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New trends in the use of text anchors


  New trends in the use of text anchors

A small post about the trends in the use of text anchor links among various sites over the past month.

I work with clients who have long been in the top 8-9 issue of Google and are incredibly willing to push themselves further. But a very interesting thing: the reference weight of their competitors, which are in the top 3 of the issue is much worse than the reference weight of their sites.

So what caused this? Why my clients can not get to the top of the issue?

All SEOs can do is analyze the pages and link masses, of course, we can go further and start comparing mentions on social networks, but this will be a waste of time, because my clients are large commercial companies that are struggling with social networks.

After viewing 5 or 6 sites, one thing surfaced - sites with a large number of text anchor variations ranked higher , let me explain why.

Those sites that wanted to get into the top 5 ranks had about 50-60% of links with a text anchor that completely matched the search query ...

And sites that are already in the top had about 25% .

Plus, the top sites had an average of 36 variations of the anchor per page, and the promoted sites had 23 .

What does this tell us?

It's simple, do not overdo it with anchors. I repeated many times, use 7-10 variations of the main keyword, and in 30% of the entire reference mass , use the domain name as an anchor.

Advancement in search results may be slower, but it will save you from falling under different filters, and believe me, they work even for large scale businesses.

You should always be on the alert when it comes to text anchors, and now is the time when everything should look as natural as possible .


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Terms: seo, smo, monetization, basics of internet marketing