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The egregors of the human world are energy fields.


Egregor is an energy field. It is created by the thoughts, desires and aspirations of living beings, which can influence them themselves.

What does it mean?

All processes in the universe are oscillatory in nature. Light, sound, radio waves ... all these vibrations. It is known from school that every elementary particle possesses a spin. Spin (in English rotation) - characteristic of the rotation of the atomic nucleus. It turns, therefore, creates a field around itself. It turns out that emit everything: minerals, plants, animals, people. This radiation is the biofield. We consider the egregors of the human world. Our biofield has characteristics: frequency, amplitude, shape ... These components depend on our mood, health, attitude to something, etc.

Thus, we are transmitters and radiate a kind of field with our bodies. And let our signals are not so powerful to catch them at great distances with modern equipment. But they are powerful enough for a mother to feel that something happened to her son thousands of kilometers from home.

How many groups of people so many egregors. They are going on interests. This is a natural process.

After all, they are the result of our activities. When a group of people thinks in the same way, their radiations enter into resonance and thus generate the corresponding egregore. This is the natural creation of the egregore.

But there are egregors created specially (under the guise of beautiful labels of “Theological Schools”, schools for the development of consciousness ”, etc., that is, organized consciously to achieve various goals by a certain group of people or a person. And the people who belong to this egregore are for him by donors.

In one of the drawings depicted a lot of people and the conditional distribution of their biofields, which are included in the resonance. And on the other the conditional scheme of the egregore is shown.

The egregors of the human world are energy fields.The egregors of the human world are energy fields.

This scheme allows us to explain the connection of egregors with people. Many probably heard the phrases: “A channel has opened for him!”, “A connection has occurred”, “She connected it!”, Etc. In the picture these “channels” are clearly visible.

In fact, all people are inside the “airship-egregore”, however, the processes occur both between people and egregore, and between people through egregore.

Classification of egregors.

All people are different. This applies to appearance, and growth, and hair color, etc. These features are primarily due to genetics and physiology.

But on the other hand, all people in general are very similar to each other. Everyone has one head, on which there are two eyes, two ears and one nose, two arms, two legs. Everyone has one heart, two kidneys, one liver ... That is, as a “material carrier” - all people are, in general, the same. Therefore, by the parameters of their "energetic" all people are close. The difference is only in the power of energy of various people.

From this (from the understanding of the trinity of “matter — information — measure”), it follows that in the formation of human egregors the decisive role is played by the information community of people, and not energy (material) compatibility. Therefore, again, from the point of view of the trinity, the understanding of the egregors and the difference between them looks like this.

In terms of energy (that is, materially), people generate an egregore in the same way as power stations and consumers included in the network.

The egregors of the human world are energy fields.

There are people who saturate the egregore with their powerful energy, and people with weak energy are fed by this energy (“spiritual vampires”).

In information terms, people generate an egregore, just as many computers can form an information processing network, if these computers are connected via information exchange channels.

The egregors of the human world are energy fields.

The human brain is a great computer that transmits information not through communication wires and wireless means of communication (radio), but transmits information by its biofield by “radiating” vibrations, which spread through the entire egregor through resonance and enter its component. As a result, the information becomes available to other people included in this egregore, provided that people are able to “tune” their “receiver” to the appropriate “wave”.

A measure in an egregor is an algorithm for processing and transforming information circulating in an egregor. In this case, the algorithm is a well-defined order, a sequence of reasoning (if you can say so - “thinking” ) of both the individual and the egregor as a whole.

It is the “measure” that is defining in the egregor. If one person "cleverly" also, like the other, and the third, and ..., then this is exactly the case when the vibrations emitted by them (the biofield) have very similar parameters, which allows them to enter into a "resonance".

The identity of the “mentality” of such people is manifested in the sameness (similarity) of their behavior, when these people find themselves in the same (similar) circumstances.

In society there are many diverse groups of people, each of which is formed on the basis of any interests that people are passionate about. This is a style in music, and smoking, and drinking, and ideology, and religious beliefs, etc. Total not to list.

What is “interest”? This is primarily an informational description, the rationale for each interest. Music itself carries information. Description of the ritual of drinking and getting "buzz" - information. Any ideology is at least some kind of brochure. And so on. And all this information is dimensioned, that is, endowed with a measure (algorithm, rules, rituals, etc.).

All this "sits" in the minds of various people. People "radiate" a biofield. As a result, each group, distinguished by its special informational features, generates a corresponding egregor.

On the basis of the above, a cybernetic analogy can be drawn. In the figure, each person is represented as a computer.

The egregors of the human world are energy fields.The egregors of the human world are energy fields.

All "machines" are interconnected not by wires, but by an egregore. That is, we have a certain computer network. Then it turns out that if there is a computer network, if there is software (i.e., a complex of algorithms), then this computer network can turn out to be such a complete information system that becomes “more powerful” and “smarter” (i.e., hierarchically higher) in relation to each of its computers. The only difference is that a person is more complex than a computer, and the possibilities of energy-information exchange of people among themselves are much wider than in any computer network.

However, there may be another situation. You relax in the company of friends. Everyone has fun, everyone communicates, joking with each other. New, unfamiliar people come, they are met and they are "poured" into the atmosphere of the party as if they have long been familiar with everyone.

But ... now the door opens and a new person comes in. He has not said a single word yet, has not done anything reprehensible, but the holiday atmosphere disappeared immediately, as if something “broke down” in a friendly team.

And to restore this atmosphere can not be. What's the matter? But the fact is that the biofield of this person did not “resonate” with the biofield of the collective. Moreover, it is the opposite to it, opposed to it, its “vibrations” negatively, destructively affect the already created biofield.

The egregors of the human world are energy fields.

It is like “iron on glass”, when many of this sound (vibration) already “korezhit”. And they cannot get used to this “vibration”.

Classification of egregors.

1. According to the hierarchy of management in the Universe egregors, if they are deployed from the planet Earth (that is, from the very bottom), it can be classified as follows:

- egregors of groups of people

- egregors biosphere,

- egregors of the planet Earth (and other planets with biospheres),

- egregors of galaxies,

- egregors of the Fragments of the Universe,

- the egregore of the entire Universe.

2. Egregors are different among themselves according to the peculiarities of the energetics of people (“powerful”, “medium”, “weak”, etc.).

3. Egregors are different in their information:

- information on the announcement,

- default information

- information on the dedication.

4. Egregors are different in their “work” algorithms. In principle, this is a classification according to the “way of life” of people, according to the “way of thinking”.

We give the most significant and understandable.

- materialistic egregor,

- Jewish egregor

- Muslim egregor,

- Marxist egregor,

- Stalin's egregor,

- Slavic egregor,

- technocratic egregor,

- narcotic egregor,

- the egregore of people - music lovers, and many other egregors.

5. For the duration of existence:

- centuries-old (or long-term existence),

- perennial,

- short-term.

6. According to the organization of management.

- One person through the egregore himself controls all those who enter this egregore, for example: the creator of a certain “School on spiritual development”, the so-called “Master”, “Teacher”, etc.

The egregors of the human world are energy fields.

- “Someone” (who himself is not able to enter a certain egregorial state) affects the person who enters (or can enter) a certain egregor and is able to control people entering the egregor. Influencing such a person, this “someone” thereby controls the people entering the egregore.

- One egregor is controlled by another egregor, the algorithm of which is “more powerful” (“smarter”) than the first (controlled) egregor.

7. According to the types of psyche of people entering the egregore:

The egregors of the human world are energy fields.

- with a human type of psyche,

- with a demonic type of psyche,

- with the type of psyche zombie biorobot,

- with an animal type of psyche,

- egregor of people with the type of psyche descended into an unnatural lifestyle (drug addicts, drunkards).

8. According to the interaction with each other, egregors can be:

- Mutually nested (one enters the other and vice versa). Such egregors differ from each other in their tertiary, quadruple, etc. parameters.

- Supplement each other with any of their parts (information parts or separate information processing algorithms).

- Be neutral compatible. This may be when the egregors are in contact or enter each other, but nothing happens.

- To be mutually antagonistic, that is, unacceptable to each other. This occurs when the egregors differ from each other in the basic parameters that determine their essence, their main content.

The above egregors can be very well illustrated from the standpoint of the six management priorities. So, if people got into a fight between themselves (6th priority), then they can “make peace over a bottle” (5th priority).

But, if they diverge in the worldview (1st priority), then it is almost impossible to reconcile them - they are mutually antagonistic. So any egregor can be attributed to the appropriate priority.

We are not only transmitters, we are also receivers.

As we feed our thoughts to the egregore, so it can reflect its information in us. Moreover, it is the result of many people and, accordingly, is much more powerful than the field of one person.

And it will influence us as effectively as we are configured for it or, one may say, connected. After all, we also connect. Baptism, for example, is a connection to the Christian egregor. In modern esoteric teachings, it is considered that the energy exchange of the egregor and man is unequal, that the egregore always receives more energy than it gives to a person, and at the same time imperceptibly influences the way people think. The development of this idea leads its supporters to the consideration of the need to create a psychological defense against the constant imperceptible influence of the egregorial layer on the human mind.

How information technology helps egregors.

A man stands on earth. On one side of it are grass, forest, sun, birds are singing ... This is the biosphere. On the other hand, the cars belch a gasoline smell, the chemical plant smokes with poisonous vapors, the airplanes in the sky are buzzing .... This is the technosphere. And this technosphere was spawned by the biosphere, first of all - man. The technosphere has a huge impact on the biosphere egregors. For example, now there is a great variety of technical (material) means of storing, processing and transmitting information (it must be remembered that any information is somehow sized and necessarily located on some kind of material carrier).

Examples of such technical means are radio, television, cinema, press, computer networks. These technical tools involve people in their technospheric information flows. Someone does not move away from the TV, someone from the computer, someone has plugged headphones into his ears and enjoys the drum rhythms, someone ....

At the same time, it should be clearly understood that technical means are only means that transmit certain information.

And this information itself is created (formed) by people who at the same time realize well-defined goals.

And then it turns out that with the help of technical means such people can support well-defined egregors, feeding them continuously (or occasionally) with relevant information:

- a certain style of music;

- certain movies;

- newspapers of a certain direction, etc.

From this it follows that, at first glance, though heterogeneous information, but of a certain direction, it is possible to support not only many different “small” egregors in society, but also one powerful egregore of the biblical concept that crushes them all for themselves. Information seems to be in the cinema, and on the radio, and in theaters, and in books, and in newspapers, the most diverse, but in fact contains one and the same set of ideas of the biblical concept of living arrangement. You can switch “independent” TV channels from one to another, but the information emanating from these channels, in its essence, will be the same in its deep meaning, although it is presented to you in different packaging, sometimes even in a completely opposite direction ( always remember the principle of "divide and conquer").

Television in our time acts as a means of almost simultaneous impact on the psyche of the entire multi-million population of the country, thereby “connecting” all people and each individually to well-defined egregors, and all of them together - to one biblical egregor.

For centuries, this function of television was performed by churches of various churches. After all, there were no cinemas, palaces of culture and other similar institutions. Where was the "farmer to go"? People had to go to all kinds of prayers (daily, weekly, holiday), and many went with pleasure: "Look at people and see yourself." In fact, people were programming. Now this mission has taken on television.

Many computer games do the same. Moreover, they do it (in contrast to television) already in the dialogue mode, in which the effect on the psyche is deeper, since the “direct informational impact” is reinforced by “feedback

The egregors of the human world are energy fields.

The eyes are looking at the screen, and the fingers of the hands are on the keyboard! That is, in a computer game, more serious zombification is achieved than in television. Knowing this, the media owners (television, radio) are introducing “feedback” with television viewers and radio listeners through calls to radio and television studios, thereby involving the people's psyche in the necessary information state more deeply and not superficially. And through this there is a more effective involvement in a certain egregore.

Human interaction with egregors

Egregors and people exchange energy and information among themselves.

Many people can correspond to different egregors, since this correspondence is determined by the nature of the diverse information carried by each person from different spheres of his life (profession, hobbies, education, etc.). In addition, each person’s information bag contains various fragments of life activity. “Fragments” are much less “spheres” of vital activity. "Fragments" are read books, some information from science, history, politics, etc.

The same applies to the energy correspondence to various egregors (independent in relation to the nature of the information). This correspondence is determined by the peculiarities of the human energy setting as a radiator or as a receiver (or as an emitter and receiver at the same time).

Due to the above:

- at different times and

- at different times within the same period

people can interact with different egregors.

The egregors of the human world are energy fields.

Egregors can in turn have both informational and energetic impact on the same person at the same time:

- complementing each other,

- alternating with each other,

- entering into conflicts among themselves for the possession of man.

At the time of death, the human body also radiates an appropriate field (energy and information, endowed with its specific measure).

This field takes the soul away from the body. Such a field of a dead person is probabilistically predetermined to fall into an egregore, which is energetically informational close to the field in which the soul is enclosed.

То есть характеристики души (совокупности колебаний поля) и характеристики эгрегора (совокупности всех его колебаний) сходны и вступают в резонанс. И в соответствии с общеприродными законами сохранения и преобразования энергии (материи) и информации душа может продолжать существовать в каком-то эгрегоре. Причём существовать так долго, как долго будет существовать эгрегор. То есть душа «пересела» с одного материального носителя (тела человека) на другой материальный носитель — эгрегор. Такое понимание позволяет объяснить бессмертие души и поставить вопрос о смысле жизни. Ведь накопленный жизненный опыт человека продолжает существовать в эгрегоре, что позволяет передавать этот опыт другим людям.

Правда, остаётся вопрос: соответствует ли полностью (в полном объёме) душа живого человека той душе, которая покидает умершего человека (труп)? Или душа умершего в чём-то отличается от души живого? Пока ответить однозначно на этот вопрос невозможно.

Время жизни эгрегоров.

Эгрегоры проходят в своём развитии все стадии - зарождение, развитие, зрелость, старость.

Молодые эгрегоры обычно за счёт явления синергизма дают больше энергии, чем требуют. Такие эгрегоры - очень хорошее транспортное средство. Сейчас редко можно найти человека, не связанного ни с одним эгрегором, но не менее трудно мага, который продолжает участвовать в эгрегорах, по крайней мере, без особой на то необходимости. По причине того, что задача в любой момент времени сохранять свободу и независимость становится важней задачи добраться куда-либо или задачи иметь чуть больше энергии чем есть в действительности.

Старые, заброшенные эгрегоры в основном берут энергию, почти ничего недавая взамен . Кроме разве что самого факта принадлежности. Чаще всего это происходит потому что эгрегоры, как и любые сущности, обрастают паразитами, которые и съедают большую часть энергии. Но многие даже за факт принадлежности отдаются с потрохами - лишь бы принадлежать хоть чему-то, лишь бы кусочек счастья, сопричастности...

Эгрегоры – это пример сущности, явно существующей, но нереальной. У эгрегора нет своей энергии, он не может существовать если у него не будет реальных участников. Но при определённых условиях нереальный эгрегор может породить миф – реальную сущность.

Человеческие эгрегоры порождают люди. Люди рождаются и умирают. Поэтому количество людей, входящих в каждый эгрегор, непостоянно как по численности, так и по персональному составу. Отсюда следует, что время жизни эгрегора может быть весьма продолжительным исторически и охватывать многие поколения. Но при одном условии. Необходимо, чтобы при обновлении поколений живущих людей какая-то часть людей непрерывно поддерживала эгрегор энергетически и информационно.

Эгрегор — надличностный фактор управления.

The egregor coordinates the actions of all the people who are included in this egregor. Moreover, the actions of people are coordinated by the egregore so that these actions complement the efforts of all in accordance with the capabilities of each person. In this case, it is not a meaningless mechanical addition of each effort, but the egregore achieves a certain goal, for the sake of which this egregore exists. In the most general form for all egregors such a goal can be formulated as follows: to sustainably support the holistic process, for the sake of which this egregore exists.

This process is maintained through long-range energy-information exchange channels of a bi-field nature. At the same time, even the fact that people do not know anything about each other takes place, but the egregore "knows" about each of them.

Каждый эгрегор — это надличностный фактор, то есть более высокий уровень иерархии, чем уровень, которому соответствует один человек, входящий в этот эгрегор. Поэтому эгрегор способен к разностороннему (разнородному) управлению людьми. И не только способен, но он реально управляет людьми. Правда, управляет не как куклами на ниточках, а управляет людьми в большей или меньшей степени, воздействуя не только на них самих, но и на развитие обстоятельств вокруг них.

Возможности эгрегора энергетические и информационные.

Если параметры настройки энергетики какого-либо человека соответствуют параметрам эгрегора (состав полей, входящих в биополе, частоты полей, поляризация и т. п.), то в этом случае эгрегор может энергетически:

— Пережечь человека (в этом случае, например, говорят «сгорел» на работе от переживаний, от горя и т. п.)

— Смять человека (об этом например, говорят «раскис», «стал как размазня» и т. п.)

— Подхватить и унести человека (об этом говорят «крыша поехала», «сбрендил», «зациклился на чём-то» и т. п.).

Всё это возможно, если в своём соответствующем настрое энергетики человек сам обращается в своём внутреннем мире к информации, которая свойственна соответствующему эгрегору.

Если между человеком и эгрегором будет установлен устойчивый энергетический контакт и хотя бы минимальная информационная общность, то после этого и вся остальная информация «на заданную эгрегором тему» (которой человек обладал, но держал её как ненужную «на задворках», либо как очень важную, храня её в «глубине души»), такая информация может быть активизирована эгрегором в поведении человека. То есть, как в пословице: «Коготок увяз — птичке пропасть!»

Эгрегор может также временно блокировать память, интеллект, уровни и системы организации психики.

Об этих случаях говорят: «оцепенел», «не могу никак сообразить», «никак не вспомню», «вылетело из головы» и т. п.

Такая блокировка временная, а её эффективность различна («забыл» надолго или сразу вспомнил, «забыл» всё напрочь или забыл какую-то отдельную «деталь», эпизод и т. п.)

Управляющее воздействие взаимно-антагонистических эгрегоров.

Если психика какого-то человека находится под воздействием взаимно-антагонистических эгрегоров, то такие люди сами про себя говорят: «Душа рвётся на куски». При наблюдении за поведением такого человека на протяжении достаточно длительного времени станет очевидным, что его поведение крайне непоследовательно. Оно внутренне-конфликтно и взаимоисключающе. Причём видимых причин вы не обнаружите. Кроме этого, человек может внезапно, без видимых и непонятных ему самому причин испытывать слабость и подавленность психики.

Причина появления слабости и подавленности психики в этом случае кроется в том, что антагонистические эгрегоры используют такого человека в качестве «энергетической дойной коровы».

Такой же «беспричинной» и бессмысленной может быть внезапно наступающая у такого человека эмоциональная возбужденность, похожая на опьянение.

Как управляют колдуны, экстрасенсы, попы, шаманы и прочие маги .

Для любого практикующего мага (колдуна, экстрасенса, церковного иерарха, шамана и т. п.) каждый доступный им эгрегор (включая и нелюдские, а например эгрегоры животных) является для них средством управления жизненными обстоятельствами людей, входящих в подконтрольный магу эгрегор.

The egregors of the human world are energy fields.

Эффект воздействия зависит от «мощности» мага, его способности создавать впечатляющие мыслеобразы, а также от создания соответствующей обстановки процесса «сопровождения внедрения мыслеобраза» (ритуалы и им подобные действия в зрительном и звуковом диапазоне). Примерами создания такой обстановки могут служить камлания шамана, церковная служба, завершающаяся проповедью священнослужителя, собрания масонов с ритуалами посвящений и т.д.

Так маги через эгрегор управляют возникающими ситуациями в жизни людей. Но ведь именно из ситуаций складываются отношения между конкретными людьми.

Если же помнить о торжествующей сейчас в нашем обществе безнравственности, то тогда окажется, что для многих магов эгрегор может стать и становится средством анонимного использования в «личных целях» возможностей людей, входящих в подконтрольный магу эгрегор.

Однако следует учитывать, что это возможно при условии, что такие подконтрольные люди неспособны, во-первых выявить целенаправленное возбуждение их психики со стороны эгрегора. Во-вторых, даже если они и выявили такое воздействие со стороны эгрегора, то надо ещё уметь уйти из под его влияния. А лучше всего, и это в-третьих, быть способными оградить свой внутренний мир от вторжения в него любого эгрегора.

The “magicians” themselves need to know that the “magician” himself, who controls his egregor, can be controlled from the outside as a biorobot by means that go beyond his understanding. After all, the sensitivity of the magician is not infinite, and the psyche of many people is organized hierarchically. As a result, not all “magicians” can “view” the “higher” and inaccessible for them levels of the “subtle world” hierarchy (ie, the hierarchies of the egregors).

The egregors of the human world are energy fields.

Therefore, they sincerely may not even suspect that they are controlled by the egregor with a higher level of understanding and appreciation of everything that happens in the life of human society, especially when it comes to global politics. A vivid example of this is the whole church hierarchy.

A magician may not be just a blind performer, an egregore's biorobot, but a magician may become a slave, a prisoner of an egregore. The cause of such slavery is the biofield energy dependence of the magician on the egregore.

Biofield invasion of egregors.

Biofield invasion of the human psyche by any egregore is possible only under the condition of energy-informational community:

- the psyche of a person as a whole (or at least some fragments of his psyche) of the egregore.

An example of a biofield invasion. If the egregore keeps in itself the souls of the dead, then some part of these souls can act in the bodies of living people as “addicts”.

Similar happens in the case if demons enter the egregor.

In both cases, such “addicts” become direct possessors in relation to the souls of people, whose psyche depends on the impact of the egregore (including in relation to the effects of all kinds of magicians and sorcerers).

It follows that one of the means of protection (and, perhaps, the most important and effective)

- it is energoinformational alienity:

- mental state of the person egregora (i.e., his characteristics).

This implies that a person should be able to manage his emotions and sense (the content side of thinking). This is possible if a person lives a moral life, according to his conscience, continuously increasing his measure of understanding. It is very difficult to “tighten” such a person into a bad egregor.

The man himself, being an energy entity, using free will, freedom of choice, enters into various relationships with these energies, attracting some, pushing others away, using the energy of third, or dissolving the fourth in himself. But, often, acting unconsciously, without having sufficient knowledge, a person, instead of speeding up development, slows his development, inhibits the evolutionary process. The ideal case is when the inner positive core, the pole of energy, begins to absorb, absorb the outer negative and, eventually, becomes more holistic energy with the whole complex of virtues.

In your movement, you need to consider the following: when getting into a certain egregor, a person uses his energy as an intermediate point along the path to God, and you need to know that you need to go further, higher. Above the religious egregors are the egregors of supra-religious doctrines, which do not bind a person to a certain of the nine major religions or to smaller creeds, whose egregors are located below and above the main religions, depending on the vibrations of these egregors.

So many fall from the sphere of influence of one egregor into the sphere of influence of another, until they gain complete freedom from any ties with egregors and come out on an open, direct road to God.

Where does the energy go?

Your energy is a little stream. Brooks merge into mighty rivers and create reality. Choose carefully what to pour into your energy. If you give it to the river, which is lost in the sands, without reaching the sea, without affecting anything - you live in vain. You simply lose the quality of existence, along with what you have given your strength.

The degree of realization of your energy, your efficiency - this is your own dignity.

Energy is always just potential. If you have energy - in any of its forms, this is just an opportunity to do something, to cast it into some form. Planting a tree, building a house, raising a son is a simplified rule, but it is effective.

The first task of a person is to create real things independently of him or to participate in the creation of such things.


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