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Rules for building link mass from foreign sites


By and large, the rules of increasing the reference mass are the same everywhere, both from “domestic sites” and from foreign ones, but there are still some differences, and I would like to talk about them in my today's article.

Rules for building link mass from foreign sites

So, no matter where we want to get links, the general rules are as follows: the referring site must be topically close (relevant), high-quality , preferably with high metrics (puzomerkami), links must be text and have a direct anchor entry (i.e., text The links correspond to the search query for which the page is being promoted), if the picture then the andtags should contain your keywords, be sure to check if your links in no-follow are closed, sometimes this happens.

All these rules are relevant for any links regardless of where they come from , but if you decide to get links from foreign sites, then you can add a few more rules to them, which I call the " new rules for foreign reference mass ".

Rule 1: Position, position, and again position.

Probably the most obvious parameter that should be taken into account when increasing the link mass is the position of the site from which you want to get links, or more precisely, the position of the site where it is located according to the search engine.

In order for your site to not just hit the search results of a particular region or country, you need not only content and language to match them, but the inbound links are also mostly from the same region.

For example, if you decide to sell tires in Austria, then your site must contain content that will have at least some connection with Austria, the site language must be German, and incoming links must also be from Austrian sites.

What does this phrase “from Austrian sites” really mean? When you start to understand this issue deeper then you will understand why regional domains are so important .

By and large, there are two most important factors that give the site a “linking” to a specific region, the first is the IP address of the hosting, in our case it should be Austrian, the second is the regional domain , if for Austria then this is “.at”.

But hosting is not so simple, very often hosting companies that are focused on a regional market, such as the Austrian, may have servers physically located in very different countries, where business conditions are more favorable.

Most often it is the United States or the United Kingdom. Or they can even be resellers of foreign hosters. So buying a hosting in an Austrian company is not a guarantee that you will receive a truly “Austrian” hosting. This is also taken into account by search engines when the site is “registered” to a specific region.

What conclusions can we make from this, when choosing sites for placing your links on them, the surest way to make sure that this site is located in the region you need is to look at the domain name , it should be in the region from which you want to receive links. In our case, this is Austria, and the domain zone should also be Austrian - ".at".

2 rule: the correct geo-targeting helps

Among other things, Google allows you to independently determine the "regionality" for your site, if it is in the ".com" zone, this can be done in Webmaster Central. This option will be very useful for companies that have their sites on American hosting and in the domain zone ".com".

Yandex, we also allow you to assign a region, moreover - you can even specify the full details and address via the webmaster panel.

But still, I do not advise to fully rely on this method, it also has its drawbacks. One of them is the potential problems that may arise when choosing partners to post links.

For example, if you have a site with a domain in the ".com" zone, but not ".tr" and you decide to exchange links with some Turkish site, then you may have problems since your site will be associated with America, and not Turkey, there is still a stereotype that domains in the ".com" zone are necessarily from the USA.

One Internet agency conducted a small survey, it turned out that not many webmasters understand on the basis of what Google implements its geo-targeting of sites with a domain in the ".com" zone, the majority of respondents answered that ha based on the IP address of the hosting.

From this we can conclude that most webmasters, if they want to exchange links with you, look at the IP address of your site. Therefore, if you decide to promote your site and receive links from foreign sites, it is preferable to have a regional domain than ".com".

You need to take care of geo-targeting your own website in the first place, then it will be easier for you to attract partners to exchange links from the region you need.

Rule 3: Not all links are the same.

We will try to further explore this interesting topic, for this we use the information provided by the company "Majestic SEO", then in my arguments I will start from the information from their schedule.

When optimizing link mass, many optimizers evaluate the quality of links primarily on different puzomerkam, for example PageRank . They are also well aware of what makes PageRank high and what forms it.

With the new rules of increasing foreign link mass, you should forget about PageRank. Or at least not to give it much importance . Because the number of links within different countries (or regions) varies widely.

The information in the table below, provided by Majestic, shows the average number of backlinks to one unique domain in the TOP 75 countries from their database:

Rules for building link mass from foreign sites
The number of backlinks to unique domains, information taken from the Majestic database.

This graph displays, and I hope that confirms my opinion that the value of links in different countries varies widely and depends on the level of " link competition " in this country - and the quality of competitive sites.

It’s not even so important whether you agree or disagree with the figures given in the table, it’s important that another reference “picture” in different countries is very different from what we used to see in America .

At the top of the list is the countries of the European Union, which is in principle a good example. It is usually considered that the websites of the European Union are only the website in the domain zone ".eu". But in reality there are not so many of them, but still there are a lot of high-quality ones among them.

All this means (at least in theory) obtaining links from European Union sites will have a positive effect on ranking in other areas of the Internet, but if you want to be guaranteed to get to the TOP in the European Union then you only need high-quality links from regional sites.

The same with links from Saudi Arabia, if you want to get into the TOP you need high-quality regional links.

At the very bottom of the chart, such countries as the Philippines and Uzbekistan, in order to rank well in the search for these countries you do not need to have a lot of quality links (with high PR) enough to have a lot of regional links.

At the same time, Uzbek and Filipino sites are not of interest to advance in the global search.

So let's summarize - some regional links can help in promoting in global search (from those countries that are at the top of the list) while links from other countries (those at the bottom of the list) are only suitable for regional promotion, in a local search by their region , in the global search, they are ineffective, because Pass a small reference weight.

I think at least part of the satellite will stop making their creations in exotic zones and then complain about the poor availability of the sites (although it is unlikely ...).

Perhaps now you should reconsider your strategy of building up link mass from foreign sites !

In this article, the author shares his subjective reasoning and it displays his personal point of view.

whatever the article is subjective - it is worth understanding what it says, sooner or later it will be taken into account to a greater extent than is taken into account now and in the Runet.


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