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We use search query domains to attract traffic


More recently, we experimented with domains whose names were completely similar to a search query and explored all the possibilities to increase the relevant and useful traffic.

I do not know if you have experience in registering such types of domains or in their promotion, but believe me, it is very, very simple and you will be surprised at how many domains - search queries remain unregistered.

most recently, I also laid out an example of the use of keywords in urla with reference to Google.

Now, understand me correctly, you will need to diligently and carefully follow my reasoning, since many have stopped half way.

But, having spent on it time and patience, you can register domains completely similar to the search query, which later will bring you constant targeted traffic.

So, here is a small diagram for more understanding:

We use search query domains to attract traffic

OK, let's take a look at this in more detail.

How to choose a keyword for a domain?

I do this with the help of the Google keyword tool, selecting search queries that suit me. One BUT - register domain names completely coinciding with the search query, which has from 300 queries per month.

Do I need a redirect from this domain?


You will promote this particular domain . The only thing you can use 301 redirect, if you want to attract the reference weight, or it goes to a large amount of search traffic of any brand. This method is used to quickly rank and attract traffic.

Do the above on your site, fill it with optimized unique content, transfer to your main site.

How long will the ranking take place? It's worth it?

If you did not know this before, then I can say that these types of domains very quickly go to the top by request , to which their name is attached.

Let's take a look at a simple example: is a domain registered about 2 weeks ago. What do you think, at what position in the issue is the site now having only 2 backlinks?

Take a look:

We use search query domains to attract traffic

As can be seen - in third place.

Of course, this search query will not bring a huge amount of traffic, but if we take the site to the first place, we will get 500-750 target visitors per month for $ 10 and 2 links !!

Will it take too much time to register and host a large number of domains?

Again, no ...

Personally, I would advise hostgator, open an account for hosting a large number of domains there.

Then all you need is to download WordPress (or any CMS you use), a unique template and create one page of content.

So, if you have a new website, this is the easiest way to generate traffic quickly. I want to warn you not to overdo it. If your site is young, the creation of a large number of domains with links to it will look like the development of a link system. Everything must be done gradually. Start with three domains and this is quite enough for a start.

I want to immediately answer the frequently asked question: " Does a domain zone, for example .com, .org, .net ????, affect this method ?"

Certainly NO , if you have a domain search query and you know how to get some quality links, then you are guaranteed to get to the top3 results for this query.

in addition, in addition to all the above advantages, there is one more. Snippet - affects clickability, highlighting a keyword in a domain, especially if the domain is equal to a keyword - further increases click through rate in search results (the psychologically important point is one-on-one, as an official source is perceived). Perhaps, somehow I will “burn” a part of the grid in order to demonstrate the influence of keywords in the domain, but for now I’m afraid, because being stolen


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