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Transliteration of the Arabic alphabet into Latin online

This service translates the given letters of the Arabic script of the language according to the sound to similar characters in basic Latin.
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Arabic is one of the most widely spoken languages in the world. Here are some features of the Arabic language:
Alphabet: Arabic is written using the Arabic alphabet, which consists of 28 letters. The peculiarity of the Arabic alphabet is that it is written from right to left.
There are six basic vowels in Arabic, which are denoted as follows:
A (أ): Pronounced as an open vowel "a", similar to the sound in the English word "car".
And (إ/ي): There are two forms of this vowel. The form "إ" denotes the unstressed vowel sound "and", as in the word "sit". The "ي" form denotes the stressed "and" vowel, as in the word "see".
U (أ/و): There are two forms of this vowel. The form "أ" denotes the unstressed vowel sound "y", as in the word "put". The "و" form denotes a stressed "y" vowel, as in the word "moon".
E (ا): Pronounced as an open vowel "e", similar to the sound in the English word "bed".
O (ا): Pronounced as a closed vowel "o", similar to the sound in the English word "hot".
E (ى): This vowel, known as alif maksura, represents the vowel "e" used in unstressed positions.
The standard symbols used to represent these vowels are shown above. However, in Arabic writing, they can be indicated by various symbols and diacritics, depending on the context and rules of reading.
Grammar: Arabic has a complex grammatical structure that includes cases, numbers, gender, etc. Arabic also has the concept of a word root, where most words are built from triconsonant roots.
Number of Dialects: There are many dialects in Arabic, which may differ in pronunciation, vocabulary, and grammar. Classical Arabic, also known as Fusha, is used in literature, religious texts, and formal occasions, while various dialects of Arabic are used in colloquial speech.
Distribution: Arabic is the official language in many countries in the Middle East and North Africa. It is also one of the six official languages of the United Nations. Over 400 million people speak Arabic.
Arabic is widely used in various fields, including literature, religious texts (Quran), press, radio and television,
diplomacy, business and tourism. Arabic also plays an important role in Islamic culture and religious rites,
because the Koran is written in Arabic..