Advertising - as an art, business - as a philosophy

Advertising is too vulgar a word for those videos that I picked up for the post, but still it is she.

How often do we see a quality feed, which is not only a current description, but a stemming element of the general business philosophy?

My favorite subject, with which I always willingly work, is automotive websites, and everything related to them in one way or another. I also run my own auto projects, some of which are known through the portfolio, some will remain "incognito" and without an owner.   Advertising - as an art, business - as a philosophy This is due to different circumstances, but the post is not about that.

I have to filter a fairly large amount of information so that my "wards" were filled with only interesting content, for all the time I got my favorite brands, as well as ads that are addictive, which I want to share with you, readers of a blog on a completely different subject, but today is Friday 13th, why not make a retreat.

In the automotive industry, as in many others, there are different market segments that should be advertised and advertised by completely different means that only at first glance may seem simple or understandable to the advertiser.

There is a video that I attribute to the masterpieces, who created them - a huge respect, for having worked and supplied the visuals with amazing music. One of these clips is the Peugeot 308 ad featuring Natalia Rogozina, an ad with the perfect backing that combines fragility, elegance and strength.

This is perhaps the only example of advertising not from the premium segment, which is so fused in memory. The rest of the commercials are a pure premium segment, in which completely different brands play, other principles, a different philosophy .

Why? - because it is aimed at people from a different social stratum, with other priorities in life. The luxury segment is quite different from the middle class.

For example, the topic of renting an elite real estate does not include the word “rent”, the word “rent” appears, another social layer that communicates in a slightly different format.

To understand the whole philosophy and essence of the goods being sold - one needs to be completely immersed in a similar atmosphere , only this way one can offer the client what he wants to see or hear, and not the standard set of functions that is inherent in products of a lower price segment.

Communicating with customers who are engaged in just the elite goods, you learn a lot about the psychology of people, about the target audience for which they work, these are really other laws of the market.

In between the reflections I will share the following videos of the car brand that makes high-quality and exciting advertising. This is the Lexus , which presents various qualities of the car in the awesome commercials:

And of course an ideally selected audio series that is in harmony with the video ( can someone tell me where in higher quality there is? ):

But the minus of the Lexus brand is one thing - the lack of history . Which is very important for this market segment.

In the luxury segment, traditions, heritage and philosophy are highly valued . A product is not just a material thing, it must bring with it pleasure and a specific “smell” of some involvement in something individual and distinguishing its owner.

In my opinion, all the qualities I have described are owned by a single brand, Porsche, which not only possesses them, but also knows how to demonstrate it.

A very important factor in such commercials, which is observed in almost all commercials - an adult, balanced, masculine voice . Why? - I think you will see looking through all the videos.

These videos, ideally, need to be watched at night, when nothing bothers you, when the calm state allows you to immerse yourself in the essence of words, sounds, visual effects. This is an advertisement for egoists , so to speak.

As I wrote a little higher, philosophy is important. This applies not only to the auto business, read "deeper", read between the lines. This is a philosophy of life.

Porsche's philosophy of independence

Ferdinand Porsche: Large groups are inherently timid, their main goal is to survive, instead of taking risks and moving independently. Independence has always been an integral feature of Porsche. Do not what they expect from, but what we think is right.

For a long time I could not find the car I dreamed of - a small, lightweight sports car with the rational use of power. And then I decided to convince him myself.

They say that I believe that most creations today resemble each other. That is why Porsche should remain small and independent. Without independence and without freedom to embody new ideas, the world will not move forward, but will fear its own potential.

The result of the activity of large groups are creations that do not have a soul, their own individuality. That is why no Porsche car will ever be developed by a large group; they will be created within these walls by several people who have an idea of ​​what a Porsche should be.

History of the brand Porsche

Ferdinand Porsche: Time is one of the few things that a person cannot influence. It gives each of us a beginning and an end. It makes us wonder how we will use what is between them.

We all need to strive to create something that will leave a mark on us. Create something eternal. In order to stand the test of time, it must be unique and so universal that everyone can appreciate it.

The only thing that is universal is the search for a goal. The essence of human thinking is the search for the meaning of being.

That is why the functional design is so beautiful and acts soothingly. Of course, a design that is not related to a specific time will be forgotten if it cannot survive. That is why we participate in races, and our cars are subjected to such serious tests. To create something that cannot destroy time, something that ignores time as a concept of physical death - this is a complete victory.

The first Porsche, created in 1948, is still with us. He inspired us to create new cars. And he will continue to live in all of them.

What is history and continuity? - it is difficult to explain it better than the founder of Porsche did, and contemporaries displayed Porsche models in the family tree, the crown of evolution was the Porsche Panamera model. Where did the name Panamera come from - a characteristic movie with a story. All this is written for a reason - it is interesting and creates the desired range around the brand.

A small selection of videos that I love very much, in which not only the gloss of advertising, but also the interweaving of philosophy, history, principles of life.

PS outside the post, just like one of the favorite promotional videos - Bugatti 16 C Galibier Concept . Perfect submission of information.