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7.10. Stages of solving problems using a computer


Solving problems using a computer should consist of the following main stages, some of which are performed without the participation of a computer.

1. Statement of the problem:

collecting information about the task;

expression of the condition of the problem;

identification of the ultimate goals of solving the problem;

establishing the form of the results;

• a description of the data (their types, ranges of values, structure, etc.).

2. Analysis and study of the problem, task models:

research of existing analogues;

study of hardware and software;

development of a mathematical model:

development of data structures.

3. Algorithm definition:

establishing the algorithm design method;

identification of the form of the recording algorithm (flowcharts, pseudocode, etc.);

definition of tests and test method;

algorithm development.

4. Programming phase:

definition of a programming language;

choice of ways to organize data;

registration of the algorithm in the selected programming language.

5. Testing and debugging phase:

syntax debugging;

debugging semantics and logical structure;

test calculations and analysis of test results;

improvement of the received program.

6. Consideration of the results of solving the problem and refinement, if necessary, of a mathematical model with repeated execution of steps 2–5.

7. Maintenance of the program:

completion of the program to solve specific problems;

preparation of documentation for the solved problem, mathematical model, algorithm, program, test suite, use.

However, not all tasks require a clear sequence of the listed steps. Sometimes their number can vary.


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