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Questions and literature


Questions for self-control on the course:
1. Why is creativity considered a phenomenon of human activity?
2. What idea does A. Bergson express the concept of “life force”?
3. Can nature do?
4. What does it mean - “creativity is an anthropological phenomenon”?
5. Can there be a culture without a person?
6. Why is creativity inseparable from freedom?
7. What do the theories of “aesthetic hedonism” express?
8. Why did Schlegel call poetry “the initial chaos of human nature”?
9. Are the ideals of beauty the same?
10. Why did Nietzsche need Apollo and Dionysus?
11. What brings art and game together?
12. Why did Schiller think that there is a deep meaning in the child’s play?
13. What is the "dehumanization of art"?
14. How can one define an irrational human experience?
15. What role does catharsis play in the psychology of creativity?
16. How is catharsis different from sublimation?
17. Who are the formalists?
18. Can knowledge be considered a creative process?
19. Is it possible to make a discovery intuitively?
20. Why is creativity a deeply individual act?
21. What is a “picture of the world”?
22. Is creativity addressed to the “collective unconscious”?
23. What is the contribution of Freud to the psychology of the unconscious?
24. What did KG Jung discover in the psychology of creativity?
25. What is an archetype?
26. Are genius and villainy compatible?
27. Why did Plato consider genius mad?
28. What is an aesthetic experience?
29. How is catharsis different from sublimation?
30. Is it always a tragic experience of the meaninglessness of being?
31. Who wrote the poem "Poetic art" (Boileau)?
32. How is classicism different from romanticism?
33. What is postmodern?
34. What are the main signs of postmodern?
35. Who called the modern world a “global village”?
36. Who introduced the concept of "deconstruction"?
37. Is creativity different from activity?
38. What is creativity?
39. What is imagination?
40. What is special about creativity?


1. Bakhtin M.M. Aesthetics of verbal creativity. M., 1979.
2. Bergson Henri. Collected Works. V. 1, M., 1992.
3. Berdyaev N.A. Philosophy of creativity, culture and art. M., 1994.
4. Boroday Yu.M. Psychoanalysis and "mass art". // “Mass Culture”: Illusions and Reality, M., 1975.
5. Boroday Yu.M. Erotica, Death, Taboo. M., 1996.
6. Vetrova N.V. Myth and artistic creativity. PhD dissertation in philosophy. M., 1884.
7. Voloshin M. Faces of creativity. L., 1988.
8. Voloshin M. The magic of creativity. On the realism of Russian literature // Libra, 1904, No. 11, p. 1-5.
9. Vygotsky L.S. Psychology of art. M., 1965.
10. Gurevich P.S. Philosophy of culture. M., 2001.
11. Gurevich P.S., Stepin V.S. Philosophical anthropology. Course program. M., 1994 (Russian Open University).
12. Cassirer E. Favorites. Experience about man. M., 1998.
13. Kuhn T. Structure of scientific revolutions. M, 1975.
14. Langer Susan. Philosophy in a new way. M., 2000.
15. Lombroso, C. Genius and insanity. Reprint reproduction of the edition by F. Pavlenkov, St. Petersburg, 1892. M., 1990.
16. Malakhov V.S. Postmodernism. // Modern Western Philosophy. Vocabulary. M., 1991, p. 239.
17. Mankovskaya N.B. The aesthetics of postmodernism. St. Petersburg, 2000.
18. Popular culture: illusions and reality. M., 1975.
19. Polityko S.D. Anthropology of creativity. M., 2003.
20. Postmodernism and culture. Materials of the "round table" \\ Questions of Philosophy. 1993, No. 3, p. four.
21. The Holy Book of Thoth. Great Arcana Tara. M., 1916.
22. Dictionary of Antiquity (translated from German). M., 1989.
23. Spinoza B. Selected Works in 2-1 volumes. M., 1957, v. 2, p. 15.
24. Soloviev V.S. Beauty in nature. // Soloviev V.S. Cit. in two volumes. V. 2, M., 1988.
25. Stolovich L.N. Beauty. Good. True. M., 1994.
26. E. Toffler. The Third Wave. M., 1999.
27. Tan Hippolyte. Philosophy of art. M., 1996.
28. Philosophical Encyclopedia. M., 1970, Vol. 5, p. 600-602.
29. Freud Z. The artist and fantasy. M., 1995.
30. Freud Z. The future of one illusion. // Z. Freud. Psychoanalysis. Religion. Culture M., 1992.
31. Schlegel Friedrich. Aesthetics, philosophy, criticism. M., 1983.
32. Aesthetics of German romantics. M., 1987.
33. Jung K.G. About the attitude of analytical psychology to works of fiction \\ Problems of the soul of our time. M., 1996.
34. Jung K.G. Psychology and poetry \\ Self-consciousness of the European culture of the twentieth century. M., 1991, p. 113.
35. Jung K.G. Collected Works. The phenomenon of spirit in art and science. M., 1992.


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Psychology of creativity and genius

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