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Social Networking and SEO: 5 Steps to Success


  Social Networking and SEO: 5 Steps to Success

Nowadays, more than ever, for the development of companies you need to use as few resources as possible and from the traditional methods of promoting the company go to development on the Internet.

From the joint promotion in social networks and SEO there are a number of significant benefits: the recognition of the company in social networks and attracting traffic from search engines .

Sharing these methods leads to an increase in the number of target visitors and the methodical achievement of the goals that you set. Next, I want to tell you how SEO and social networks complement each other, as well as step by step you can learn how to develop in a social environment.

The benefits of using SEO and social networks

You can look at it from two different positions:

The first is the use of social networks without content optimization - money down the drain.

User-friendly content (blog, video, pictures, audio) that cannot be found using search is a lost opportunity to attract visitors.

For example, The Student LoanDown blog is a popular blog on student lending and financing. The page used 29 keywords and it does not appear in the issue of Google. And those pages that are in the index are different blog names.

  Social Networking and SEO: 5 Steps to Success

As long as the site remains such a good linking between posts, optimization of the blog template and other minor things - search traffic will go to the blog, despite the quality of the content.

Publication of information in social networks can improve brand awareness in search engine results. A good example is Stormhoek wines' - in the first place in the issuance of Google including Facebook and Twitter.

  Social Networking and SEO: 5 Steps to Success

Second, the use of SEO programs without distributing content and links in social networks will not give the desired result.

The possibilities of promotion in social networks are striking: content announcement, voting, commenting and linking .

If the content is popular - you become popular, get traffic and natural links.

  Social Networking and SEO: 5 Steps to Success

The famous Blendtec iPhone video has attracted over 6000 links for the "blender" query.

  Social Networking and SEO: 5 Steps to Success

Content + Links = Success in search engines.

Social networks

So, SEO and social networks work well together, if you know how to approach this correctly. One way to go is to stick with this scheme:

  Social Networking and SEO: 5 Steps to Success

1. Find an audience , understand their behavior, preferences, etc. Many companies start with this, taking root in all popular networks where there are potential customers. Many companies use software to determine keywords, correspondence and other useful information:

  Social Networking and SEO: 5 Steps to Success

2. Define your goals . The goals are usually sales, and SEO has always been a good tool to increase sales. SEO directly affects the recognition and familiarity with the content in various social networks.

Suppose you type the query 'Zappos' in Google and you will find much more than just a brand of shoes: Twiter, blog, Youtube. Here is the screen of the first page:

  Social Networking and SEO: 5 Steps to Success

Indirectly, social media content can advertise links to site content, increasing traffic from search engines and sales.

3. Develop an action plan . The best option when using SEO and social networks is to focus on content.

To increase keyword traffic, you need to constantly publish material and share it with users of social networks and create everything so that ordinary users can easily share with each other.

4. Tactics . The tactical task in using social networks is to study the audience : where it spends time and where more share useful material.

Such tactics are a good investment for the long term. Almost all volumes of content should be optimized for keywords.

  Social Networking and SEO: 5 Steps to Success

If the text written for social networks is well optimized, then you can already use headlines with keywords of this text and use links with text anchors for further promotion in search engines.

5. Monitoring the results . Research results should be reduced to the tasks that you set: both indirect and direct.

Using social network monitoring services and SEO analytics will provide you with all the information you need to improve your results. Radian6 and Webtrends have recently announced partnerships and the development of a single interface for social and SEO statistics. In the meantime, webmasters have to use a variety of monitoring tools.

The use of SEO and social networks can significantly increase the investment of advertisers, PR managers, etc. After all, a well-optimized social text can attract a huge number of users of social networks.

News content that is distributed on social networks can cause an inflow of backlinks to your site. Today, many advertisers understand the importance of social networks and if you have targeted visitors - they will always be happy to cooperate.


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seo, smo, monetization, basics of internet marketing

Terms: seo, smo, monetization, basics of internet marketing