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A link is more than a link.


  A link is more than a link.

We have already devoted one publication to the future of SEO, and now we are speculating about the future of links, from which many people disown themselves in the burzhunete, they say, we don’t buy, and in runet this is the main expense item that justifies the promotion budget   A link is more than a link.

Markus Tendler talks about what the link is today: a couple of days ago, I came across one interesting idea that deserves some separate attention and more detailed consideration, since I considered this one of the most interesting things about Google.

  A link is more than a link. The idea is to issue, which takes into account user behavior. Hints on this idea were given back in 2004 (!) 3 guys from Google - " when determining the weight of a link, the search engine must take into account a huge number of factors ."

Today, a link is much more than a link. Now search engines take into account a very large number of factors when determining the weight of a link to the page to which it leads, and how this will help the page to advance in the issue.

The Internet is literally littered with various reflections on this issue, but so far I have not seen any concrete evidence anywhere. Officials have mentioned a few things that may in some way serve as proof of theories.

The idea of ​​determining the weight of the link put forward in 2004 could be the foundation for more complex mechanisms that are used now - six years later!

You need to think carefully about the above, because it will help to predict the next steps of search engines. After all, we all know that the main problem of Google and Yandex is paid links that do not work badly and of course the guys from the search engines are working on it.

Bill gives a number of examples that can be used to determine the weight of a particular link: the parameters of the link itself, the parameters of the page where it is located and the page where it leads.

A link becomes more valuable if users click on it , and the search engine can determine information about them using the Google toolbar or data from a browser. Also, the weight of the link depends on the location on the page, font size, color, etc. All these parameters give more chances that the user will go through it and find the necessary document.

Perhaps that is why the way went TrustLink, when they give out a code for placing the form:

  A link is more than a link.

In the account of the exchange of trust links, our offer looks like this:

  A link is more than a link.

As a result, we get not just a link, but a certain block of information that will use much more clickability than a regular link in the footer or another place on the page:

  A link is more than a link.

So for such links, if the factor of taking into account the possibility of transition is introduced, the weight will be transferred much more, which would be quite logical.

A very simple example:

Take a whole bunch of links in the footer, they have almost no weight, because they are not available to the user and they are not very often clicked on them and most likely they are located there in order to influence the search results. And you have seen a huge number of warnings all over the Internet of such a plan: “do not buy links in the footer”, but there were no statements from the official representatives of the search engines. These are just our guesses!

Quite often, you can see the questions - why the project is in the TOP Yandex, when there are so few links to it (and competitor's links are checked by Yahoo). The answer is simple - the reference "to be beaten" to the top, the link from the basement and the sites of a cheap category, or explicit HS, and does not show and does not take into account these links , because does not consider them natural for a long time!

And there are a lot of such examples and I don’t want to bring them all - I want to lead the conversation to one really interesting thing:

"Those link examples may question the profitability of text link anchor"

But this is already interesting! This is exactly what I did not get tired of repeating to people - it only seems that text anchors have a positive effect on the promotion, but it is also a very strong indicator of the naturalness of the link, because the average user will not invent the link text, therefore such links are set to influence for the issuance of search engines.

If you have a website, let's say about Linux, and 98% of the external links on this site lead to the same websites about the system, and the other links do not belong to this system, then there is a very high probability that they are commercial and set up to influence search engine. I think this is clear to everyone and such links can be simply reset by some algorithm.

Therefore, it is worth pondering about it the next time you are going to buy to get a natural link.


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