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98. Product Overview


In accordance with GOST 2.101—68, any item or set of items of production to be manufactured at an enterprise is called a product. The following types of products are installed: assembly units, complexes, sets.

An assembly unit is a product whose constituent parts are to be interconnected by assembly operations (screwing, jointing, riveting, welding, soldering, crimping, flared, gluing, stitching, stacking, etc.), for example, a machine, gearbox, etc.

The complex includes two or more products that are not connected by assembly operations, but intended to perform interrelated operational functions, for example, an automatic workshop, a drilling rig, etc.

In addition to products that perform basic functions, the complex includes parts, assembly units designed to perform auxiliary functions, such as parts and assembly units for mounting the complex at the site of its operation, etc.

The kit consists of two or more products that have a general operational value of auxiliary character, for example, a set of spare parts, etc.

Assembly units, complexes and kits refer to the specified products, as they include several components, and parts - to non- specified products. For each product, a set of design documents is developed, which includes graphic and text documents defining the composition and design of products and containing the necessary data for its development or manufacture, control, acceptance, operation and repair. GOST 2.102—68 establishes 25 types of design documents. These include drawings of parts, assembly drawings of a general form, dimensional, assembly; schemes, statements, calculations, explanatory notes, etc. They all have their own cipher.

Each product and its design documents are assigned an independent designation in accordance with GOST 2.201–80. The following structure of the product designation and its design document is established:

  98. Product Overview

The four-digit code of the organization-developer is assigned by a special codifier, and the code of the classification characteristic is assigned by the classifier ESKD. The structure of the classification characteristics code:

  98. Product Overview

The serial registration number is assigned from 001 to 999. Examples of designations of documents on the product: AUG. 061341. 021 СБ — assembly drawing, AUG. 061341. 021 — specification, AHL. 061341. 021 TU - technical conditions. Structure of designation design documents in accordance with GOST 2.201–80:

  98. Product Overview

Assembly drawings and sketches are designated similarly to the structure of the designation of production documentation in accordance with GOST 2.201–80.

created: 2014-09-21
updated: 2021-03-13

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16. Product Image

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