site yourself or turn to professionals. In addition, average prices for SEO services can be considered affordable for all levels of business.

independent website promotion can create big problems for a business, for example, a website can fall into the hands of non-professionals who can drive the website under the filter at best, and at worst in the search engine ban. Therefore, here the scales should be inclined to the choice of professionals, and not cheap services. You can “grow” your specialist, but this will require training him, and this will take some time and will cost some money. Plus to all this - the first experiments this person will put on your site.

SEO myth: The audience attracted by search engines is worse than the audience from other marketing sources.

Truth: Audience attracted through search engines, probably the highest quality compared to all others. After all, people are typing in the search bar is the product or service that they need.

They are looking specifically for you, and not just pass by, as it happens for example with external advertising on the street.

But you have to remember that you can attract the target audience only if you are moving on the "correct" search queries, usually SEO companies solve this problem for you, making up the semantic core of the site.

the search engine audience is the most correct and targeted, moreover - it can be analyzed, the site is like clay, you can make the best tool for business development out of it if you work on it with the right vector.

SEO myth: The website was optimized during the creation process.

Truth: Another very popular opinion that is far from being true. In fact, only a very small percentage of webmasters have at least a minimal concept of search engine optimization sites, so when creating this issue is usually not even considered.

Most often, optimization work is carried out after the creation of the site of the company that is specially hired for this.

According to our observations, about 60% of the sites are not optimized at all, so they hang very far from the zone of visibility in the SERP. If you have your own website, then its optimization should be a primary task, it will give you a significant advantage over competitors.

here I agree that often the real situation does not coincide with what the developers promised, and even more often the developers simply do not have the qualifications to conduct a high-quality search engine optimization of the site, so it is produced "at its level". More often, site optimization is not done at all, there are several factors why this happens: the first is the customer’s stinginess, the second is the developer’s dullness, the third is the low qualification of the sales person.

SEO myth: Adding a long "tail" of keywords to the meta tag "keyword" will help the page rank better by these words.

Truth: According to the information we have, most of the most popular search engines have long since ceased to take into account when ranking pages, the meta tag "keyword".

And those that do this do not attach much importance to it, and if the same set of keywords is found on every page in this meta tag, then this can even be perceived by the search engine as spam, which naturally leads to a decrease in positions in the SERP.

We recommend to fill the meta tag "keyword" because Many directories use keywords from it when adding a new site to them.

SEO myth: The more often you use keywords on your page, the higher it will be ranked.

Truth: This is not true, keyword density naturally matters, but one cannot say that “the more often the better,” a page overload with keywords can be perceived by the search engine as spam, so you should be extremely careful.

Depending on the type of search engine, it is considered that the optimal keyword density should be from 3 to 15%. By itself, the density of keywords in the text does not play a big role, but in sum with other factors it can be very important, so you should not neglect this opportunity to improve the position of your pages.

SEO myth: Hidden links or text will help raise the position of the page in the SERP.

Truth: Using masked keywords or links (for this, webmasters use various techniques, one of which is to merge with the background of the page, or write in a microscopic, indistinguishable to the visitor's eye font) is strictly punished by search engines.
Therefore, we do not advise you to use this method because of the high risk of getting into the ban. Most optimizers believe that it is not worth it, so that through this risk to be banned.

SEO myth: The more outbound links, the higher the position of the site will be when ranking.

Truth: Outgoing links to thematically similar and non-thematic sites are taken into account by the search engine when ranking. Inbound links are more important than outgoing links.

The more quality incoming links to your site, the better, and the higher the PR, but no one has yet fully known how Google uses PR in its ranking algorithms.

A huge number of outbound links, as well as incoming from sites that are not close to the topic, can lead to your site becoming a link-wash and will be banned in search engines.

SEO myth: You do not need to update the site to maintain your position in the SERP.

Truth: With regular updates to the structure and content of your site (for example, replacing outdated material with a new one, fixing broken links, optimizing code, etc.), search robots will visit your site more often.

In order for your site to hold high positions in the SERP (if any), try to update it regularly.

As practice shows, static sites (those that are not updated) "slide" down, not competing with frequently updated sites, which are better indexed due to the fact that search robots often come to them.

SEO myth: You can promote your website only by external factors, without internal optimization.

Truth: In part, we agree with this, but only due to progress and without internal optimization it is unlikely to be able to hold onto the “captured” positions in the search results. Such promotion is short-term and not effective.

If you want to have a stable result, then you need to work on your website, clean the code, improve the structure, take care of the quality and original content. Even a small optimization, such as fix broken links, will show the search engine that the site is developing, and this will positively affect the ranking.

Remember that search engine robots poorly index non-optimized sites. It makes no sense to conduct external promotion without first optimizing your site.

it is also worth noting one very important point - to advance purely by external factors (not in all subjects), of course, it is possible, but it will cost several times, if not ten times more expensive than complex website promotion, which includes many works . Website optimization must be carried out, those who ignore it - lose a lot, and this applies not only to search engines, they also lose users.

Choose only the "right" SEO firms!

We hope that this article has turned out to be interesting and useful for you. Be very critical when choosing an SEO firm.