About   Domain Rank.  Domain Trust.  Domain Juice.

Today we will talk about puzomerki, but not ordinary and familiar to our ears, be it TCI or PR. From the article you will learn what a domain is ranked, a domain is a trust, a domain is Juice , although all this is not dogma, but the opinion of experts.

Domain Rank (domain level)

I have always tried to explain the principles of SEO in a simple, intelligible language, but nevertheless in SEO there are still some of the issues that can be considered difficult and not completely understandable. Not at all because they are complex in their own right, but to a greater extent Google is to blame for their insufficiently transparent information policy.

In order to be well-versed in SEO, you need to understand how all links work (incoming, outgoing, internal, external), how they affect ranking in search engines. Simply put, Google uses the entire link mass to determine the relevance, popularity and trust of your site to a given search query.

At first, Google only set the page level ( Page Level ), depending on the number and quality of links leading to the page. Schematically it looks like this:

About   Domain Rank.  Domain Trust.  Domain Juice.

Each incoming link to your PAGE transmits to it also some of its own indicators - relevance (thematic proximity), trust (level of trust), and credibility .

Recently, Google has also begun to consider these indicators at the domain level . Thus, Google will track all links to the domain in the same way as it used to do for individual pages.

For example, if you have 1000 inbound links to different pages of your site, they will all automatically be considered inbound for your domain and it will also receive its own weight .

About   Domain Rank.  Domain Trust.  Domain Juice.

If the calculation of Page Rank was taken into account the number of internal and external links to the page, then when calculating the Domain Rank, all references to the domain are taken into account, but only from external sources.

I hope this is all clear. The next question is, why is this Domain Rank so important?

Have you ever wondered why some of the "fresh" pages immediately managed to get to the top for highly competitive requests? Why, when the BBC news service prints some news on its website, does the page immediately appear in the top positions of Google issuance?

All this is based on different indicators of the domain (the so-called Google domain puzomerki for domains ) and Domain Rank is one of these indicators. The higher the Domain Rank, the better will be the position of new pages of your site in search results. For example, deep internal links with PR 0 can be very valuable if the site has a high Domain Rank. Personally, I would prefer to have a link from some deep page with zero Page Rank from the BBC website, than a link from the site muzzle with PR3, which has a low Domain Rank.

In addition to the Domain Ranka, there are also other domain indicators: Domain Trust and Domain Juice , we will dwell on them in more detail.

Domain Trust (level of trust for domains)

Improving the Domain Trust (trust level) for your domain, you show Google and other search engines that the site contains really useful information and does not violate ethical standards, so you need to index it first. What factors are considered when calculating the Domain Trust indicator? I suppose that there are hundreds of them, but there are a few basic ones about which I would like to tell:

  • What sites link to you?

When calculating the Domain Trust , Google will first of all check who links to your site. The idea is that if any sites with dubious reputation link to your site (for example, spam resources), your domain will also be considered unreliable and will receive a low level of trust from Google, with all the ensuing consequences.

Theoretically, your competitors could take advantage of this by searching your links on any dubious sites to specifically harm you, but Google provided for it, so this option is impossible, or very difficult to implement.

If Google sees incoming links to your site from such reputable resources as wikipedia, dmoz, yahoo directory or other sites with a high level of trust, then your site will acquire a certain level of trust. If someone tries to push such a site with a high Domain Trust with links from unreliable resources, then this is unlikely to have any effect.

But at the same time, be careful if you have a new site, when it receives thousands of links from bad sites, online casinos, sites selling Viagra, etc., then you are at risk.

Therefore, for "fresh" sites, the first thing to take care of is to get links from reputable, reliable resources to counter reference spam attacks in the future.

  • Who do you refer to?

If you refer to sites with a dubious reputation, this will lower the Domain Trust performance for your site. The harm from such links is very big, because Google believes that you have full control over everything that happens on your site, including outgoing links.

It is believed that spammers refer to spammers, so by all means try not to keep the "purity" of your outgoing links. If you are forced to put such links, for whatever reasons, to protect against a fall in the level of trust in your domain, hide them in nofollow.

  • Registration data

This question is still subject to discussion. Many SEO experts are inclined to think that Google considers domain registration data for the following reasons:

  1. They can see which domains you manage.
  2. They can quickly establish the relationship between domain registration data and links between them.

Recently, Google has domain tracking mechanisms with the same credentials. Therefore, if you own a large number of domains, and 90% of your domains are static or labeled as spam on Google, then your “clean” domains will be very poorly indexed and will most likely fall into the sandbox.

The best thing you can do to maintain and increase the Domain Trust (domain trust level) is to keep your website clean. About   Domain Rank.  Domain Trust.  Domain Juice.

Domain Juice (domain weight)

This is not a complicated mechanism, and works just like Paige Rank .

Incoming links to the page give her a “ Weight ”, this allows you to transfer reference weight from one page to another.

The same principle works for domains. Each link to one of the pages of your site transfers the weight for the domain as well, and there is also a "transfer" of weight between domains.

Below it is clearly shown in the picture:

About   Domain Rank.  Domain Trust.  Domain Juice.

The numbers on the pages indicate their Page Rank , they are all summed up and from them the total amount of domain weight that can be transferred to other domains is calculated, i.e. domains that your site links to.

And the last thing I would like to emphasize your attention, do not try to direct all incoming links to the face of your site. Google is suspicious of such sites, naturally they will have the question “why all sites link only to the main one? Are the internal pages really not important enough to get into the index that no one refers to them”.

An authoritative domain should have external links to all pages of the site, of course the main one requires more attention, but the internal ones should not be deprived of attention.