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23. The fate of "Unity" in 80 years


Unita is the largest left-wing newspaper in the West, but it also felt the gravity of the crisis situation in the party press. In the 70s, the Communist Party gradually lost its credibility. Including due to the wrong transition from the opposition to the parliamentary majority. The attitude to the Communist Party was also influenced by the events in the USSR and other countries of Eastern Europe. The Italian Communist Party managed to survive. But already in the early 90s, after the split of most publications, she supported the creation of a broad party of left-wing DPLS forces. "Unita", as the Communist Party newspaper, directly felt the consequences of the political search for the leadership of the party. Her position complicated financial difficulties (lack of advertising). At the same time, "Unita" is a unique example of Italian journalism. On the one hand, it is a party newspaper, on the other - national. In terms of distribution and typological characteristics, it comes closer to the leading newsletters. Therefore, “Unita” in the 80s experienced the severity of its own printing problems and the general problems of daily printing. "Unita" at that time lost its monopoly on criticism and denunciation. The Republic has attracted readers of the left orientation. The development of TV has put before Unita the problem of rethinking its information function. Discussions about the future "Unity" was particularly acute in 82g. As a result, in 84, it was decided to combine the Milan and Roman editions of newspapers into one. Thus, in 1984. The process of issuing several editions of “Unity” was completed and the number of regional editions was reduced to a minimum. Changes have occurred in the internal structure of the newspaper, in the thematic rubrication of the bands. But the “Unite” crisis could not be overcome. In 1987 the newspaper ceased to be the official organ of the party, which gave greater autonomy. A new stage in the development of “Unity” will be the 90s, as the left-wing democratic newspaper under the auspices of the DPLS (Democratic Party of Left Forces).


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