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Usability consulting


Stage I. Project Analysis

Usability consulting begins with a pre-project analysis. At this stage, we study the project, its goals and audience. Often these things are not described anywhere, and without their understanding it is difficult to give useful recommendations. Therefore, we are preparing a vision of the project (vision), we list the existing functionality of the system in the video interaction scenarios and compile a site map. In addition, an analysis of the needs and context of the work of the target audience, which is described in the form of key characters, is carried out. These works take 1-2 days, and if some of the documents are ready, even less.

Stage II. Identifying problems in the interface

After that, an analysis of both individual pages and entire processes of the user's work in the system is carried out. All comments and recommendations fall into the peer review report usability. These are minor edits like swapping or renaming links, and quite serious ones like simplifying a large form or the whole process of placing an order. This takes into account the feasibility of wishes - often either the system itself does not allow for substantial changes, or there are no resources for significant changes. The compilation of the report takes 2-3 days.

Stage III. Recommendations for improving the interface

Sometimes the consultations end there, but more often in addition to the report, structural wireframes (wireframes) are prepared, updated on the basis of recommendations. They clearly and accurately show how to improve the interface - verbal recommendations can be understood and implemented in different ways. This work usually takes up to 5 days.

If necessary, other documents describing the interface can be prepared.

The final stage. Acceptance

Acceptance of work by the client usually takes place in one large package of comments. The deadlines in which the comments must be submitted, evaluated and corrected are stipulated in the contract.


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