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10 practical links exchange tips


  10 practical links exchange tips

Building link mass is one of the most important parts of promoting a blog or website. Earlier, we have already dealt with the issue of exchange, namely whether it is worth exchanging reciprocal links. We now turn to practical advice.

Links help to increase traffic, increase impressions and perhaps the most important thing - increasing positions in search engines .

There are a huge number of methods for obtaining links, and one of these popular methods is the exchange of links with thematic sites and blogs (this method is not suitable for new blogs, since no one wants to make an exchange with an unknown blog).

Every day, I receive letters with requests for the exchange of links and I myself once sent such letters when my blog was young.

Some of these letters were written so well that I exchanged links with them, and some did not even want to read. Obviously, if they write to me, they write to other bloggers with the same requests — if they send the same email as me — just a waste of time.

With the right approach to the exchange of links can be achieved no small success, this is especially true for novice bloggers.

Here are 10 things to remember when asking administrators for an exchange:

1 - Clearly state your thoughts, essentially.

If you offer a link exchange, make sure that what you have written is clear and understandable to the webmaster. Decide what you are offering in return and be brief. Of course, it would not be superfluous if you add a little of your own, but avoid lengthy reasoning, etc.

I think it depends in part on who you are writing to. If you write to a large blogger who receives tons of emails daily, your email should be as short and informative as possible. And if you write to a novice blogger, then you have the freedom to communicate.

2 - Start with those you know.

The best way to start an exchange is to contact webmasters or people who have heard about you. I have always rejected requests to exchange links, but I always exchange with my friends. If you are a novice webmaster, then surely you have not many friends doing the same as you, so you should develop links to blogs that have the same subject matter as yours.

3 - Only those sites that are thematically similar to yours.

Very often send letters with requests for the exchange of links with sites that are completely different in subject. If I receive such letters, I immediately delete them. Therefore, focus on strictly thematic sites and you will achieve results.

4 - Choose blogs that are roughly the same size.

If you just started a blog, do not expect to receive a link from a more successful and advanced blog. Better to spend this time on blogs of your size and status, and most likely you will receive a bunch of answers. With the growth of your blog, you will be able to post on links on more advanced blogs.

More advanced blogs do not accept your suggestions for several reasons:

  • They get nothing valuable. Well, of course, not at all, but practically nothing, because your little blog has no weight. Your blog will not be able to supply them with traffic and will practically change nothing in the ranking of search results.
  • They get too many offers. If a large blog agrees to share with everyone, then the sidebar will be endless.
  • They are not sure that you are seriously engaged in your blog. No one wants his website to have links to those blogs that have not been updated for 6 months. Unfortunately, most young blogs are abandoned by their owners. Therefore, you first need to prove that the blog is really evolving.

5 - Find out the name of the blogger.

For bloggers who receive a huge number of letters every day will be more pleasant if they are addressed by name, rather than patterned. Not many people do this, so it gives your letter a more personal approach.

6 - Do not ignore links from one page.

Link exchanges mainly occur on all pages of the site, but this is not always the case. When I started to develop my blog, I wrote articles every week with 10 links to thematic sites. From this I sometimes received feedback and comments from the owners of these sites. A review of other sites is a very good way to make friends.

Placing such posts, I sent a request to post a link to my site. I spent about a month to find bloggers who would also post reviews of my site weekly or monthly. If I liked the content of the blog, I sent a request for the exchange of reviews. This approach to increasing backlinks works fine and still. With many bloggers, I exchange posts for 2 years.

But first you need to get to know the person, and then post a post. Better to deal with less reputable blogs - they are more open and honest.

7 - Do not write a letter in such a way as if it was sent to 1000 such webmasters.

More likely to get a link, to make the letter look as personal as possible, rather than a sample request. Even just calling by name is a big plus. At least sometimes make changes to the letter template - this and that will look more humane.

8 - Always provide a link to the site.

This may seem obvious, but sometimes they start a conversation with this: “Hello! I just started a new blog and I would like to know if you will exchange links with me?”. Of course, it is good that it is written shortly, but without a link to your site you will not even be answered. After all, a person does not know with whom to exchange.

9 - Do not play around.

Understand that link exchange is a very good promotion method, but just one of the methods! Do not waste all the time on the mailing of letters, you have to do a blog as a whole!

10 - Focus on content.

In addition to link exchanges, there is a very good way to get natural links - writing quality content. If you intend to exchange links with someone who is not very willing, he will go to your blog and look at the material. If the content is of high quality and interesting, you will make an exchange, if not, blame yourself. Good content makes it easy for you to get backlinks.


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