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All SEO Factors Affecting Page Ranking in Search Results (part 2)


2. Links - internal, incoming, outgoing


External links anchor text

As discussed in the Keywords section, this is one of the most important factors for a good rating. Best of all, if you have a keyword in the anchor text, but even if you don’t, it’s still ok. However, do not use the same anchor text all the time, because it is also penalized by Google. Try using synonyms, a keyword implied, or just the name of your site instead



Origin of external links

In addition, the anchor text is important if the site that refers to you is authoritative or not. As a rule, sites with big PR of Google are considered authoritative. Links from poor sites and link farms can cause real harm to you, so you should avoid them at all costs.



Links from similar sites

As a rule, the more the better. But the reputation of sites that link to you is more important than their number. Also important is their anchor text (and its diversity), the absence / presence of the keyword (s) in it, the relationship of age, etc.



Links from .edu and .gov sites

These links are valuable because .edu and .gov websites are more reputable than .com. .biz, .info, etc. domains In addition, such links are difficult to obtain.



Number of backlinks

As a rule, the more the better. But the reputation of sites that link to you is more important than their number. Also important is their anchor text, there is a keyword in it, how old they are, etc.



Anchor text of internal links

This is also important, although not as much as the anchor text of incoming links.



Around-anchor text

The text that is immediately before and after the anchor text also matters, because it again indicates the relevance of the link - that is, if the link is artificial or it naturally flows in the text.



External links age

The older the better. Getting a lot of new links in a short time offers to buy them.



Links from directories

It can work, although it strongly depends on which directories. Being listed in the DMOZ, Yahoo Directory, and similar directories is a great incentive for your ranking, but having tons of links from Pr0 directories is useless or even harmful, because it can even be considered as link spam if you have hundreds or thousands of such links . Manual moderation catalogs before adding do a thorough site analysis, for example, check the presence of the "contacts" page with the real address and phone numbers, presence or absence of broken pages, general usability of the site, etc. therefore it is very difficult to get into such directories



Number of outbound links on a page that links to your site

The smaller the better for you, because this way your link looks more important.



Named Anchors

Named anchors (the destination of internal links) are useful for inland navigation, but also useful for SEO, because you emphasize that additionally a specific page, paragraph or text is important. In the code, the named anchors look like this: Read about dogs and "#dogs" is called an anchor.



IP address of incoming links

Google denies that they discriminate against links that come from the same IP address or C class of addresses, so for Google the IP address can be considered neutral with respect to the mass of incoming links. However, Bing and Yahoo! can refuse links from the same IP addresses or IP classes, so it is always better to get links from different IP addresses.



Inbound links from link farms and other suspicious sites

Supposedly, this does not affect you, provided that the links are not reciprocal. The idea is that it is out of your control to determine what link farm links to, so that you do not receive penalties when such sites link on you because it's not your fault. However, some recent changes in Google’s algorithm suggest otherwise. That's why, you should always stay away from link farms and other suspicious sites or if you see that they link to you, contact the webmaster and ask the link to remove.



Many outgoing links

Google doesn’t like pages that are mostly links, so you’d better keep them under 100 on one page. Having a lot of outbound links does not get you any advantage in terms of rating and can even make your situation worse.



Excessive linking, spam link

This is bad for your ranking when you have many links to / from the same sites (even if it is not a cross-linking scheme or links to bad neighbors), because it implies a link to buy or at least send spam . At best, only some of the links are considered for SEO ranking.



Outbound links to link farms and other suspicious sites

Unlike inbound links from link farms and other suspicious sites, outgoing links to bad neighbors can drown you. You need to periodically check the status of sites that you link to, because sometimes good sites become bad neighbors, and vice versa.




Bonding occurs when a site contains links to site B, site B links to site C and site C links to site A. This is the simplest example, but more complex schemes are possible. Stitching looks like a disguised mutual trade and communication breaks.



Single pixel links

when you have a link that is pixel or so wide that it is invisible to people, so no one will click on it, and it is obvious that this link is an attempt to manipulate search engines.



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