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5. Features of the translation of the texts of newspaper and journalistic literature


FSGPL is related to "quality" newspapers:
• Quality paper - designed for professionals in a particular area
fe: The Financial Times, The Times, The Daily Telegraph, The Sunday Times
Newspapers of this type are focused on a thoughtful, intelligent reader who is professional in a particular field. Unlike the style of.-del. and science-tech. literature FSGP har-Xia such functions as:
- informational (i.e. message functions)
- expressive (fun-ia impact)
Genres FSGPL:
- newspaper-informational (editorial-article on the first page, reportage, interview, article-information)
- newspaper ideological (appeals, appeals, appeals)
- newspaper and journalistic (essay, feuilleton, report)
- newspaper and advertising (all kinds of ads)
- use metaphors, based on the transfer of individual words and whole expressions from the specific environment in which they are used in their subject-logical meanings, to another.
- Leksich. Transformations make it necessary to add additional words to give completeness to the statement which is originally given in a concise form
- Terms appearing in newspaper information. The materials relate primarily to politic. nomenclature, economics, international relations.
- Conciseness - The volume of sentences, as a rule, meets the requirement not to obstruct the reader's perception, abuse of long and unfolded complex structures is usually not observed.
- Newspapers of different political directions may differ in style, in the selection of vocabulary, in the degree of complexity of phrases (depending on the calculation for a particular reader.
- cliches and stereotypes characteristic of this style
- phraseology
- genre diversity and the associated stylistic use of language means: polysemantic words, author's neologisms, emotional and expressive vocabulary, rhetorical questions, repetitions, inversions
MMMorozov described the practical difficulties of translating English. newspaper text in Russian. Yaz 1) in the divergence of words (used. Not in their usual sense). 2) in oboot, occurring and colloquially. 3) in specific turnover newspaper-watered. 4) in words that are easy to take for other, well-known words. 5) in syntactic constructions. 6) in terms of. English newspaper text is familiar, everyday character. The title and subtitles - when it comes to messages require brevity and vigor of expression. The main task in translating info text is to convey to the reader its content in the clearest, clearest, familiar form. The solution of the translation problem involves a permanent account of the genre-stylistic. forms of the IT and does not allow the calculation only on the transfer of logical content expressed on the FL.

Differences between HS and English from Russian: familiarity, special journal jargon (help - aid, back - support), a lesser degree of logization


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