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Before registering a domain - check all


You want to register a domain or a bunch of domains. What are you doing?

1. Check domain is busy or not, with the help of whois service.

2. If busy, pick up another, if free - register.

The usual steps for everyone who wants to acquire a domain name.

Yesterday I delegated several domains to the satellites, uploaded them there and began to wait for the DNS to change to add to the PS. Today I checked - everything is OK, projects are available, I’m filling them with PS.

One, second, third .. stop - the third is banned in Yandex, the adurelka writes "forbidden to be indexed." That's ass drew Before registering a domain - check all

What are the conclusions to draw from the foregoing? That's right, in addition to steps 1 and 2, when registering domains, other actions are also needed.

Let's add.

3. We look at the history of the owners of the domain, let's say it will be the domain So go and look.

4. We look at the presence in the archive of this domain, as well as add. service by owners. And you can also look at backlinks on the yacht.

Be sure to do all this Before registering a domain - check all with free domains, so as not to have problems. You can use the service Be1.Ru, in which all data can be found by clicking on the necessary links.

These are the conclusions that were made today; previously, similar actions were applicable only to vacated domains in order to learn everything about them, and now I will do this for new ones.

With one specific case - there will be no problems. On this satellite we will look at the real effect of the words of Yandex support, regarding " If you develop the site for users to post unique and useful information, it will eventually appear in the search ."

There was a unique information on this site, there will be external links, I find out how much time it will take to get out of the ban automatically. If month 2 is not enough, then I will write to Plato Before registering a domain - check all so that the hands are taken out.


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