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The main differences of promotion in Microsoft Bing compared with Google


The main differences of promotion in Microsoft Bing compared with Google

Are you already tired of hearing about this Bing at every step? But let's look at it differently.

Despite the heightened attention to this topic, I now only intended to write an article devoted to this rapidly growing search engine, and as always from a 100% point of view of SEO .

The main idea of ​​this article is to analyze and compare the factors that allow you to get into the TOP of the Bing search results with those of another popular search engine, Google.

As usual with such an analysis, I chose a popular search query and compared TOP SERP in it in Bing and Google.

In this case, I used "seo services", despite the fact that it is not the most highly competitive request, but it is quite suitable for our research, especially since its price in the context of about $ 4 per click .

So, we have decided how our research will take place, now we can proceed:

In our first place we were in the first place [ in the bourgeois issue, ca. per. ]: - in SERP Bing
and - in the Google SERP

The main differences of promotion in Microsoft Bing compared with Google

And now let's look at these factors in more detail.

Internal factors

The site that comes first on Google is slightly better optimized , but it’s not such a big difference in optimizing these two sites that we would consider it decisive. Although it is possible that when ranking Google, compared to Bing, it pays more attention to internal factors.

It is not the first time in my SEO research that I notice that the websites from Google Top use the meta tag "keywords", and they also declare that they no longer take it into account, although it seems that they still continue to rank, right?

Personally, I still use this tag, no harm from it anyway.

External factors

At this stage of our analysis there was a very clear difference between the two sites studied.
The site that is in the first position on Google has a huge link mass, and not just huge, but a quality one with a wide variety of reference sources (referring domains). Also, Google pays more attention to the text links (anchor). In this regard, the site which is number one in Bing was inferior in all respects.

The main differences of promotion in Microsoft Bing compared with Google

It was nice to see that the “young” domain ranks well in Google, half the “younger” of what comes first in Bing.

Referring pages

Referring pages have always had a big impact on how a page is ranked by given queries. In Google, this idea is to make referrer pages as relevant as possible (thematically closer) to the acceptor page. Only such a reference mass is considered qualitative .

In the comparative table, you can see that the site that leads Google has a higher percentage of links from pages where the keyword (seo services) is found in the body of the page, while at the same time the site which is number one in Bing is dominated by links from pages where the keyword in title (title). Maybe this is the key to better ranking in Bing ?? Quite possible.

After looking at this table completely, it becomes clear what is more important for Google (the number of incoming links, the variety of reference sources, the text of links ). However, I found an interesting fact that a site with a large PageRank is ranked better in Bing.

So, to summarize, on the basis of the study I can give such seo tips for the higher site ranked better in the Bing search engine:

  • Your domain must "grow old", i.e. fresh domains have a little chance to get through TOP.
  • Increase links from pages where the title in the title on which your page is moving.

In general, these two tips are also suitable for promotion on Google, but they have more weight in Bing, so you should concentrate on the main efforts.

One more thing that I noticed that both of these search engines "love" keywords in the content, so do not forget to write high-quality texts, this will undoubtedly have a positive effect.

Read the rest of my research in the second part, and the second part in the same post is below. The main differences of promotion in Microsoft Bing compared with Google

Although some of the visitors argue that Bing no less than Google, when ranking, takes into account, from the entire link mass, the percentage of links with the direct entry of the anchor (i.e., the exact correspondence of the anchor to the keyword on which the page is promoted). To this I can answer that in my research such a judgment was not confirmed. If you conducted your analysis then it will be interesting to know the results.

Today I want to continue my research yesterday, for this I use specialized SEO toolsto conduct a more in-depth analysis on the search query "make money" (make money).

This choice was not accidental, since this phrase is highly competitive, and the sites from TOP are probably well optimized and actively promoted.

Below you can see the results, I think they will help you in the promotion under Bing.

"Guinea pigs" this time are: - Google number 1 on the request for "make money" (make money) [ in the bourgeois issue, approx. trans .] - Number 1 in Bing for the query "make money" (make money) [ in the bourgeois issue, approx. trans .]

The main differences of promotion in Microsoft Bing compared with Google

Some conclusions

1. As you can see from the site label, the Google SERP leader is much better optimized , the incoming links are more qualitative, more links with direct anchor entry (i.e., the link text exactly corresponds to the search query on which the page is moving) and much higher PageRank (in the first research at the site of Bing, this figure was higher). Well, with Google everything is clear, it is not clear why Bing is not leading?

The only advantage that site number one of Bing has is a greater percentage of links with direct anchor entry. He also has a older domain, by the way, I noticed that all sites in the Bing Top have domains that are older than those in the Google top.

2. It seems that Bing doesn’t pay much attention to the quality of links or Page Rank , otherwise how would they have a site with PageRank 2 in the first position on a highly competitive query “make money” (make money) ??

3. Another discovery that I made by examining both of these sites, the fact that the links to them conveyed a very small reference weight , even those that had a direct anchor entry. Based on this, I came to the conclusion that it would not be necessary to have high-quality links to rank well, it is enough to have links with the "correct" anchors from relevant sites.

4. In order to rank well in Google, you need to conduct a full range of SEO work , without leaving anything under-optimized. To maintain high positions in Google (80% of all search traffic in the burner), you need to systematically “optimize” and “promote” your site, this is a continuous process, not a one-time job.

In my opinion, and based on the information that I received, Bing is more focused on the age of the domain and the percentage of links with a direct anchor entry . I do not think that Bing will allow spammers using these factors to push their pages into the TOP for highly competitive requests, but you can improve your position, which is not so easy to do in Google.


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seo, smo, monetization, basics of internet marketing

Terms: seo, smo, monetization, basics of internet marketing