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SEO text how SEOs spoil sites


Most SEOs - spoil sites. Why it happens? Why can not find a middle ground? Who is guilty? - the answer is simple, unskilled performers, as well as stubborn customers are to blame.

A recent comment on content marketing states the following:

  • Most content is just useless! You see the site in the first positions of search results and click! All that you see is low-grade content written for search engines, not for readers, not for buyers, and not for those who are looking for a solution to their problem.
  • Why not focus on quality rather than quantity, and then you will definitely succeed. The problem is not how to reach the first page of issue, but how to reach the target audience, and the rest will come by itself.

Spoiled content is when SEOs are not used properly or are created solely to improve rankings in search engines, can harm the site and its reputation. This phenomenon is often referred to as SEO or SEO texts. Here are a few ways SEO texts can ruin a website:

  • Poor content quality: Some SEOs can create poorly written or copied content with lots of keywords but little or no informative value for users. This goes against the principles of high-quality content, which should be useful, informative, and unique.
  • Keywords without context: SEO texts can have overkill keywords that are simply thrown into the content without proper context. This approach makes the text illogical and unpleasant to read, which can turn off users.
  • Spamming and keyword overload: SEOs sometimes try to overload text with keywords to make it more relevant to search queries. However, this may be regarded by search engines as spam and lead to a downgrade of the site.
  • Poor structure and layout: SEOs may not pay enough attention to the structure and layout of the text, which makes it unreadable and chaotic. Good content should be structured and have a clear layout with subheadings, lists, etc.
  • Non-Natural Anchor Texts: When building link mass, SEOs can use non-natural anchor texts to improve a site's rankings. This can lead to penalties for unnatural link building.
  • Low Relevance: If SEO texts do not match the site’s theme or do not respond to user requests, then they will not bring value to the audience and will only fill content for search robots.
  • It is important to understand that good SEO should be focused on users, providing them with useful and high-quality information, and not solely on improving search engine rankings. The use of spammy or unnatural SEO techniques can lead to negative consequences, including a drop in the site's ranking and reputation.
  • Who is to blame for SEO destructive content?

Without a doubt, there is a huge amount of content created only for SEO. You can blame SEO companies, search engines for their search results, as well as those companies that hire SEO to be as high as possible in search results.

Dirty SEO is a lie . The strategy of writing less content works well when you do not care where it comes from and how much traffic will go to it. Although the content will be of high quality, he will not be able to attract the target audience. SEO also destroys content.

Promote and optimize - they will definitely come.

Should the content be of the same quality and well planned? Of course yes. These content parameters are important for both attracting readers and promoting it.

Due to the fact that most of the content strategy is focused on the distribution of content and work on it, rather than on sales, optimizers often forget about attracting targeted traffic using the SEO capabilities of the content itself.

Most optimizers rely on their experience and do not use these capabilities, and therefore, in most cases, they cannot fulfill customer requirements.

What is the solution to these problems?

SEO talent content promotion. I know a lot of optimizers who do not support the idea that even the most interesting content needs advertising to attract targeted traffic.

However, talented optimizers understand this and use not only traditional methods of attracting traffic to content, but also use their promotion methods, using which, the content is easy to find both in social networks and in search engines.

Damage to customers.

If you have excellent content, the issue of attracting targeted traffic must be resolved. There are not so many really effective methods to do this. To suggest a company to divide the content of the site or completely abandon the promotion of old content, without analyzing its possibilities of attracting customers, can cause great damage.

This is the same if the SEO agency suggested its client to create a page “full” with keywords only to attract search traffic.

I will give a few examples in which many of you recognize yourself, as well as the destructive steps that are being taken to "optimize the site."

SEO text how SEOs spoil sites

Here is a classic example - the first screen, these are suggestions and search, the second and third screens are the wrapper of SEO text. This is the most common example of how SEOs harm sites. No, of course, it’s impossible to wrap up this text beautifully, we thought so, and then slapped it below the active window. It is depressing, to be honest. Although, in fairness, you need to say - that users do not read this text, it is written specifically for search engines.

The second example of spam , which is also for search engines, is also wrecking SEOs.

SEO text how SEOs spoil sites

See for yourself, no comments are needed here.

The third example you, too, most likely saw. This is exactly the case when both the customer and the performer stand for each other (nobody cares about the site and the client, the top is important).

SEO text how SEOs spoil sites

As we can see - the design is over, copyright is worth. And below what? And below is the same text "for the user"

Why do SEOs and customers care so much about their sites ??? Is TOP more important than the visitor who sees all this? Have you never heard the word conversion? Or at least the word "nasty and nauseous" from such sites?

Good SEO + social networks + content marketing = win.

Without proper SEO, high-quality content will not surprise readers, since they simply cannot be found.

The combination of high-quality SEO and social networking will help draw proper attention to your content.

We call it content marketing optimization. If you add advertising to this combination, it will be just fine, but this method is not the only one.

What do you think? Do you support the idea that SEO "destroys" content? Do you think that high-quality content will attract traffic to itself? Can content, SEO and promotion in social networks achieve visibility in both search engines and social networks?


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Terms: seo, smo, monetization, basics of internet marketing