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Original content = Indexed content = Page in search = Links “work”


I think that it’s hard to add anything to the title of my article today, nevertheless I’m raising this topic because some people don’t understand such elementary things.

Original content = Indexed content = Page in search = Links “work”

But first I want to quote an excerpt from the letter I received, probably the author of this letter was trying to nah me, well, read for yourself:

I have regularly read all your articles for half a year, and I came to the conclusion that the information you publish is inaccurate and often leads the wrong way. In one of your articles you offered a way to build up the link mass, I decided to follow your advice and did everything as you wrote. As a result, there was no desired effect, I came to the conclusion that this method is suitable only for beginners or those who do not understand anything at all in SEO. How then can you call yourself a professional?

As you understand, such messages leave unpleasant feelings, nevertheless, I do not feel guilty, because the respected author of this letter mentions the advice I personally tested, and then many other visitors of my site heard only positive messages. reviews.

Ultimately, I deleted this email along with other spam. But then I decided to unsubscribe to this crank in order to find out exactly what his problem was that at least somehow rehabilitate himself in front of him. After a short correspondence, I managed to find out what the problem was. I asked him to send me the articles that he wrote and give links to where he posted them.

At first glance, everything was in order, literate speech, formatted and structured text, links with anchors harmoniously written into the text, it seems that everything is in order at this stage.

I could not understand why the search engine does not take into account the links from the articles , until I looked at all the articles that he published last month. They were all the same , except for one or two words changed in each paragraph. Now everything fell into place and I understood what was the cause of the problem.

Fresh content

This is one of the most important principles in SEO; every optimizer should know it. Google , like other search engines, including Yandex , loves fresh, original content. I am not talking specifically about this case, meaning any page from which you want to get a link, if there is no original content on it or one that was subject to minor changes, then there is a very high probability that this page will not appear in the index.

Indexed Content

If your page is not indexed by the search engine, then the links that are placed on it will not be taken into account when ranking the sites to which they go, so this is a waste of time and effort.

Why do search engines consider links from pages that did not even get into the index? Therefore, your main goal, by all means, is to make the page be indexed , otherwise it is simply useless from the point of view of search engine optimization.

Move through the articles "clean"

You are going to promote articles, great, but you should not expect great results if you wrote 1 original article and rewrite you made 20 of its clones (for those who do not know, rewriting is a way of “uniqueness” of content that is based on rewriting ready texts using various techniques replacing words with others without losing the semantic basis).

If you want to get maximum efficiency from this way of promotion, then I advise you to use original articles as often as possible, then you can be sure that they are correctly indexed.

Is only one copy of the article in the index?

If, for example, you wrote one article and placed it in 30 sections of your site, then perhaps you will see that only 10 of them were indexed, respectively, you will receive only 10 links instead of 30.

First of all, articles from sections with articles are indexed and the more articles get into the index, the higher the domain authoritativeness indicator (think domain metrics). Then why post your articles in such a huge number of directories ??

Even young domains gradually gain authority , so if you have only one article, then it will easily get into the index. But if you are going to place 20 identical articles on the same domain, then their hit depends on the “strength” of your domain, i.e. indicators of its metrics (puzomerok).

Are you against rewriting?

Personally, I do not mind what really works and because of what you are not banned, unfortunately rewriting is a way with very limited efficiency.

If you still decide to use this method, then I can give some tips on how to do it better: create 4-5 different options for each paragraph and 3 options for the heading, in addition to this, combine various options for paragraphs and headings a maximum of 5 - 7 times, but do not be surprised even if in spite of this, some of your rewrite articles do not fall into the index, following this advice will only increase the chances of indexation for such articles.

It seems to me that we have already moved to the area of ​​the "gray" CEO, but if they do not ban it for that and it has an effect then why ignore this possibility?

Finally, the content should be fresh and original, not only on your site , but also on other sites where you plan to get links.

Promotional articles work, and almost every optimizer more or less uses this tool.

As for the crank from whom I received a boorish letter, he admitted his mistake and apologized to me. I hope that in the future he will be more attentive.

As I have repeatedly said before, if you want to get to the top - then listen and learn from those who are already there.


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seo, smo, monetization, basics of internet marketing

Terms: seo, smo, monetization, basics of internet marketing