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Internal noise of radio reception and processing devices


Noise passive circuits.  

Let an arbitrary passive linear circuit formed by conductors with metallic conductivity be at temperature T. If we consider this circuit as a two-terminal circuit whose resistance

  Internal noise of radio reception and processing devices

then between its ends the emf of thermal noise acts, the rms value of which

  Internal noise of radio reception and processing devices

where r is the active part of the two-pole impedance;

        k = 1.38 10 -23 J / deg (J / K) is the Boltzmann constant;

        T is the absolute temperature of the circuit;

        P is the band within which the emf of noise is measured.

The equivalent noise scheme of such a two-pole device is shown in Fig. a) where   Internal noise of radio reception and processing devices - noise voltage generator. You can imagine another version of the equivalent two-pole noise scheme.

  Internal noise of radio reception and processing devices

Figure 4.1.

Here, Y = G + jB is the total conductivity of the two-port network;

          Internal noise of radio reception and processing devices - Noise generator

  Internal noise of radio reception and processing devices

If the resistance of the two-pole is active (x = 0), then for circuit b)

B = 0; G = 1 / r;   Internal noise of radio reception and processing devices ;

Equivalent schemes a) and b) , as well as all the considered formulas can be used to determine the noise of passive two-terminal networks containing an arbitrary number of elements L , C , r . In this case, the values ​​of r and x or G and B in schemes a) and b) will be difficult to depend on frequency. Formulas for determining   Internal noise of radio reception and processing devices and   Internal noise of radio reception and processing devices while true within the band   Internal noise of radio reception and processing devices within which the change in r and G can be neglected .

As an example, let us turn to the noise of a parallel LC circuit , the loss resistance r to which we will assume to be independent of frequency.

  Internal noise of radio reception and processing devices
  Internal noise of radio reception and processing devices

Figure 4.2.

Determine the noise voltage on the circuit   Internal noise of radio reception and processing devices in a narrow lane   Internal noise of radio reception and processing devices near the resonant frequency   Internal noise of radio reception and processing devices . In this case we proceed to the equivalent noise circuit of the parallel circuit. Considering narrow bandwidth   Internal noise of radio reception and processing devices , many times smaller than the bandwidth   Internal noise of radio reception and processing devices contour at the level of 0.707, we can neglect the detuning of the contour for the noise components lying inside the band   Internal noise of radio reception and processing devices . Then the voltage generated by these components will be Q times their emf ( Q is the quality factor of the circuit). Then

  Internal noise of radio reception and processing devices

Where   Internal noise of radio reception and processing devices - the resonant resistance of the parallel circuit at points 1-2.

If you are interested in the noise of a parallel circuit, choosing a narrow strip   Internal noise of radio reception and processing devices frequency at an arbitrary frequency, it is necessary to consider the dependence   Internal noise of radio reception and processing devices on frequency. With increasing detuning value   Internal noise of radio reception and processing devices and therefore the voltage   Internal noise of radio reception and processing devices are decreasing.

Thus, the noise source of passive circuits is thermal noise of loss resistance.

Noise antenna.  

Thermal noise occurs in the antenna and in the ground; however, their role is usually insignificant, since The loss resistance in these devices is small. Much more important is the colossus ***, induced in the antenna by electromagnetic waves coming to the Earth from space, by thermal electromagnetic radiation from the atmosphere of the Earth and the Earth itself. The fluctuation nature of these disturbances allows us to consider them together.

Antenna noise characterizes antenna noise temperature   Internal noise of radio reception and processing devices which means temperature   Internal noise of radio reception and processing devices in which thermal noise resistance equal to the radiation resistance of the antenna   Internal noise of radio reception and processing devices appear to be the same as the actual noise of the antenna. This allows you to express the antenna emf noise   Internal noise of radio reception and processing devices according to the Nyquist formula

  Internal noise of radio reception and processing devices

The higher the noise level in the antenna, the higher its noise temperature. Such an assessment of the noise level is convenient in that it is not possible to decide on the bandwidth P , which would be inevitable when using EMF or power. It is convenient to consider   Internal noise of radio reception and processing devices as the sum of the components

  Internal noise of radio reception and processing devices

Where   Internal noise of radio reception and processing devices noise temperature of the sky, determined by the level of cosmic noise;

          Internal noise of radio reception and processing devices - noise temperature of the atmosphere;

          Internal noise of radio reception and processing devices - Earth's noise temperature.

Sources of intense electromagnetic radiation are stars and, above all, the nearest star to the Earth - the Sun. It is considered that the maximum   Internal noise of radio reception and processing devices corresponds to the equator of the galaxy, and the minimum   Internal noise of radio reception and processing devices - its poles. For frequencies of 30-120 MHz, the average value

  Internal noise of radio reception and processing devices

On cm waves, cosmic noise is insignificant. The noise temperature of the atmosphere   Internal noise of radio reception and processing devices increases as the reception direction approaches the horizon. These noises are most significant at frequencies above 10 GHz. The noise temperature of the Earth is considered to be close to 250 K. All three components of the noise temperature of the antenna, thus, depend on the frequency range, the antenna pattern, the direction of reception.

Noise active elements of receivers.  

The noise of a pn junction is caused by four factors:

              1) the resistive resistance of the pn-junction layers is thermal noise;

              2) the uneven flow of charge carriers through the pn junction - shot noise;

              3) the unevenness of the process of carrier recombination in the distribution of current between the electrodes, for example, in the distribution of the emitter current between the collector and the base — current distribution noise;

             4) macroprocesses on the surfaces of the pn-junction layers, creating atrial (flicker) noise.

At shot noise spectral density   Internal noise of radio reception and processing devices uniform at frequencies lower than ~ 0.5H . 10 11 Hz. It drops at higher frequencies, because shot noise is caused by a random sequence of current pulses created by a charge carrier span, the time of which (pulse duration) is approximately 10 -11 s.

Thermal noise   Internal noise of radio reception and processing devices at frequencies less than 3H . 10 12 Hz.

Have atrial noise   Internal noise of radio reception and processing devices . Atrial noise affects frequencies below a dozen kHz and is not considered further in the analysis.


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Devices for the reception and processing of radio signals, Transmission, reception and processing of signals

Terms: Devices for the reception and processing of radio signals, Transmission, reception and processing of signals