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Teaching human behavior in organizations


Teaching human behavior in the org-tion.

A person has 2 degrees of freedom in the org-tion.

1) It has the freedom to choose forms of behavior: to accept or not to accept the existence in the org-tion of the form and norms of behavior.

2) To accept or not to accept the values ​​of the organization, to divide or not to divide its purpose and fil-yu.

There are 4 types of h / ka behavior in the org.

Form of relationship in the organization


Does not accept

Attitude to the values ​​of the organization


Devoted, disciplined employee


Does not share



The organization wants all its employees to behave. way: solve problems; selection of people with opred. qualities.

1) It is not always possible to find people with specific. har-mi.

2) There is no guarantee that people will behave as the organization wishes.

3) Requirements for the behavior of people can vary over time.

Learning behavior is a time-stable process of changing behavior of a t / a based on experience, reflecting the actions of the t / a and the environment’s response to these actions.

There are 3 types of learning behavior:

1) associated with the reflex behavior of h / ka (conditional / unconditional. Reflexes).

2) conscious adjustment and change of their behavior based on previous experience.

3) learning based on observing behavior.

What does ch / k learn in an org-tion and what aspects of his behavior are correct in the process of learning:

1) is studying its function. role.

2) learns how to perform functional and procedural actions

3) learns to properly understand and take their place in the org-tion.

4) learns how to solve their own. tasks in the org-tion and achieve their goals.

The actions of h / ka, his behavior is compensated, i.e. ext. reactions to his behavior.

The role of compensation in learning behavior:

1) reward for labor produced

2) a means of meeting the needs

3) Wed-modification behavior-I h / ka.

In order to measure the behavior of the h / k in the desired direction for the org., It is important to choose the correct form, type and time of compensation.

Types of compensation:

1) material reward

2) punishment

3) verbal approval / conviction.

Type of compensation (from the standpoint of learning behavior, there are 4 types):

1) Put. compensation. Remuneration is carried out, resulting in pleasant d / h effects.

Result: consolidation of the desired behavior.

The form of remuneration is different, while remuneration is clearly tied to the desired behavior, follows the implementation of the desired behavior, meets the needs of h / k; individually.

2) Negative compensation. The desired behavior immediately leads to the elimination of undesirable g / h-ka circumstances or irritants.

Result: we wish consolidation. behavior. Carry individual. character The reaction of the environment and leadership on the behavior of h / ka should occur as soon as possible.

3) Punishment. H / k receives negative, unpleasant g / he consequences of behavior.

4) Suppression of undesirable behavior. The termination of undesirable actions in the absence of a positive reaction to them.

Result: eliminate unwanted behavior.

Time and frequency of compensation . 2 approaches to the timing of compensation:

1) continuous: after each case of human action

2) Periodic: used for fixing stable. secured behavior.

There are 4 types in frequency:

a) compensation h / z fixed time

b) h / s variable time interval

c) h / z fixed. norms

d) depending on the amount of work (variable. norms).


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Organizational behavior

Terms: Organizational behavior