Attraction process


As in the animal world, the process of courtship in the human world follows a completely predictable scenario. All of us, meeting an attractive person, go through five stages.

STAGE 1. Eye contact. A woman inspects the room and notices a man who is interesting to her. She wants him to notice her, and for this purpose keeps his gaze for five seconds, and then turns away. He continues to look at her to see if she is looking at him. On average, a woman needs three times to catch a man’s gaze before he realizes what is happening. Eye contact can be repeated several times. He is the beginning of the process of courtship.

STAGE 2. Smile. A woman smiles at a man one or more times. Most likely, it will be a slight half-smile, which a man should regard as a "green light". Unfortunately, many men do not respond to such signals, causing the woman to feel that she is uninteresting and unattractive.

STAGE 3. Smarting. The woman straightens to emphasize the chest, and crosses the legs or ankles, showing them in the most favorable light. If a woman is standing, then she bends slightly at the waist and tilts her head to the side, exposing the defenseless neck. For about six seconds, she straightens her hair, giving the impression that she is preening for her man. A woman licks her lips, straightens her hair, clothes and jewelry. A man who understands the meaning of such signals straightens up, draws in his stomach, expands his chest, straightens clothes and hair, lays his thumbs on the belt. The feet of both are directed towards each other.

STEP 4. Talk. A man approaches a woman and tries to start a conversation with the help of his usual cliches: “Have we met before?” Such phrases are meant to break the ice at the first meeting.

STEP 5. Touch. A woman is looking for an opportunity to initiate a light touch on her arm, sometimes “accidental”, sometimes conscious. Touching the palm is a movement more intimate than touching the hand. Then the touch is repeated in order to make sure that the partner does not object to such proximity, and to make him understand that the first touch was not accidental. If a woman touches the man’s shoulder or strokes him, he has the impression that she cares about his health and appearance. A handshake is the shortest way to the touch stage.

These five stages of courtship may seem insignificant or even random, but they are very important for making new relationships. These stages are very difficult, especially for men. Now we will talk about the signals that are most often sent at these stages by men and women.


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Body language

Terms: Body language