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The main characteristics of the input circuit of receiving devices


Input circuit transfer factors:

              a) voltage:

  The main characteristics of the input circuit of receiving devices ,

Where   The main characteristics of the input circuit of receiving devices - the voltage at the input of the first amplifier-converter cascade of the receiver;

                The main characteristics of the input circuit of receiving devices - EMF of the signal generator equivalent to the antenna-feeder system;

              b) by power:

  The main characteristics of the input circuit of receiving devices .


Selective properties of the input circuit are estimated by the selectivity characteristic

  The main characteristics of the input circuit of receiving devices ,

Where   The main characteristics of the input circuit of receiving devices - the transfer coefficient of the input circuit at the resonant frequency;

                The main characteristics of the input circuit of receiving devices - transmission coefficient at a given current frequency.

Bandwidth consistent with the width of the spectrum of the useful signal.

Overlap of the required frequency range.

  The main characteristics of the input circuit of receiving devices ;

Breakdown into subranges is carried out in two ways:

but)   The main characteristics of the input circuit of receiving devices  

b)   The main characteristics of the input circuit of receiving devices

Stability of parameters and characteristics.


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Devices for the reception and processing of radio signals, Transmission, reception and processing of signals

Terms: Devices for the reception and processing of radio signals, Transmission, reception and processing of signals