
Part of human culture is a culture of relationships between people. A child from an early age enters into relationships with adults and peers. Any communication requires a person to abide by the generally accepted rules of behavior. Therefore, from an early age, children need to cultivate a culture of behavior that is not limited to the “children's society”. Behavior is a way of life and action, formed on the basis of moral customs, traditions and habits. Habit is an established way of behavior, which has become normal and permanent for a person.

Since childhood, a child must master the rules of etiquette. Etiquette is the established order of behavior in society, which includes a set of behavioral rules governing the external manifestations of human relationships: in dealing with others, appeals and greetings, behavior in public places, manners and appearance of a person. The concept of “culture of behavior” of preschool children can be defined as a set of sustainable forms of everyday behavior useful for society in everyday life, communication, various activities.

In preschool pedagogy, two concepts are distinguished: “external culture” and “internal culture”. External culture is a culture of behavior associated with the implementation of certain rules of etiquette. Internal culture is associated with moral ideas, feelings and concepts of children. These two concepts are closely intertwined. If we demand from children outwardly familiar forms of behavior, this will certainly affect their inner world, and vice versa, the child’s behavior in society is mediated by his ideas about the norms and rules of etiquette.

The content of the culture of behavior includes three components: the culture of activity, the culture of communication and cultural and hygienic skills.

The culture of activity is manifested in the child in various activities (work, play, in the classroom). To form a culture of activity in a child is to cultivate in him the ability to keep in order the place where he is engaged in any activity.

Communication culture involves the child fulfilling the norms and rules of communication with adults and peers using the appropriate vocabulary and polite norms of communication. Communication culture includes the ability to refrain in certain situations, to timely inhibit their desires, to respect others.

Cultural and hygienic skills are an important part of a culture of behavior. These are the skills of neatness, accuracy, the ability to keep your body and clothing clean. The necessity of these rules is dictated not only by the norms of purity, but also by the norms of human relations.

There are the following features of the formation of a culture of behavior among preschoolers:

- It should be remembered that children imitate the behavior of adults, so adults should evaluate their behavior critically and demonstrate only positive patterns of behavior;

- the formation of a culture of behavior in preschool children can take place only with the direct participation of an adult and his leadership of the child's behavior;

- it is necessary to form an experience of moral behavior in a child; therefore, one should take into account the fact that children have a gap between knowledge and experience. Knowing how to act, the child is not always able to regulate their behavior due to the underdevelopment of volitional processes. Habits of behavior are not formed immediately, but with constant repetition and positive reinforcement from an adult;

- for the successful formation of the need to act in a certain way, it is necessary to constantly affirm socially significant motives that induce the child to a certain behavior;

- when forming the norms of culture of behavior, the educator constantly pays attention to maintaining the positive emotional state of the children so that the attitude to the actions performed by the child is of an emotionally positive character;

- the volitional manifestations of the child to achieve a certain result must be constantly stimulated by a positive assessment.

When nurturing a culture of behavior in preschool children, the following principles should be observed :

- unity of requirements in the family and kindergarten;

- consistency and systematic nature of educational influences;

- the principle of repetition, that is, constant exercise in positive habits of behavior;

- exactingness combined with respect for the child;

- creating a situation of success.

Methods of cultivating a culture of behavior: schooling, encouraging, showing actions, didactic games, staging, explanation, exercise, encouragement, positive assessment, explanation, ethical conversation, control over the child's behavior.

Thus, educating the culture of behavior in children, the teacher uses the whole set of methods and means of moral education.


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Pedagogy and didactics

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