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Independent work of students along with the classroom represents one of the forms of the educational process and is an essential part of it.

Independent work is the planned work of students, performed on the instructions and with the methodological guidance of the teacher, but without his direct participation. The core of independent work, the starting point of its design is a cognitive or problem task. It is the presence of the task that conditions the whole process of independent work: it provides for the independent activity of students in solving the tasks set, tactile preparation for independent performance, the solution of educational and professional tasks.

The main features of the independent work of students are:

· The presence of a cognitive or practical task, a problem question or task, and a special time for their implementation;

· Manifestation of mental tension of the students' thoughts for the correct and best performance of a particular action;

· Manifestation of consciousness, independence and activity of students in the process of solving the tasks set, awareness of the need and ability to perform the task;

· Knowledge of the skills of independent work;

· Management and self-management of self-cognitive and practical activities of students.

In various forms of the educational process, students' autonomy manifests itself in different ways: from simple reproduction, to perform a task according to a rigid algorithmized scheme, to independent creative activity.

Independence of students in the study of special disciplines is manifested through the planning of their academic work, the selection of textbooks, teaching aids for self-study, the preparation of visual-demonstration material, the independent performance of special professional duties in the teaching practice.

The students' independent work must always include elements of management and self-management: goal setting, work planning, monitoring and self-control over the course, intermediate and final results, adjustment of the progress of work, as well as the elimination of mistakes, improvement of the ways of doing work.

The content of the student’s independent work is twofold. On the one hand, it is a set of educational and practical tasks that the student must perform in the learning process, the object of his activity. On the other hand, it is a way for a student to perform an appropriate theoretical or practical educational task. The external expression of the content of independent work is found in all organizational forms of educational and extracurricular activities.

The functional purpose of independent work of students in the process of lectures, seminars and practical classes on mastering special knowledge consists in independent reading, viewing, listening, observing, taking notes, understanding, memorizing, reproducing certain information. The goal setting and the planning of the student’s independent work are determined by the teacher.

There are various types of individual independent work in the SSUZ - preparation for lectures, seminars, laboratory work, tests, exams, essays, assignments, term papers, etc. Independent work is more effective if it is a pair or group. Such work enhances the factor of motivation and mutual intellectual activity, increases the efficiency of students' cognitive activity through mutual control.

Independent work of a student is also manifested during extracurricular time, when a student repeats educational material and deepens his theoretical knowledge with the help of special literature or computer-based teaching devices.

When performing any kind of independent work, the student must pass the following steps:

- definition of the goal of independent work;

- specification of the cognitive task;

- self-assessment of readiness for independent work;

- the choice of adequate methods of action;

- planning;

- implementation of the program of independent work;

- self-control and adjustment of results.

A specific feature of the learning process at a secondary vocational school is the organization of students' independent work in the process of mastering new knowledge. Only with the mastery of new knowledge is possible the present intellectual development, the acquisition of skills and skills of independent learning.

Independent work contributes to the deepening and expansion of knowledge, the formation of interest in cognitive activity, mastering the techniques of cognition, the development of cognitive abilities.

That is why it becomes the main reserve for increasing the effectiveness of training specialists.


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Pedagogy and didactics

Terms: Pedagogy and didactics