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How and who sets prices for your SEO services?


This question worries many beginners and "not very" beginner specialists. In any case - I advise you to read, in this material I am ready to subscribe to every word.

Low price

In the past, it just so happened that I worked at a too low price. Partly from the fact that I had low self-esteem, but to a greater extent from the fact that I did not know the real value of my work.

Even if I did something for cheap (sometimes very cheap), I was still completely devoted to work. As a result, the real value of what I did was several times higher than the benefits I expected to receive.

Another reason that prompted me to work cheaper than others is the reluctance to honor myself as a market trader when you need to invent different tricks to sell your product or service.

I realized how cheap I was only when I analyzed the prices for similar services of 5 competing companies. Some of them were several times higher than mine. The first thing that came to mind: What an idiot I am!

No, it does not mean that right from the morning until earlier you need to instantly call leading companies and find out how much they charge for website promotion, and then exclaim, "What an idiot I am!" and raise promotion prices. We are talking about really comparable in level of services.

When it makes sense to sell cheap

I think if someone takes on a new business, in most cases it is better to start with a price below the average market. It has certain benefits , namely:

  • easier to find first customers
  • together with customers you will come first experience and recognition
  • You will receive important comments and feedback on your work, this will help you improve your work.
  • you will find the right connections and popularity

By setting your prices slightly lower than others, you accelerate the development of your business at the initial stage, this will help you develop new marketing strategies. If at this stage your prices are too high, it will be difficult to start, in addition, you risk getting a negative reaction from customers because of this pricing policy.

Discounts, the reverse side of the coin

If you make discounts, then they should be provided for a not very long period and look like a reward for a quick purchase (to sell more goods / services in a short period of time).

If you give a discount too often, it will negatively affect the reputation of your product.

Instead of thinking that you are doing a cheaper customer service, look at it more broadly. Products at a low price buyer:

  • enjoy worse reputation
  • they are less trusted and lower valued
  • they do not value, not afraid to hurt or lose

for you it turns around:

  • you work a lot and for nothing
  • often forced to do double work
  • the most important thing is that you lose time which is not possible to turn back

In fact, the idea of ​​discounts seems stupid to me, but one cannot do without it.

And if free?

In a world where advertising rules everyone, offering something for free does not seem to be completely devoid of common sense, since it creates the impression and reputation you need in the minds of potential customers.

But " free " still has certain limitations . The first is the audience for which such a "gift" is intended. If a person does not pay for something, we can no longer call him the word "client", he actually is not.

He has no right to submit claims or complain about a product or service, as he did not incur any costs of acquiring it, at the same time he informally becomes your debtor, or receives some moral obligations to you.

Yes, the banner here is just the topic. This is an example of a " free " advertising campaign. For me, of course, it costs some money, but for those who took part in this action, it costs nothing. What have I achieved with this action? The participants of the action got the opportunity to “test drive” the services, although I’m not sure that everyone will feel the effect, because the audience size is not large and the semantic core for 80% of projects is not edited, but is being promoted in the proposed version (partial revision does exist, but is missing full work on the semantic core like a commercial project). Several companies have decided to switch from free regional to paid promotion throughout Russia. Plus not a big bonus in the form of donors for my site

All passing

If there is a one-sided exchange, the benefit (not necessarily material) is usually not long-lasting. At some time, it is necessary to create artificial " barriers " in order to receive benefits.

If you receive 1000 letters every day asking for free advice , this is a noise that needs to be filtered through ... a reward for your services.

The hardest thing in this case is to overstep yourself , because by answering other people's questions you are flattering yourself, because This is a public recognition of your professionalism.

You think that by providing your services for free, others appreciate it. Create some kind of "obstacle" and you will see how selfish and ungrateful most of these people are.

Oh yes, here at the expense of ingratitude - 100% true thought. Over time, I realized one very important truth - in order not to be disappointed in people, one should not expect anything from them .

Each such "obstacle" as a network separates the most indifferent, greedy and least appreciative users from the general audience. How can you respect the people who send letters such as:

"This is complete nonsense. Each download link leads to one and the same page. How can I download something if the link is broken?!

Instead of spamming others with your unnecessary letters, maybe you should create a better product and make it more accessible?

I liked your product, it was much easier to use it last year, now it's a waste of time. I decided now to use a similar product from another company.

I hope you have made conclusions, otherwise you will lose customers. "

The following conclusions can be drawn from this letter:

  • he doesn't pay me
  • he used our helpdesk
  • told him he didn't like our product
  • want us to create the best product
  • called me an e-mail spammer
  • wants my product to always be free
  • says that I will lose customers if my free program will be difficult to download
  • he will never pay me

From the point of view of my business interest , this eccentric letter is empty and worthless of idle talk. And he is a dunce who breathes air in vain, only translates oxygen.

What would be better, to spend time on correspondence with such ungrateful users, or is it better to help those who really appreciate my work?


Now you understand why I'm writing about it. In most cases, the lack of banal ingenuity (resourcefulness) leads to the fact that a person receives insufficiently needed information.

Many of those who write to me simply do not want to think , and when I assist them in return I get such boorish letters.

Recently, one visitor to my blog asked me the question " What should he do if he is smart but does not have enough money to attend seminars and does not have connections with a professional that someone would teach him? ".

The basis of this issue is the lack of banal ingenuity. When I was a novice CEOshnik, in my educational process I played a large part of what I read many thematic sites, participated in discussions on forums, some even moderated, posted daily in my blog.

Later, I spent a huge amount of money on creating software that was available for free download.

When I was unknown, I had no money, I had no connections, etc. I did not consider this an obstacle. These were opportunities.

As long as I didn’t have enough money, I valued my time too low until others began to value him more than me. I got a job, and with it a capital inflow, but I didn’t stop there to continue studying, later I started teaching others, and for free. The only thing I regret is that I am not as creative as that


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seo, smo, monetization, basics of internet marketing

Terms: seo, smo, monetization, basics of internet marketing