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Psychological features of the formation and development of creative management style


Markov S.L. Psychological features of the formation and development of creative management style

Annotation. The article discusses the process of formation of the concept of creative management style in foreign management theories. The main theories and classifications of management styles are presented and analyzed. Highlighted and emphasized the importance of creativity as a conceptual basis for the formation of an effective management style.

Formulation of the problem
The study of management style and leadership in recent years has become an important direction in the problem of optimizing and improving the effectiveness of the organization. At the same time, the attention of researchers is focused on solving a whole complex of such interrelated problems, such as the relationship between organizational efficiency and management style, disclosure of criteria for choosing the optimal management style, determining the essential characteristics and conditions of effective style formation, the problem of the existence of a single universal style or combinations of management styles. At the same time, in a number of foreign management theories, the very concept of the effectiveness of management style, as the study of the problem deepened, underwent changes and filled with new meaning. In this regard, today there is a need to accumulate various substantive definitions of an effective management style and building on this basis a coherent, flexible, dynamic model of a creative management style.

Analysis of recent research and publications
The concept of management style, as an integral part and the main characteristics of the effectiveness of management, has been the subject of close research since the 30s of the twentieth century. Among foreign authors whose works are regarded as classical, such researchers as K. Levin, D. Mac-Gregor, V. Ouchi, R. Blake, D. Muton, R. Likert, V. Reddin, T. Kono, F. .Fidler, P.Hersey, C. Blanchard, R. Tannenbaum, V. Schmidt, V. Vrum, F. Yetton, T. Mitchell, R. House, P. Hanzaker and E. Alessandra, R. Wood, V. Deming , P. Drucker, T.Peters.
The evolution and development of the concept of management style was carried out in the direction of increasing the number of its meaningful dimensions: from one-dimensional to two-dimensional and multidimensional theories, as well as along the path of significant enrichment of external and internal factors influencing the formation and choice of an effective management style. The concept of creativity and creative style was immanently present in all theories, but it was not specifically emphasized and, as a rule, was identified with the concept of efficiency.

Previously unresolved parts of a common problem.
In modern literature, numerous theories and variants of classifications of management styles are usually listed and listed in chronological order. One of the options for choosing a conceptual systematizing factor that would allow integrating existing theories into an integrated system is management efficiency. At the same time, the very concept of management efficiency requires a deeper interpretation and inclusion in the wider context of the functioning and development of the organization and its staff. In our opinion, as a conceptual framework that has integrated all theories of management styles into a single, holistic, dynamic system is the concept of creativity, which includes efficiency as one of its components. At the same time, there is a certain terminological uncertainty in the modern literature devoted to this problem, which consists in mixing the concepts of “management style”, “leadership style”, “leadership style”, and “business communication style”. Therefore, there is a need to clarify and dilute these concepts, as well as their synthesis into one multi-level functional system.

Formulation of article objectives
The aim of the article is to analyze the process of the formation of the concept of “creative management style”, to consider the main theories of management style and identify in them a single conceptual framework, which is the creative management style. A separate task is the search and creation of a universal model of creative management style that would integrate the most effective techniques and methods of management activity and was aimed at achieving the highest possible result under the existing circumstances.

Presentation of the main research material
The fundamental and pioneering research devoted to the study of management styles was the work of K. Levin (Kurt Lewin, 1938), who discovered and described three main styles: authoritarian, democratic, and neutral. This classification is based on such an important component of managerial behavior as its approach to decision making. In the literature the names of these styles vary widely, and each of the styles finds a number of synonymous names expressing different semantic shades of the three classical styles. In addition, modern literature describes various options for basic management styles: 1. Authoritarian — directive, administrative, command (dictatorial, autocratic, bureaucratic, manipulative, patriarchal, charismatic. 2. Democratic — collegial, deliberative, comradely (communication, corporate, coaching ( coach-style), advisory, autonomous, management style with a joint decision. 3. Neutral - liberal, formal, permissive, anarchic, intellectual [2].
Real management practice has shown that management efficiency does not depend directly on the styles identified, that there are situations in which authoritarian or liberal styles are most desirable. In addition, it was proved that such a classification is rather explanatory in nature and that in their pure form these styles practically do not occur. And, most importantly, studies have shown that management efficiency depends on the flexible, combined use of these management styles, and the style itself depends on the whole system of multi-level factors and criteria. The problem of identifying these factors determined the direction for further research on the content and types of management styles.
D. MacGregor (1960) proposed a management model based on the position of the leader in relation to his subordinates. At the same time, he described the management system itself from two opposite positions, one of which, based on the assumption that people by nature shun work and responsibility, was called theory X , and the other, arguing that people tend to take initiative, responsibility and independent decisions problems, theory Y. This generalized model of management can be considered as a management style, and as a style of leadership and leadership. The leader who occupies the first position uses a predominantly authoritarian management style, using methods of coercion, threats and punishment, while a leader who professes opposing views prefers a democratic style, relying on self-control and self-realization of workers, encouraging their initiative and striving for creativity.
Note that it is the Y theory that serves as the basis for the development of a creative management style, and its primary use allows achieving a high level of productivity, developing the creative potential of workers, and promoting their self-realization, disclosure and use of opportunities. At the same time, the author himself believed that within the framework of the theory X and Y there exist numerous and diverse management styles, that the theories themselves cannot be regarded as mutually exclusive and that it is necessary to strive for their synthesis [3].
Separately, you can highlight the corporate (Japanese, "family") management style, based on the theory of Z, which was proposed by V.Ouchi (William Ouchi, 1981). The essence of this style is to include employees in management at all levels of the organization, group decision making, informal control, as well as emphatic care for company employees [9].
The bipolar model of management is proposed by R. Likert (Rensis Likert, 1961), who distinguishes two types of managers: a leader focused on work and a leader focused on personnel. At the same time, in this authoritarian-democratic continuum, the author identifies four styles of management or management decision-making: 1) Exploitative authoritarian (Exploitative authoritative), 2) Benevolent authoritarian (Benevolent authoritative), 3) Advisory (Consultative), 4) Based on complicity (Participative). According to R. Likert, an effective and effective management style is the “participatory” style, which presupposes trust and friendly relations based on mutual assistance [3].
R. Blake and D. Mouton (Robert Blake, Jane Mouton, 1960) proposed a similar “Grid Management” model that considered any management activity in two “dimensions” - attention to production (task) and attention to man. High performance in both parameters is a sign of good governance. In real management activities, it is preferable to combine maximum attention to production with maximum attention to people [2].
A broader approach to solving the problem of effective control is the three-axis table of V. Reddin (William Reddin, 1970), which extends the Blake-Mouton model by adding a third factor — efficiency. At the same time, management efficiency is considered as an interaction of style and its perception by subordinates. The effectiveness of the style and its choice depends on the technology, the system of values ​​of the organization, as well as the immediate leader - the leader, his colleagues and subordinates. In this case, taking into account all these factors, the leader must choose a management style that is inherent in him organically. Based on a combination of three factors, V. Reddin identifies eight management styles, interpreting them from the point of view of perception by subordinates: missionary, autocrat, “kompromiser” and deserter, who are less effective and progressive, benevolent autocracy, administrator and bureaucrat, who have more degree of effectiveness. This model significantly expands the system of factors on which the choice of an effective management style depends, by including in it not only situational, but also personality variables [10].

T. Kono (Toyohiro Kono, 1984) put forward the concept of "rational" management. He singled out and described four types of control: innovative - analytical, innovative - intuitive, conservative - analytical, conservative - intuitive. The author argued that the most effective is the innovative - analytical type of management, which is characterized by certain signs, among which are the direct features of the creative style: dedication to the organization, energy and innovation, sensitivity to new information and ideas, generating a large number of ideas and initiatives, quick decision making , good integration of collective actions, clarity in the formation of goals and attitudes, readiness to take into account the opinions of others, tolerance for failure.
A manager acting in this style is a creative person with exceptional organizational skills. He is characterized by energy and creativity associated with sensitivity to new ideas and information, with the ability to generate a large number of ideas and their rapid implementation, as well as the adoption of non-standard, innovative solutions. He is distinguished by such qualities of a creative person as the ability to see the situation broader and deeper than others, tolerance for possible failures, the ability to logically analyze the realism and perspectivity of an idea, the ability to work with people and the tendency to take their opinions into account [8].
Participative management style is the realization of the “theory of human relations” and is aimed at exhausting the creative potential of employees. The essence of the approach is that management becomes more efficient provided that employees are involved in setting and solving managerial tasks. From the point of view of enhancing the creative activity of employees, in this style one can find the following significant characteristics: openness in the relations between the manager and subordinates, involvement of subordinates in the development and adoption of organizational decisions, participation of ordinary workers in planning and implementing organizational changes, providing the employee the opportunity to independently decide problems and put forward new ideas.
The effectiveness of this style increases, taking into account three groups of factors: the characteristics of the leader (the leader is confident, has a high educational and creative level, focuses on the development of the creative qualities of his subordinates, knows how to appreciate and use the creative suggestions of subordinates); characteristics of subordinates (subordinates have a high level of knowledge and skills, the need for creativity, independence and personal growth, interest in work, the need for independence, a strong desire for creativity and personal growth); characteristics of tasks (tasks facing people assume a plurality of solutions, require theoretical analysis and high professionalism of execution, rather intensive efforts and a creative approach). Participatory style should be used in creative companies, in innovative companies, in high-tech industries and in scientific organizations [10].
By the mid-1960s, situational theories of managerial efficiency are becoming increasingly popular. One of the first representatives of this trend was F. Fidler (Fred Fiedler, 1967), who put forward a probabilistic model of managerial efficiency. According to this model, the effectiveness of management is mediated by the degree of control of the leader over the situation in which he acts. At the same time, control over the situation is manifested in the leader’s ability to determine what his group will do and also to foresee the consequences of the group’s actions and decisions taken. The effectiveness of a particular management style depends on three factors: the degree of favorable relations between the leader and his subordinates, the size of the authority of the leader, the structure of the group task. The cumulative quantitative assessment (using specially developed scales) of all the parameters listed above makes it possible to judge the size of the situation control exercised by the manager, that is, the degree of control of the situation. The effectiveness of the management style can be high if the chosen style corresponds to this situation [3].
The model of situational leadership , developed by P. Hersey and C. Blanchard (traditionally K. K Blanchard) (Paul Hersey, Ken Blanchard, 1977), argues that there is no single, unified way and style of management. According to this theory, the application of a particular style depends on the degree of maturity of subordinates, their ability to be responsible for their behavior, their education and experience in solving specific tasks and their inner desire to achieve their goals. Each level of development of the group corresponds to the corresponding management style: 1) "Directions" (telling) (for a group that is not capable or unwilling to work), 2) "Sales" (selling) (or "popularization") (for a group that is partially wants, but is not able to work), 3) "Participation" (participating) (group wants and partially able to work), 4) " Delegations" (for a group that is fully capable and willing to work) [5].
It is the “Delegation” style, in which most of the work is delegated to members of the group who exercise constant self-control, and the leader himself acts as the last reserve, is considered the most desirable and effective. At the same time, effective management will be in the case of the greatest degree of coincidence of management style with the level of development of the group.
According to the “Three-Factor Model” by R. Tannenbaum and V. Schmidt (Robert Tannenbaum, Warren Schmidt (1958, 1973), the choice of an effective management style is based on the basis of taking into account, analyzing and evaluating the following three factors: 1. Personal issues (value system, level of trust to themselves from subordinates, the degree of their determination) 2. Questions relating to subordinates (the need for independence, responsibility, interest in the problem, level of knowledge and experience in solving problems 3) Questions relating to the characteristics of a particular situation (type of organization, effect the nature of the group, the characteristic of the problem, the lack of time). The most important feature that must be taken into account when choosing a management style is the cause of the problem. The authors argued that an effective leadership style depends on a complex system of circumstances, and therefore managers in their particular activities should make a choice стилей и гибко реализовывать их по мере необходимости [10].
Отдельно можно выделить ряд самостоятельных моделей управления, которые условно могут быть представлены как качественно своеобразные стили управления. В. Деминг (William Deming, 1983) предложил стиль тотального управления качеством (Total Quality Management (TQM), который направлен на интеграцию всех функций бизнеса и привлечения всех сотрудников для достижения высокого качества продукции. Согласно данной модели все действия сотрудников и менеджмента должны быть направлены, и оцениваться с точки зрения постоянного совершенствования и повышения качества процессов и продуктов [11].

Стиль «Управление по целям» (Management by Objectives (MBO) был разработан известным теоретиком менеджмента П. Друкером (Peter Drucker, 1954). Согласно этой модели все сотрудники компании принимают активное участие в постановке целей, что имеет существенное значение в их проверке, оценке и реализации. При этом все организационные цели превращаются в конкретные, личностно значимые цели для сотрудников. Алгоритм данного стиля управления включает постановку целей, принятие совместных решений, осуществление планов и обеспечение обратной связи. Принятие решений с помощью данного стиля позволяет руководителям и сотрудникам совместно достигать поставленных целей, а также определять и нести ответственность за достижение этих целей [11].
Т. Питерс (Tom Peters, 1982) предложил метод «Управление с помощью ходьбы вокруг» (MBWA, Management By Walking Around), вариант: «Управление с помощью странствования» («Management By Wandering Around) сущность которого заключается в интенсификации общения с сотрудниками и клиентами и в сборе оптимального количества полезной информации, необходимой для продуктивного решения управленческих проблем. В процессе активного неформального общения с подчиненными, в котором руководитель выполняет роль тренера и консультанта, получается ценная, важная для процесса оптимального управления информация. Кроме этого руководитель вовлекает сотрудников в процесс принятия решений, воспринимая их идеи и предложения [12].
Отдельно можно выделить стиль «Расширение полномочий сотрудников» «Employee Empowerment», который состоит в создании таких условий труда, когда работник имеет право принять собственные решения в конкретных рабочих ситуациях. Данный стиль ставит менеджера в роль тренера, консультанта, спонсора или посредника. Расширение прав и возможностей сотрудников приводит к повышению ответственности, улучшает трудовую дисциплину, создает более глубокое чувство удовлетворения и более высокий уровень мотивации, улучшает качество работы, делает работников более эффективными, лояльными, уверенными и инициативными. Данный стиль является наиболее эффективным, когда руководитель четко ставит стратегические цели, определяет конкретные стандарты отчетности, оказывает поддержку, делится опытом и обеспечивает такими ресурсами как время, деньги и информация. При этом он оказывает поддержку путем легитимности и предоставляет соответствующую информацию, благодаря чему, сотрудники могут принимать компетентные решения [11].
Существенное расширение полномочий сотрудников привело к развитию самоуправляемых рабочих групп. С начала 1990-х годов начал приобретать популярность стиль управления работой команды (Self-Managed Work Teams), который предусматривает создание самостоятельных групп и команд, члены которых отвечали сами за себя, за свою деятельность и результаты этой деятельности. Этот стиль управления делегировал сотрудникам полномочия самостоятельно принимать решения о выборе проектов, предоставлял самостоятельность в кадровых и финансовых вопросах. Самоуправляемые рабочие группы, как правило, состоят из 10 до 15 человек и требуют минимального вмешательства со стороны высшего руководства. Руководитель такой группы выступает в роли сотрудника, друга, посредника, координатора. Такие компании как Xerox, General Motors, PepsiCo, Hewlett-Packard активно применяют сегодня данный стиль управления [11].
Сложность и динамизм современной бизнес-среды побуждает исследователей к поиску принципиально новых стилей управления. Так в современной литературе разрабатываются такие стили управления как адаптивный стиль, который заключается в создании комбинированных, зависящих от ситуации стилей, инновационный стиль, направленный на внедрение новых приемов и методов, а также системный, ориентированный на поддержание баланса подходов и стилей.
Т.Питерс считает, что в современных условиях эффективным стилем управления будет индивидуальный, оригинальный, не похожий на другие «Маверик стиль» управления . В практике менеджмента происходит индивидуализация стилей и возникновение авторских стилей: « стиль компании IBM», «стиль Тойоты» и даже «стиль Билла Гейтса» и «стиль У. Баффета» [11]. В современной постмодернистской среде уже не действуют традиционные теории и модели. По мнению Стива Джобса наиболее эффективным стилем управления будет применение методов и приемов прямо противоположных советам теоретиков и многочисленных гуру менеджмента.
Ричард Фарсон (Richard Farson, 2001) обостряя проблему, прямо утверждает, что многочисленные теории управления запутывают современного руководителя, который метаясь от одной модели к другой, теряет спонтанность и эффективность. Одновременно только менеджер, который способен оценить абсурдность и парадоксальность современного мира, может быть эффективным. Для подтверждения своей мысли он приводит слова Уоррена Бениса «Руководители действуют по правилам, лидеры действуют правильно» [4].

Становление и развитие моделей и стилей управления происходили в направлении их усложнения, включения в них все большего количества стилеобразующих факторов. Одновременно возрастало и количество самих моделей, которые часто строились на основе частичных, несущественных факторов. Однако, несмотря на большое количество подходов и моделей, задача нахождения универсального, наиболее эффективного стиля управления не была решена. Сегодня все больше осознается тот факт, что эффективная управленческая деятельность может быть представлена как процесс творческого решения проблем и принятия продуктивных управленческих решений, а само творчество может служить той концептуальной основой которая может интегрировать все существующие модели в универсальный, эффективный стиль управления.


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Psychology of creativity and genius

Terms: Psychology of creativity and genius