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7.1.1 The essence, purpose and concept of personnel management


The role and place of personnel management * . The classical theory of management operates with three main factors: people, financial policy, engineering and technology. People are put in the first place, that is, the human factor * . Renowned managers * of all countries of the world achieve enviable success in the production of cheap and high-quality goods due to the careful attitude to all human factor management procedures (planning, organization, motivation * and control).

It has been established that the main difference between the domestic economy and the economy of developed countries is significantly (by an order of magnitude) less use of human creative abilities . It follows that a key aspect of management for Russia is personnel management * .

Personnel management is a specific function of management activity, the main object of which is a person who belongs to certain social groups.

The term "staff" unites employees of all departments of the organization. There are various approaches to the classification of personnel: by profession or position of an employee, by level of management, category of workers, etc. The basic is the classification by categories of workers depending on their participation in the production process: workers and employees (Fig. 6.1).

7.1.1 The essence, purpose and concept of personnel management

Fig. 6.1. Staff classification

In industrial personnel in labor activity, physical labor prevails. Production staff is divided into two groups:

  • main workers - workers engaged in the manufacture of the main products for delivery to the market;

  • auxiliary workers - workers, mainly engaged in the production of auxiliary products used for the own needs of the enterprise and not included in the composition of its main products. These include workers engaged in the manufacture and repair of equipment, metrological support and repair of equipment, energy production, as well as workers serving the main and auxiliary processes (storage, transport, etc.).

The managerial staff carries out labor activity with the prevailing share of mental labor and is divided into two groups: managers and specialists.

The principal difference between managers and specialists is the legal right to make decisions and the presence of other employees in subordination. In turn, managers are divided into linear, responsible for making decisions on all management functions (director, foreman, master), and functional, implementing individual management functions. In addition, managers are distinguished by levels of management (top, middle and lower level managers).

Managing people for all successful organizations - large and small, commercial and non-commercial, industrial and operating in the service sector is crucial. There is no doubt that human resource management is one of the most important aspects of management theory and practice.

Personnel management * , labor, human resources - an activity performed in organizations that contributes to the most effective use of the abilities of employees to achieve organizational and personal goals.

The personnel management system is inseparable from the organization's management system, since the former includes not only functional units dealing with personnel, but also all line managers - from director to brigadier, as well as heads of functional divisions performing the functions of technical, industrial, economic management, and more. . P. Thus, the personnel management system is the core of the management system of any organization.

The concept of personnel management is a system of views on the interpretation of the essence, content, goals, objectives of criteria, principles and methods of personnel management and the mechanism for its implementation in specific conditions.

Modern concepts of personnel management are based, on the one hand, on the principles and methods of administrative management, and on the other hand, on the increasing role of the employee’s personality, knowledge of his motivational attitudes, ability to form and direct them in accordance with the tasks facing the organization. Therefore, it is necessary to reorient managers and workers to new values: the main thing inside the organization is the workers, and outside the organization the consumer, his interests. The priority values ​​for the company are: staff efficiency, initiative, interest, development of creative potential, a sense of responsibility.

The basis of the concept of personnel management at the present time are: the increasing role of the employee’s personality, knowledge of his motivational attitudes, the ability to form and direct them in accordance with the goals and objectives of the organization.

Summarizing the experience of domestic and foreign organizations allows us to formulate the main goal of the personnel management system - providing personnel, organizing their effective use, professional and social development.

In accordance with this goal, the organization's personnel management system is being formed.

In many publications, there are two poles of the role of man in social production:

  • man as a resource of the production system (labor, human, human) is an important element of the process of production and management;
  • a person as a person with needs, motives, values, relationships is the main subject of management.

Given that the listed approaches to the analysis of the role of man in production represent the views from different sides of the same phenomenon, consider the concept of "human factor".

The concept of "human factor" and its socio-psychological essence . The concept of the "human factor" is included in the scientific use of various sciences: philosophy, sociology, psychology, pedagogy, medicine, management science, etc. The term "human factor" in psychology means the human component of management, that is, personality, group, collective , society included in the management system. In a more concrete sense, the "human factor" is the inner world of people; their needs, interests, attitudes, experiences, orientations, etc. Without knowledge of the patterns of activity and behavior of people, it is difficult to achieve high management efficiency. They are necessary for the head of modern production not less than, for example, knowledge in the field of technology and economics. Insufficient understanding of the human factor problems is the cause of the most varied industrial troubles: conflicts * , staff turnover, reduced product quality and labor productivity.

For the first time, this concept was introduced into scientific use by Taylor, who set himself the task of creating a system for increasing labor productivity due to its intensification. He concluded that the main reason for the low productivity lies in the imperfect system of workers' incentives.

Henry Fayol was the first to develop a fairly consistent system of principles for taking into account the laws of the human factor in management. Fayolle developed issues of labor incentives in relation to the activities of senior management.

Later Mayo discovered the "Hawthorne effect" (Hawthorne - a town near Chicago). What is its essence? Hawthorne's experiments showed that labor productivity and product quality * depend not on working conditions, not on the physiological state of the worker and not on the form of payment for his labor, but on social and psychological factors. If the workers of the experimental groups were aware that they were the subject of attention from the management and their immediate superiors, then they were happy to respond to the intention of the leaders to increase the efficiency of labor. The cause of the workers' positive reactions was not the changes in the material order, but the social and psychological aspects of the situation.

The components of the human factor * researchers include:

  • skill level of the workforce;
  • social activity;
  • production initiative;
  • level of professional and general training of a person;
  • civil liability;
  • health condition, physical training of the employee.

With the help of this understanding of the human factor, an analysis is carried out that can be considered economic and sociological. Here, the ways of activating and optimizing human activity, mainly in the production process, are discussed, the patterns of economic behavior of a person are investigated first of all.

No matter how the human factor is understood, from whatever position it is approached, it is indisputable: the human factor is the activity of people .


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