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Technical and economic characteristics of the product


A comprehensive assessment of the quality of the product design is carried out using complex quality indicators by groups of indicators (purpose, reliability, safety and ergonomics, aesthetics, manufacturability and unification, and patent and moral).

The level can be defined as the relationship of the complex indicators of the designed RES and the reference (base) design:

in the formula - the complex indicators of the quality of the designed and, accordingly, reference RES.

The basis for a comprehensive quality assessment are two documents: technical and economic characteristics and a map of the technical level and product quality.

The technical and economic characteristics (TEC) of the product represents a system of basic technical and economic indicators and allows for operational planning, obtaining the necessary data for analyzing the quality of products, forecasting the development of technology, improving the planning system, etc. prototype with subsequent refinement in serial or mass production.

The technical and operational indicators indicate (for example, computers, communications equipment, etc.) the purpose of technology, the purpose of the product, the main technical parameters.

The requirements for operation contain special instructions for the use of the product, or a group of climatic and mechanical influences is put down here, as well as requirements ensuring safety during operation. The section of structural and technological indicators includes indicators that determine the efficiency of production, the composition of the product and a brief description of its design, signs, defining features and the complexity of the manufacture of the product.

The section of production indicators includes indicators characterizing the features of the organization of the process of manufacturing a product, the volume of product release, the complexity of manufacturing, etc.

The section of economic indicators consists of information characterizing the costs of developing, manufacturing and operating a product.

Technical and economic characteristics are made in accordance with GOST2.10468 and GOST 2.105-68.

A complex quality indicator is a sum of normalized private indicators with their own weighting factors, for example

Technical and economic characteristics of the product

where mo, Vo, lo, Po, Co and To are the normalized values ​​of the parameters, respectively, of mass, volume, failure rate, power consumption ***, cost, development time according to the technical specification or in relation to the base sample, or for various options being developed ; jм, jv, jp, jl, jc, jт - coefficients of significance of particular parameters determined by the method of expert assessments. Usually their values ​​are chosen in the range from 0 to 1.

Comprehensive indicator of technological design:

Technical and economic characteristics of the product ;

where Ki is a private indicator of manufacturability ( Technical and economic characteristics of the product ), ji - weighting factor of the indicator - is determined according to the table for the corresponding type of blocks (radio engineering, electronic, switching, electrical).

Example: It is required to choose the best version of the unit design for the missile RES from two design methods: on the PP with encased ICs of wide application or on metal frames with unpackaged SMEs.

We take the following values ​​of the coefficients of significance for missile RES: jм = 1, jv = jl = 0.8, jp = 0.4, jc = jт = 0.5.

Since the consumed power of a RES does not change during the transition from a packaged IC to its coreless version, this component can be eliminated. To simplify the calculations we will not take into account the development period.

It is known that when choosing the second option, m decreases 3 times, V - 5 times, l - 2 times, and C increases 3 times. Then in the 1st variant the values ​​of all normalized indicators (themselves relative to themselves) will be equal to 1, and in the second they will be respectively mo = 0.33, Vo = 0.2, lo = 0.5 and Co = 3. Then K1 = 1 * 1 + 0.8 * 1 + 0.8 * 1 + 0.5 * 1 = 3.1; K2 = 1 * 0.33 + 0.8 * 0.2 + 0.8 * 0.5 + 0.5 * 3 = 2.39. Thus, the best option is the second.


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Design and engineering of electronic equipment

Terms: Design and engineering of electronic equipment