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The archetype of any nation


The archetype of any nation is most clearly manifested in its nationalism. (I will state at once that the term nationalism arose relatively recently, previously this phenomenon could have been designated by the name of the cult god responsible for the unity and purity of the race). For nationalism in its fundamental principle is a deeply slumbering subconscious instinct, caused not only by preserving the purity of its own kind, but also by a certain refined feeling coming from the depths of the human soul - an almost mystical voice of blood, which we know more from Jewish and German epos and religious literature monuments . All the features of a particular race, nationality, are based on this ancient feeling - nationalism.
Therefore, those who are trying to fight against nationalism, first of all, are fighting with nature and human culture. But with nature and culture, no matter how you like it, you must not fight, you must understand it. But instead, “civilization” prefers to engage in forgery, pulling out the nature and time given by the blood, slipping insolvent counterfeits in the form of a universal “pop culture”. Hoping that love can be replaced by sex, religion by politics, and nationalism by internationalism. To create their compensatory shadow is impossible! Any substitute for the repressed is necessarily returned, but in a distorted, unrecognizable form. And instead of welfare, we get terrorism, war, and social upheaval.
In the understanding of experimenters - “nature is not a temple, but a workshop”. Social and genetic engineering finally muddied their minds, and they are ready to shout: “God is dead!”, But not in the Nietzschean understanding of these words, but in a manic passion to subordinate human nature, as if already understood by them. They are trying to do with a finger what is done by a completely different body. And mankind disfigured by experiments is doomed crawling to its abyss. The socially adapted sudra, by virtue of the principle of purposeful negative selection for its internal destruction of states and nations, has long been pulled out ahead and headed the process of the destruction of traditional civilizations. Specialists in the destruction of the family, societies, nations and empires have been using this method equally effectively for thousands of years.
Is truth equally unacceptable for communists and democrats? There is. This is a genetic determinism (conditionality) of a person’s world outlook and ethnopsychology. No matter how ash, communist or democratic, the volcano would not be sprinkled with the “natural man”, it will still throw away the lava of the millennia - the lava of the acquired instincts.
This is the whole tragedy of humanity, fleeing from itself into the world of illusions. The conflict of the conscious and unconscious splits the human soul, gives rise to mental epidemics. And each new generation through wars and revolutions again tries to find the golden mean of harmony. But in no case does he want to confess to the great lie of the violence being committed. Someone necessarily sets the direction and claims that this is “moving forward”. On the way forward, a person drops out of a far-fetched social scheme and crawls to the next impasse in the form of an average member of society with an obligatory tag on his neck (“democrat”, “communist”, “liberal”), depending on the imagination of the experimenters.
created: 2015-12-24
updated: 2021-01-10

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Terms: Ethnopsychology