As always, constantly experimenting and testing various SEO methods and today I want to talk about building a link mass to your content and about where to place the links.

The ideas below are simple, but I think they will help you in your promotion.

Reference weight rate

I believe that this factor should not be missed, and moreover, it is one of the most important.

This is the same as the beginning of a new project: when you see your competitors with 10,000 links and understand what work is ahead. It can be very tempting, in the first months to scroll through thousands of directories, then buy several thousand links ... Stop !!!

It is very important to be patient and cautious, because if you start to build up the link mass too quickly, you will fall under the filters of search engines and all links will lose their weight .

as a result of being hit by such a filter, you will not just increase the time to reach the TOP, you will increase it several times from the time it would take to systematically increase the reference mass (although these dates will not be small).

Recently, I conducted an experiment with one of the test sites.

Let's look at this seo experiment

In the first month we received 100 links from directories, within 4 days. Only 7 links appeared in Webmaster tools a month later.

A month later, we received 100 links, adding 10 per day. As a result, 50 links appeared and we moved up to the 8th place for a specific Google query.

Here's what you need to remember when building up the link mass : if you buy a large number of links, you make great efforts in a short period of time - this will not give any results and the links will be discounted.

Use a gradual build-up like this : 20 in November, 35 in December, etc. It looks more natural and more efficient.

Link Value and Variety of Domains

Link Value and Variety of Domains

Google respects sites that develop month after month. The site, which has been popular since its inception, has remained popular for a long time.

Use of social resources

Many people ask about the use of social networks that you can get thousands of such links in a short time.

Undoubtedly, this is a very good method, but I believe that Google treats such links differently. Social bookmarks are mainly used to place links to internal content and not to the main page of the site.

If you are promoted through blogs, social bookmarks, directories, etc. Try to make it as natural as possible and get the desired result.

Variety of domains

Link placement is a very important process for your site. You can buy several hundred links that will be placed on the same domain and it will not work. A great option when each link is located on a separate domain. And the reason for this, as always, is simple.

Last week, I had a conversation with one of my clients and he said that he could not understand why competitors' websites were always higher than him in terms of a specific request.

The client site had:

  • much more links with keyword
  • large reference mass
  • PR 7 (and competitors 4)

Why did the site bypass weaker competitors?

After careful analysis, it all came down to one thing: the site had 200000 links with just 2000 unique domain names . And competitors have 40000 links with 5000 unique domains .

A site that has 1000 links from just 100 unique domains will never be quoted higher than a site that has 500 links from 300 domains.

You should always remember this, increasing the reference mass. This may seem strange and incomprehensible, especially for beginners, but it is tested and proven in practice .