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5.2.5. Signed rows. Sign of Leibniz


View range   5.2.5.  Signed rows.  Sign of Leibniz where u n > 0 is called alternating. If a series converges   5.2.5.  Signed rows.  Sign of Leibniz it is said that the alternating series converges absolutely.

If the alternating row   5.2.5.  Signed rows.  Sign of Leibniz does not absolutely converge, the Leibnitz sign solves the question of its convergence: if   5.2.5.  Signed rows.  Sign of Leibniz then the alternating series converges, with the sum S of the series being positive and less than u 1 , i.e. 0 < s < u 1 .

If the alternating row   5.2.5.  Signed rows.  Sign of Leibniz converges, but does not converge absolutely, then they say that the series converges conditionally.


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