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Features of social networks VK Facebook tweeter and classmates


Based on statistics modeled typical representatives of these sites.

Number of public messages and authors

One of the key indicators of the “vital activity” of a social network is the number of “talking” users who openly express their position with public messages in social media. Such active authors in April 2015 in Russia were about 35 million people who generated almost 620 million messages in a month. Active authors, creating public content, make social networks a relevant indicator of public sentiment, allowing you to catch the "live" social problems at the very beginning of the formation of significant trends.

By the number of “writing” Russian authors, VKontakte leads, almost an order of magnitude ahead of its competitors - 21.6 million unique authors. The following Instagram is on the second place - only 2.4 million authors (a decline in relation to the data of the past half year was 11%, the pre-New Year activity remained insurmountable peak height). The third place - Twitter - showed a significant drop (-24% by November 2014), speaking authors in April 2015 recorded only 1.6 million people.

  Features of social networks VK Facebook tweeter and classmates * Data on the Odnoklassniki social network are based on statistics of the TOP 100.000 groups

As for the volume of content posted daily in social networks, here the first place belongs to the social network VKontakte, in second place is Twitter.

It is worth noting that, compared with the trends of the winter, where Twitter dominated, in the spring, VKontakte took revenge, overtaking microblogs by 42%! This is due to the greater versatility of the Vkontakte publications format - users not only record current moods in the form of short statuses (similar to tweets) on their pages, but also write detailed reports with photos and videos, share interesting news and useful tips.

  Features of social networks VK Facebook tweeter and classmates

* Data on the Odnoklassniki social network are based on statistics of the TOP 100.000 groups

Twitter is traditionally leading in terms of engagement - there is a machine-gun burst of 127 messages per month for one active author on this network. The second place - LiveJournal - lags behind by this indicator more than 3 times (on average, 40 messages per author): this is exactly the case when the quantity turns into quality. It is worth noting the explosive growth in the involvement of Facebook (a threefold increase compared to the winter data), which took third place with 32 posts per month for the author. The level of involvement in other social networks ranges from 13.4 (VKontakte) to 6.3 (My World).

  Features of social networks VK Facebook tweeter and classmates * Data on the Odnoklassniki social network are based on statistics of the TOP 100.000 groups

Monthly social media audience

According to TNS, the monthly audience of most social networks has stabilized. So, the VKontakte audience stopped at 53.6 million people, the second place went to Odnoklassniki (38.8 million people). Facebook audience in April amounted to 24.5 million people, My World was close to it - 23.7 million people, Instagram audience in April amounted to 10, 7 million people. Twitter showed a decline of 13% - its audience in April is 7.4 million.

  Features of social networks VK Facebook tweeter and classmates * Twitter and Instagram data are extrapolated, based on daily audience and frequency of visits per month.

Portrait of a user of social networks

In contact with

The monthly audience * - 53.6 million people, 40% of which - 21.6 million - showed public activity.

  Features of social networks VK Facebook tweeter and classmates

The gender structure of the VKontakte authors is fairly stable, 41.9% of the authors are male, the proportion of the weaker sex was 58.1%.

  Features of social networks VK Facebook tweeter and classmates Compared with the data of December, the age structure of the VKontakte audience has smoothed out - although the main backbone of users also falls within the category “from 18 to 24 years old”, their share decreased by 2.5 percentage points, while the groups of teenagers were replenished . p.) and a mature contingent over 45 years of age (+1.4 pp).

  Features of social networks VK Facebook tweeter and classmates

  Features of social networks VK Facebook tweeter and classmates

  Features of social networks VK Facebook tweeter and classmates

  Features of social networks VK Facebook tweeter and classmates

  Features of social networks VK Facebook tweeter and classmates

  Features of social networks VK Facebook tweeter and classmates


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