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Placing contextual advertising - is everything right?


At an online seminar on satellites, which took place not so long ago, I talked about including the placement of contextual advertising, about right and wrong. What was quite obvious to me was a revelation for many, as I understood from the questions received during the broadcast, and also after that during consultations on ICQ.

What was discussed, for those who did not listen to the seminar, I will explain. An example was given of placing the Yandex.Direct and runner on one content project and not showing the effectiveness of the direct block and the efficiency of the runner block. No - we are not talking about the superiority of one contextual advertising system over another.

It is about the correct placement of blocks with context. Let's look at an example on one of the simple, content satellites that I have and the site or the satellite is completely similar, even a couple of such.

So, there is a satellite, which is a dictionary, which means that there is a lot of information there, but it is not at all unique and there are many projects with similar information. Good traffic gives low frequency, very specific requests.

We will now consider one of them, namely " BIOLOGICAL RHYTHMS (biorhythms) ". On my satellite there is this page from the dictionary. It is on many others, but I have selected two more similar dictionaries, the first one and the second one.

The person who came from the search engine, on this request, is most likely interested in a healthy lifestyle, healthy nutrition, possibly diets. So after reading this material presented on the page, he would rather click on any advertising that will be in the subject .

At the seminar I said that the contextual block should be either in the text or under the text block, but not from the side, nor in any other place. Now let's see the screens I made.

My project. As we see, Adsense produces an advertisement that clearly corresponds to the content of the page, since It takes into account the text that is in close proximity + title, descriptions, keywords of the page.

  Placing contextual advertising - is everything right?

Now let's take a look at another dictionary, I just cut the screen - who wants to see completely, he will go to the link above.

  Placing contextual advertising - is everything right?

What do we see on a page with similar content?

  Placing contextual advertising - is everything right?

We see the ads of Ashmanov + a couple of ads of not unknown sites that everyone who deals with the context hates   Placing contextual advertising - is everything right?

Does the person who came by this request see the advertisement he needs? - not.

We look at not another example, the content is similar, where is the block located and what do we see in the advertisement block?

  Placing contextual advertising - is everything right?

We see travel ads, online game and trucks.

  Placing contextual advertising - is everything right?

Is it necessary for the person who came to read about biorhythms, does he need all this? In my opinion, no.

Want more examples?   Placing contextual advertising - is everything right? Get it, sign it, not so obvious, but still.

Yuzhno-Kurilsk. What does the person who came to this request want to see? And the devil knows, in most cases, just read the information about the city, but still, if it’s a city resident, I won’t be surprised if he wants to stupidly dump another job, to another country, will there be a green card ad for us? - perhaps for the slightest share, but yes.

  Placing contextual advertising - is everything right?

And now let's move to a page with similar content, here we see the contextual block, which is in the right column, in the middle of a completely non-thematic page of text. When I open this page, I see ads for special equipment, spare parts, landscape design. Thematically - very hardly, to a much lesser extent than the green card.

Let's summarize. How to place contextual blocks?

About (often lower than higher) or in a block with information of interest to the visitor. It is necessary to exclude hit of blocks in the extraneous elements of the page containing not thematic text (not thematic for a specific page). You can place a block right below the menu if the menu contains the main keywords, as well as a really themed text below the menu.

What is all this for?

To increase profits from contextual advertising.

Of course, the ad filter also plays a role, you just have to add cheap, non-thematic sites, so you can increase your income from contextual advertising.

All of the above is IMHO, which was formed on the basis of multiple placement of contextual blocks on satellites as well as on industry portals, as well as on sites where I buy places for the contextual block.

PS at the seminar I gave an example of 1 page of a similar project. Here you can see just the result of proper placement and not correct. And the example will be very indicative, since 2 context systems used on 1 page.

The runner block is right below the text. Announcements are thematic.

  Placing contextual advertising - is everything right?

And the block Yandex. Direction, which is lying among the navigation. Ads are not at all in the topic of massage.

  Placing contextual advertising - is everything right?


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