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test questions - 4. The origin and development of human


Это окончание невероятной информации про сознание человека.


obviousness of the facts of the psycho-physiological interaction, there are a number of serious objections to this approach. One of them is to deny the fundamental law of nature - the law of the conservation of energy. If material processes, what

if physiological processes are caused by a mental (ideal) cause, then this would mean the emergence of energy from nothing, since the mental is not material. On the other hand, if physiological (material) processes gave rise to psychic phenomena, then we would face another kind of absurdity - energy disappears.

Of course, it can be argued that the energy conservation law is not entirely correct, but in nature we are unlikely to find other examples of violation of this law. One can speak of the existence of a specific "psychic" energy, but in this case it is again necessary to explain the mechanisms for the transformation of material energy into a kind of "intangible." And finally, one can say that all mental phenomena are material in nature, that is, they are physiological processes. Then the process of interaction of soul and body is the process of interaction of the material with the material. But in this case, you can agree to complete absurdity. For example, if I raised my hand, then this is an act of consciousness and at the same time a brain physiological process. If I then want to hit someone with it (for example, my interlocutor), then this process can go to the motor centers. However, if moral considerations force me to refrain from this, then this means that moral considerations are also a material process.

At the same time, despite all the arguments cited as evidence of the material nature of the psychic, it is necessary to agree with the existence of two phenomena — subjective (primarily facts of consciousness) and objective (biochemical, electrical, and other phenomena in the human brain). It would be quite natural to assume that these phenomena correspond to each other. But if we agree with these statements, then we turn to the side of another principle - the principle of psycho-physiological parallelism, which states that it is impossible for the ideal and material processes to interact.

It should be noted that there are several currents of parallelism. This is dualistic parallelism, emanating from the recognition of the independent essence of the spiritual and material principle, and monistic parallelism, which sees all mental and physiological phenomena as two sides of a single process. The main thing that unites them is the assertion that mental and physiological processes take place in parallel and independently from each other. What happens in the mind corresponds to what happens in the brain, and vice versa, but these processes are independent of each other.

We could agree with this statement, if the arguments in this direction were not constantly filled with a denial of the existence of the psychic. For example, the process independent of the mental brain process is most often triggered by a push from the outside: external energy (light rays, sound waves, etc.) is transformed into a physiological process that is transformed into pathways and centers, takes the form of reactions, actions, behavioral acts. Along with this, without affecting it in any way, events unfold in a conscious way - images, desires, intentions. In this case, the mental process does not affect the physiological processes, including behavioral reactions. Consequently, if the physiological process does not depend on the psychic, then all the vital activity of a person can be described in terms of physiology. In this case, the psyche becomes an epiphenomenon - a side effect.

Thus, both approaches considered by us are not able to solve the psycho-physiological problem. Therefore, a single methodological approach to the study of problems of psychology does not exist. From what position will we proceed, considering mental phenomena?

From the foregoing it follows that there is a close relationship between mental and physiological processes. Therefore, when considering mental phenomena, we will always remember that they are in close interaction with physiological processes, that they most likely condition each other. At the same time, the human brain is the material “substrate” that enables the functioning of mental phenomena and processes. Therefore, mental and physiological processes are interrelated and interdependent human behavior.

test questions

1. Tell about consciousness as the highest level of mental reflection of reality. What are the main characteristics of consciousness?

2. Tell us about the role of reflection in the regulation of human behavior.

3. Tell us about the origin of consciousness. What do you know about the hypothesis of A. N. Leontiev?

4. Expand the role of labor in the emergence of human consciousness (according to A. N. Leontiev).

5. What is the relationship between brain development and consciousness?

6. Expand the content of the main provisions of the cultural-historical theory of the development of higher mental functions of L. S. Vygotsky.

7. Describe the main stages of the development of the human psyche.

8. Tell us about the general structure of the human nervous system, its central and peripheral parts.

9. Tell us about the structure of the neuron.

10. Explain the concepts: “primary cerebral cortex”, “integrative cortex”.

11. What is the functional asymmetry of the brain?

12. Tell us about the basic concepts of the relationship of the brain and psyche.

13. Expand the essence of the concept of functional systems PK Anokhin.

14. What is the essence of the psycho-physiological problem in psychology?


Часть 1 4. The origin and development of human consciousness
Часть 2 4.4. Physiological basis of the human psyche * - 4.
Часть 3 test questions - 4. The origin and development of human


Пётр Дедяев
В представленной статье о сознании есть много чего кроме самого сознания. Без движения саморазличения и преодоления опосредования в конечном результате невозможно приблизится к пониманию феномена сознания как идеального по своей природе. Последнее невозможно без того, чтобы узреть всякое содержание в качестве субъекта, т.е. движения самопорождения.

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