16. Teaching the technical side of reading.


Work on Thu out loud suggests development. skill thu Training Thu aloud:
1) train. to the word
2) train. speech
4) Th. studies. texts from post. complexity of the content.
Technique Thu presupposes knowledge of the alphabet, rules of reading and their excl., phonet. skills, inton text marking, skills of anticipation of the word, receptive (LU, grammar, phonetics).
Some authors relate here the skill of working with pronounces. dictionaries.
In the process of training. Thu track. consider positive. transfer of mech-mov correlation graphic. images of words with their speech-motor-sound. knowledge and manner.
Difficulties arose. with training. Art. aloud:
1) recognition of new graph. Signs and their dubbing. The teacher is the standard. Lingophone teacher - the ability to properly give pronunciation.
2) articulation - phonet. charging
3) correct reading of the words out loud (stress setting). NLE record in transcription.
4) correct thu Dep. pr-niy (intonation, logical. stress).
Dr. cause spawned difficulties - discrepancy m / s sound and grapheme with my iz.yaz.
Voice skills the text is formed in the exercises, adequate psychol. the nature of these skills.
Criteria for control tehn. Thu
1) students have strong associative. connections m / y letters and sounds

2) possession with my rules th. (fluent Thursday of unfamiliar words about the cat. you need to warn in advance)
3) intonation skills, rhythm mastering
4) overcoming the direction of attention of the reader to the articulation (ease, expressiveness of reading)
Training Thu taking a visual thu
Thu about myself, with a cat. internal pronunciation is reduced to a min., if the method of concomitant listening is used.
Students listen to the speaker reading text, while following the textbook reading.
Students communicated communicative. the task. Related listening in this case - Wed-in training. - it will provide rights. perception and understanding of the read. Exemplary Thu The speaker demonstrates the students the meaning of the text in the correct formulation of phrases. accents and showing. accommodation inonats. phrases. The second side of reading isl. reading comprehension.
In the technique selected. intuitive (direct.) and discursive-logical. reading comprehension.
Intuitive - har-Xia simultaneous processes of perception and reflection.
Discursive-logical. implies some lag process meaningful. from the process of perception. Comprehension work. texts comes as a result of preliminary lexical-gram. and stylistic Analysis Dep. parts of the text.
Thus, word analysis is the removal of difficulties.
In the method stand out: understanding at the level of meaning, understanding at the level of meaning.
Given the nature of the text and the type of reading, there are 4 levels of understanding of the content. text:
1) subject (what, with whom)
2) subject-logical. (for what purpose)
3) subjective and evaluative (author’s attitude to the events described)
The teacher has rech. support, give min ro
4) the communicative-communicative. (the ratio of the reader to the content. What purpose does the author)
Types of texts: artist., Scientific-pop., General-polit., Funkts. (pragmat.)
A huge role is played by the house. reading. It happens: analyte., Synthetic., Without translation. / Transfer. It was not only a goal, but also a tutorial.
Important the task is to develop students' ability to read directly. by understanding.
Parameters: non-transverse, synthetic, partial or complete readiness of the text materials.


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Terms: Linguodidactics