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Automated Software Testing - Basic Concepts


Automated software testing ( Software Automation Testing ) is a software verification process in which basic test functions and steps, such as running, initializing, executing, analyzing, and delivering results, are performed automatically using automated testing tools.

A specialist in automated software testing ( Software Automation Tester ) is a technical specialist (tester or software developer) who can create, debug, and maintain a healthy state of test scripts, test suites and tools for automated testing.

An Automation Test Tool is the software by which an automated testing specialist creates, debugs, executes, and analyzes test run results.

Test Script ( Test Script ) is a set of instructions for automatically checking a certain part of the software.

A Test Suite is a combination of test scripts to test a specific piece of software combined with common functionality or goals pursued by the launch of a given set.

Test Runs are a combination of test scripts or test suites for subsequent joint launch (sequential or parallel, depending on the objectives pursued and the capabilities of the automated testing tool).


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