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Procedural (algorithmic) programming


Procedural programming is a reflection of the background of the Neumann computer architecture. A program written in a procedural language is a sequence of commands defining an algorithm for solving a problem. The basic idea of ​​procedural programming is using memory to store data. The main comma *** a is the assignment, which is used to determine and change the computer's memory. The program converts the contents of the memory, changing it from the original state to the resultant state.

  Procedural (algorithmic) programming
Classification of programming languages

There are such procedural programming languages:

The Fortran language was created in the early 50s of the 20th century for programming scientific and technical problems;

Kobol - created in the late 60s of the 20th century to solve the problems of processing large amounts of data stored on various data carriers;

Algol (1960) is a multipurpose extended programming language. It introduced the concepts of “block program structure” and “dynamic memory allocation” for the first time;

In the mid-60s of the 20th century, a specialized programming language for beginners was created - BASIC . It is characterized by ease of development and the availability of universal means for solving scientific, technical and economic problems, as well as tasks, for example, games.

All of the above languages ​​were focused on different classes of tasks, but they were more or less tied to a specific computer architecture.

In 1963-1966, the multipurpose universal language PL-1 was created . This language is well suited for the study and planning of computational processes, modeling, solving logical problems, developing software systems.

Pascal language (PASCAL) (1968-1971) is the most popular procedural programming language for PCs, which is currently being successfully used. The Pascal language is based on the approach from the general task to the particular (simpler and smaller in scope). The basic principles possessed by Pascal include: a) Structured programming, which is based on the use of subroutines and independent data structures; b) Top-down programming, when a task is divided into simple, independently solvable tasks. Then the solution of the original problem is built up completely from top to bottom.

The languages ​​of procedural programming include ADA (1979). The language is named after the first programmer Ada Lovelace, daughter of Byron. It is distinguished by the modularity of designs.

The SI language (early 70s) also refers to procedural programming languages. Its initial version was planned as a language for the implementation of the Unix operating system instead of the Assembly language. One of the features of the SI language is that the differences between expressions and operators are smoothed out, which brings it closer to functional programming languages. In addition, the SI language lacks the concept of a procedure, and the use of subroutines is based on the concept of a function that can combine the capabilities of a procedure. On the one hand, in terms of a set of control structures and data structures, it can be attributed to high-level languages, and on the other, it has a set of tools for direct access to computer functional nodes, which means that it can be used as an operational language.


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Algorithmization and programming. Structural programming. C language

Terms: Algorithmization and programming. Structural programming. C language