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Names of colors and shades by HEX code and code by name - online


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HexColor Name Finder is a web service that allows users to retrieve color hue names by their hexadecimal numbers. Hexadecimal color numbers, also known as HEX codes, are widely used in web development and design to represent colors in web pages, image editors, and other applications.
Key features of our service:
Color Hue Name Lookup: The service allows users to enter a hexadecimal color number in the format "#RRGGBB" where "RR", "GG", and "BB" represent the red, green, and blue channel values, respectively. After entering the number, the user presses the "Find" button to obtain the corresponding shade name.
Large color database: The service contains an extensive database of hexadecimal colors with corresponding shade names. Because of this, users can quickly get the shade name for a wide range of colors.
Clear interface: The interface of the service is simple and intuitive. Users can easily find the HEX code input field and the "Find" button, which makes the process of searching for the shade name as convenient as possible.
Answers and Hints: If the user enters an invalid or unsupported HEX code format, the service provides informative error messages and hints for the correct format.
Mobile compatibility: The service is fully adapted to work on mobile devices, which allows users to get the names of color shades even on their smartphones and tablets.
Application of "HexColor Name Finder" service:
Designers and web developers: Professionals involved in design and web development can use the service to quickly determine the name of a color shade and easily find color combinations for their projects.
Creative and Marketing Agencies: Marketing and advertising companies can use the service to select identity colors and design color schemes for brands.
Hobbyists and hobby designers: People interested in design and colors can use the service for educational and pleasure purposes to learn the names of different shades.
With the "HexColor Name Finder", users can easily get color shade names and find inspiration for their creative projects or work tasks. The service greatly simplifies the process of working with colors, allowing for a more accurate and professional approach to their use.