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SEO Tips: Content - Text Content Site


All pages that are in the TOP of search engines have one common feature: high-quality text. Never allow other important SEO factors : links, puzomerki, linking, frames and javascript to somehow overshadow the obligatory presence of good content on the page.

  SEO Tips: Content - Text Content Site

I recently noticed one pattern, all pages that are on the first pages of Google search results, unlike most others that are at lower CEPP positions, have high-quality texts.

In fairness it should be said that most optimizers undeservedly underestimate this important ranking factor. Does Google really rate pages only by technical parameters and has no idea about the semantic value of the page?

Apparently - no.

General rules for good content

It is necessary to pay tribute to Google, he copes well with his work: he finds pages with high-quality content and rewards them with high positions in the CEPA.

I looked at five pages which are in the first positions on five very popular search phrases. Naturally, these pages receive the majority of search traffic for their promoted queries.

Pages that contained text content (among the pages I found were also galleries with photos) had the following common features:

Frequent content updates.

At least once every few weeks, but most often once a week or even more often.

Spelling and grammar.

Very little or no error at all. There were no pages on which there would be more than three typos or more than four grammatical errors.

Note: you can check spelling in Microsoft Word, but not all words that are marked as containing errors are such, perhaps these are proper names that are not in the program's dictionary. Could this mean that Google has a spell checker? I already hear disgruntled whoops on the other side of the screen.

I cannot answer this question with complete confidence; nobody knows the ranking algorithms. But I assume that Google could not ignore such an opportunity to assess the "quality" of the page along with other factors.


Mostly small (1-4 sentences). One or no long blocks of text.


With marker or numbered.

The length of the sentences.

Also not very long (10 words or less). It is better to scatter long and medium sentences in the text instead of accumulating them in any one part of the text.

Contextual proximity.

The text should be close (relevant) to the search word or phrase, it is also desirable to use synonyms.

A small analysis of the studied pages

I also paid attention to some other SEO factors of the examined pages.


The average PageRank 4, and one page it was generally zero. Naturally, it can be assumed that in the ranking algorithms a small indicator of this puzomerki is not the most priority factor. But if you are one of those who are chasing this number, then this information will make you think.


I was surprised to see that frames were used on two pages from TOP. From the point of view of usability, frames are completely unnecessary. Also for SEO - frames are not very necessary, they can appear poorly on the ranking of the pages of your site if they are linked to them. There may be other negative consequences from their use.

Internal links from javascript.

Another surprising discovery is the internal links of most sites were from JavaScript. Again, just like frames, this is far from the most suitable option for your website in terms of SEO.


With the exception of two pages, I did not observe any particular page optimization on key queries. And more than half of the cases, keywords met no more than three times on a page, which means a very low density of their use.

On some pages there were no keywords at all. Therefore, I came to the conclusion that these pages were in the TOP only due to external factors. Or maybe when ranking Google took into account the whole site in the complex and these pages "moved" to the TOP at the expense of other, better pages.


On most pages, subtitles were either absent or were presented in the form of pictures (graphic elements). This should be avoided. Google, apparently, through the eyes of looking at such "blunders" in the design.


Most of the pages studied contained more than 30 outbound links. Moreover, on some pages the number of not relevant (links to thematically distant sites) links was much more relevant. It is not clear what SEO benefits site owners tried to get by posting non-thematic links to them. But it seems that Google has nothing to do with the fact that someone is trying to make money on your site.


A large number of pages contained “stolen” content, that is, it was simply copied and pasted from other sites without any changes. It was a quality, professionally written text that seemed to be freely available without any copyrights.

Note : there were a lot of rewrites on the studied sites. In any case, there were no web sites that consisted of pure rewrite. There was a large number of non-original content without any changes.

Tips for working with content page

If you are unable to write texts for your site.

Hire a professional copywriter for this job. In any case, when conducting an SEO campaign, you cannot do without quality content. From my experience in the SEO industry, I can say that not a large percentage of optimizers can write good texts. I had a case when a client approached me with a request to re-optimize his site.

The problem was that his site was well optimized and well advanced, even was in TOP, every day he received a huge amount of traffic. But as shown by my research of this problem due to poor content, almost all visitors left the site and the conversion rate was close to zero. Therefore, all this traffic was a waste of traffic.

If you decide to write your own content.

Then give it to a professional copywriter or corrector for review.

Update content frequently on your site.

It is important to add new pages and update existing ones. If you can not afford the original content, then use the one that is in free distribution (i.e. not copyrighted).

Use promotion articles.

This will allow you to get additional reference mass. Also in this way you can increase the visibility of your site and attract visitors to it as a source. The fear of being sanctioned by the search engine for “not originality of content” when using content that is freely available (as opposed to dual content within a single site) is groundless. But you need to understand that the promotion of articles should be used in conjunction with other methods.

If you have enough "adult" site.

Then invest more money in content than in design, optimization, building up link mass and analyzing user behavior on the site.


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