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Search marketing


Search marketing marketing (English Search engine marketing (SEM) ) - a set of activities aimed at increasing site traffic to its target audience from search engines. Methods of search marketing include all methods that solve this problem, ranging from direct attraction of targeted traffic by links from less relevant site sites, to works inside the site that increase the site’s relevance for your Central Asia (thereby increasing the visibility of the site in search engines by re-ranking the results issue in favor of this site for key requests). In fact, search marketing is engaged in the redistribution of traffic on the Internet from places that are less relevant to a request to places with a greater relevance to them (E. Tarasov).

Why is the term “marketing” used instead of “advertising”? Because the concept of “advertising” is a goal, and marketing is a means of increasing the effectiveness of advertising.

With the help of search marketing you can only attract the audience that is interested in purchasing goods and services of the customer.


  • 1 Search Marketing Technologies
  • 2 Search marketing in RuNet
  • 3search marketing search
  • 4Notes
  • 5 Literature


In 2007, US advertisers spent $ 24.6 billion on US search engine marketing. As of 2006, SEM is growing much faster than traditional advertising and even other Internet marketing channels. Search campaigns are managed either directly from the SEM provider or through the Search Marketing Marketing (SEM) provider. It can also be self-service or through an advertising agency. As of August 2016, Google is the market leader in search engine marketing with a global market share of about 71%. Bing ranks second with a market share of 10.6%, while Chinese homes have grown to Baidu search engine, ranked third in the world with a share of about 8.7%.


As the number of sites on the Internet increased in the mid to late 1990s, search engines began to emerge to help people quickly find information. Search engines, developed business models to fund their services, such as pay-per-click programs offered by Open Text   in 1996 and then [ in 1998 later changed its name   Overture in 2001, was acquired by Yahoo! in 2003, and now offers paid search options for advertisers through Yahoo! Search Marketing. Google also began advertising on search results pages in 2000 using the Google AdWords program. By 2007, pay-per-click programs had proved their primary business [ for search engines. In a market dominated by Google, in 2009, Yahoo! and Microsoft announced their intention to conclude an alliance. Yahoo! and the Microsoft Search Alliance eventually received approval from regulators in the US and Europe in February 2010  

Search engine optimization consultants have expanded their offerings to help businesses explore and use advertising opportunities provided by search engines, and new agencies focusing primarily on marketing and advertising through search engines have emerged. The term "Marketing Search Systems" was popularized by Danny Sullivan in 2001   , to cover the whole range of activities related to the implementation of SEO, managing paid listings in search engines, submitting sites to directories, as well as developing online marketing strategies for businesses, organizations and individuals.

Search Marketing Technologies

Contextual advertising - the dissemination of information about a website or company in search engines by placing contextual advertisements on selected words.

Search engine optimization (website promotion, website optimization, search engine optimization, SEO) - a set of actions to change the website and elements of the external environment in order to obtain high positions in the "natural" search results for given queries.

Border case of search and contextual advertising - placement of advertisements in the search results on the thematic site-advertising platform. It should be borne in mind that search technology is not limited to these technologies. Already, new technology is being developed: search marketing for social networks (Social media optimization) and for video (Video search marketing). The development of the Internet suggests the emergence of new technologies.

In general, the following features are characteristic of search marketing:

  • Work under specific requests (keywords).
  • Connection with search (search engines, site search).
  • Taking into account the context (themes of the advertising platform, etc.)

Search marketing in RuNet

The selection of search marketing in RuNet in a separate independent strategy, the type of Internet advertising is associated with:

  • growth of the context and search advertising market. It is ahead of the growth of media advertising (for example, in 2006 it grew by 120% compared to 2005).
  • in absolute terms, search advertising accounts for more than half of the total online advertising market.
  • With a boom in search engine optimization, the market volume in 2005–2006 was $ 70–100 million.   
  • At the moment, the market continues to grow, increasing its annual turnover (at the time of 2010 it is 300 million USD), despite the fact that the growth in the number of players in the market has slowed  
  • according to RAEC, the search engine optimization market in 2012 amounted to 8.56 billion rubles, showing an increase of 19% compared with the data for 2011  

Now the term "search marketing" is not widely used in RuNet, instead it is often used "an integrated approach to the promotion of sites on the Internet." Or: "methods of promotion (promotion) of sites", "integrated promotion (promotion) of sites."

Search Marketing Security

Due to the fact that search marketing is used by a huge number of sites to attract new customers and users, it is not possible to filter each site manually. Therefore, popular search engines in Russia and the world have automated tools for checking content ads and search results sites for infection and illegal and prohibited content.

The most common tools are Google Safebrowsing and Yandex Safebrowsing, which check each site in its search results for viruses and other malicious code. If malicious code is detected on the websites being checked, the search engines block the website by using these tools, marking the website as threatening the computer's security, which results in a sharp decrease in search engines transitions.

At the same time, according to the SiteSecure site security research data on the security of commercial sites in Russia in Q1 2015, the site is blocked by search engines for an average of 7 days, which leads to a loss of up to 1/4 of the monthly revenue generated by the site.

A site marked by search engines as unsafe, cannot be the landing page of contextual advertisements and is reduced or completely excluded from search results.

SEO comparison

SEM is a wider discipline that includes SEO. SEM includes both paid search results (using tools like Google Adwords or Bing Ads, formerly known as Microsoft AdCenter) and organic search results (SEO). SEM uses paid advertising with AdWords or Bing ads, pay per click (especially useful for local providers, because it allows potential consumers to contact the company directly with one click), article submission, advertising and making sure that SEO has been done. Keyword analysis is performed for both SEO and SEM, but not necessarily at the same time. SEM and SEO both need to be validated and frequently updated to reflect emerging best practices.

In some contexts, the term SEM is used exclusively to mean pay-per-click .   especially in commercial advertising and marketing communities that have a vested interest in this narrow definition. Such use excludes a wider search engine marketing community that deals in other forms, such as SEM search engine optimization and search redirection.

Another part of SEM is social media marketing (SMM). SMM is a type of marketing that includes exploitative social media to influence consumers that the products and / or services of one company are valuable.   Some of the latest theoretical advances include search engine management marketing (Semm). SEMM refers to activities, including SEO, but focuses on management return on investment (ROI) instead of the corresponding traffic building (as in the case of mainstream SEO). SEMM also integrates organic SEO, trying to achieve top rankings without using paid resources to achieve it, and pay per click SEO. For example, some of the focus is placed on the layout of the web page design and how the content and information is displayed on the site visitor. SEO and SEM are the two main components of a single marketing job, and they both work side by side to produce much better results than focusing on just one pillar.

Ethical issues

Paid search advertising was not without controversy, and the question of how search engines present ads on their search results pages is the subject of several studies and reports on Consumer Reports WebWatch. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) also issued a letter   in 2002 about the importance of disclosing paid advertising on search engines, in response to a complaint from a commercial alert, a consumer-propaganda group with links to Ralph Nader.

Another ethical dispute related to search marketing was the issue of trademark infringement. Debates over whether third parties should be eligible to bid on the brand names of their competitors are already underway for many years. In 2009, Google changed its policy, which previously banned this tactic, allowing 3rd parties to bid on company conditions, while their landing page actually contains information about the trademark.   Although the policy has been changed it continues to be a source of heated debate.  

On April 24, 2012, many began to see that Google began to fine companies that buy links for purposes of issuing a rank. Google's update was named Pinging. Since then there have been several different Penguin / Panda updates rolled by Google. SEM has, however, nothing to do with buying links and focuses on organic SEO and PPC management. As of October 20, 2014, Google has released three official revisions of their Penguin Update.


AdWords is recognized as a sample of web advertising because it accepts keywords that can deliver advertising explicitly to web users who are looking for information on a particular product or service. It is flexible and includes customizable settings like ad extensions, access to non-search sites, leveraging the media network to help increase brand awareness. This project is very practical for advertisers, as the project depends on the cost per click (CPC) pricing, where you can set the maximum cost per day during the campaign, while paying for the service is applied only if their ad was clicked. SEM companies have launched AdWords projects as a way to promote their SEM and SEO services. This action has helped your business be challenging by offering added value to consumers who are keen to use AdWords to promote their products and services. One of the most successful approaches to the strategy of this project was to focus on the fact that PPC advertising funds were prudently invested. In addition, SEM companies have described AdWords as a fine practical tool to increase consumer investment income for online advertising. Using conversion tracking and Google Analytics tools was considered to be practical for presenting customers with canvas performance from click to conversion. The AdWords project has allowed SEM to train its customers on dishes and provides better performance on the canvas. AdWord's help to the web could contribute to a huge success in the growth of Internet traffic for a number of sites of its consumer, by as much as 250% in just nine months.  

Another way search engine marketing is managed is contextual advertising. Here, marketers place ads on other sites or portals that carry information relevant to their products, so that ads jump into terms of browsers that are looking for information from these sites. A successful SEM plan is an approach to capture relationships among information searchers. , businesses and search engines. Search engines have not been important to some industries in the past, but in recent years the use of search engines to access information has become vital for improving business opportunities.   Using strategic SEM tools for businesses, such as tourism, can attract the potential of consumers to view their products, but it can also present various problems.   These problems may be the competition that companies are facing among their industry and other sources of information that could attract the attention of Internet consumers.   In order to help combat problems, the main concern for enterprises is to use SEM to improve and maintain their rankings as high as possible on the SERPs so that they can gain visibility. Thus, search engines regulation and development of algorithms and shift criteria by which web pages are ranked consistently to fight against the search engine of misuse and spamming, as well as provide the most relevant information to searchers.   It can improve relationships among informational searchers, enterprises and search engines based on an understanding of the marketing strategy for attracting business.


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